How to transfer files between two Linux virtual servers

The higher the roof, the higher the snow. The headache of someone who has two Linux servers becomes clear when you want to transfer files between these two Linux servers. To transfer the file from one server to another, there are different methods that we want to do here with the help of SCP software.

SCP is one of the tools that help you transfer files between two Linux virtual servers. But note that SCP is not the only tool in this field, but it is one of the best tools.

So, join us to see how to transfer files between two Linux virtual servers in the easiest possible way.

How to transfer files between two Linux virtual servers

First, enter your Linux virtual server from which you want to transfer a file, and enter the root password.

After that, enter the following code.
scp -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null host_list deepak@


In the code we have given you, you must enter the file address and the name of the file you want to transfer, as well as the IP address of the Linux virtual server to which you want to transfer the file.

Note 1: Instead of @deepak, it can be the destination username.

Note 2: You can enter root instead of /tmp/

In the third step, enter the destination Linux virtual server password and enter the server.

In the fourth step, you can use cd to enter the desired path and view the transferred file. As you can see in the picture, the transferred file is test.txt.


In this article, we have taught you step-by-step how to transfer files between two Linux virtual servers. Note that this method that we mentioned here is only one of several file transfer methods. If you know another method that helps in transferring files between two virtual servers, share it in the comments section. If you need a high-speed virtual server with 24-hour support and a cheaper price, you can visit our Linux virtual server purchase page and view our plans.

If you have any questions in this regard, ask us to answer as soon as possible.

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