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How to Install Kali Linux alongside Windows 10?

Linux is one of the popular operating systems that has opened its place in the hearts of many users of other operating systems due to its free and open source. Many Windows users want access to the Linux operating system in addition to Windows. It is a happy place for Windows and Linux users that such a possibility has been provided for them; Kali Linux is one of the most popular versions of Linux, and many enthusiasts like to experience working with this operating system alongside Windows.

Maybe you have a question, what is Kali Linux, and why is it used in penetration testing and hacking? Due to its open-source nature, Linux has many extensions and versions, each designed and developed for a specific purpose. One of these versions, which has a special ability and application in hacking and security and is considered a powerful operating system in this field, is the Kali Linux operating system. In this article, the method of installing the version of Kali Linux alongside Windows is taught. In addition, you will also learn about installing VM Ware and VirtualBox virtualizers.

What is Linux?

Linux was originally a kernel for code sharing between programmers, not an operating system. In 1993, the first version of the Linux operating system was released on the market. It can be said that one of the main reasons for the popularity of the Linux operating system is that it is free. In the sense that everyone has access to its core and can develop it. On the other hand, since Linux is a free operating system, it has a special advantage compared to Macintosh and Windows, which must be paid for.

What is Kali Linux, and why is it popular?

So far, hundreds of different distributions for Linux have been provided by different companies and individuals, each of which has its characteristics. Kali Linux is a distribution of Linux based on Debian, designed and developed to perform penetration testing and identify the vulnerable points of various computer systems. This powerful operating system has a very high penetrating ability, and all those who are active in the field of security and hacking should be fully familiar with this operating system and its installation methods.

Installing Kali Linux on VMWare virtual machine

If you decide to have Kali Linux alongside your Windows, you need to take steps. The first step in installing Kali Linux is downloading and installing VM Ware software. After the installation is done, run the program. Then follow the steps below.

What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is open-source software that performs virtualization on computers with X86 architecture. With the help of this software, you can have several operating systems together in one computer. When configuring the virtual machine, you can determine the number of resources you give to the virtual machine. These resources can include the amount of RAM, hard drive space, and the number of processor cores.

How to install VirtualBox on Windows?

To install VirtualBox on the Windows operating system, you must first download and install this software from the VirtualBox website. After completing the software download, click on the installation file and select the next option. In this step, do not change the active option by default and select the next option. Now VirtualBox is ready to install. Click on the Install option. The installation process takes at least a few minutes. After this time, click Finish and enter the virtualization environment.

How to create a virtual machine for Kali Linux?

After downloading the ISO file, you need to add Kali Linux as an operating system in the VirtualBox software. Run the VirtualBox software and then click on the new icon.


To have the Linux operating system next to Windows and to use the capabilities of these two operating systems, you must provide some prerequisites. This is where installing virtual machines becomes important. If you learn how to install virtual machines well, one of your biggest concerns to provide a peaceful coexistence between Windows and Linux will be solved!

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