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How to Troubleshoot WordPress

How to Troubleshoot WordPress

It may have happened to you that your site is down. This may have happened for many reasons. The first step is to recognize the error, and the second step is to fix the error. We will discuss some of these below.

Common white page error in WordPress

The white page is an error that is very common and may happen to most sites. So that they see only a white page without any errors, you should first activate the WordPress debugger so that the error appears and you can find out exactly which part of the site the error originates from.

How to enable WordPress debugging

To enable WordPress debugging, you must do the following.

1- Log in to your host and go to File Manager.

2- Enter the public_html folder.

3- If WordPress is in the site’s main domain, you should see a file called wp-config.php on this page.

If you are using DirectAdmin, click on Edit, and if you are using Cpanel, right-click on the file and click Edit.

After entering the editing page, look for the following code.

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

and change it as below.

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

Save the file.

By doing this, you have activated the debugger or the WordPress debugger, and most likely, you will see the error by refreshing the home page of your site. Now it’s time to start troubleshooting. Check the observed error carefully. You will most likely find a clue of a plugin or skin in it.

Fix the error in the plugin

If you see the name of a plugin in error, go to the following address through the host.


In this address, all the installed plugins of the site are available; look for the same plugin seen in the error and change its name. For example, add the number 1 to the end of the plugin name.

plugin-name -> plugin-name1

This will disable the plugin. Refresh the home page again.

If the problem is solved, you should report the error to the author of the plugin or delete that plugin from your site.

Fix bug in shell

If you have seen the name of a shell in error, go to the following address through the host.


Find the shell and rename it like the example below

theme-name -> theme-name1

and refresh the page again to disable the shell.

Note: One of the default WordPress themes must be available in the themes folder. If there is no other theme, be sure to upload one of the default WordPress themes in this folder.

If the error is in your skin, after deactivating the skin, you will be able to enter the site management.
Enter the site management and activate one of the default skins.

SourceGuardian loaders error

If you are using Net products, you may encounter the error of SourceGuardian loaders. If you see Error 10 in error, it means that the version of Source Guardian is old and should be updated to the new version.

For this, you can contact your hosting to update the SourceGuardian loaders.

After the problem is solved, return your debugger to false or off.

Hosting problem

In some cases, the problem may be with your hosting.

Hosting companies make backups and apply new changes to their servers every once in a while, which may cause your site to go down.

In the worst case, your server may have been hacked, and your database and WordPress information may have been completely removed from the server.

HTTP 500 error

Error 500 (Internal Server Error) is a server-side error. It returns this error when a web server cannot complete your request.

Among its most common messages in browsers are the following:

500 Internal Server Error
Error 500
HTTP 500
Temporary Error (500)
500. That’s an error (on Google servers)
0x8024401F (on Microsoft update servers with the word WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR)
The website cannot display the page (in the Internet Explorer browser, with the title “500”)

This error mostly occurs due to excessive use of server resources, and the reason for its occurrence may not be predictable and tracked by your means.

Among the reasons that cause error 500 are:

By following the recorded logs, the server technicians can find the main source of the error and fix it.


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