How to connect email host account to Gmail

When you buy a domain, you can also get an e-mail address from the website services. However, these e-mails are usually not organized, and it is difficult to manage them. Thus, you will not be able to easily receive and manage the requests and e-mails of your site users. Therefore, most experts recommend connecting your e-mail host to your Gmail.

You can connect e-mail hosts to your Gmail via DirectAdmin and cPanel.

How to connect e-mail host account to Gmail in DirectAdmin

Section by entering your hosting service: First, we need to enter the DirectAdmin and click on the “E-mail Accounts” option in the E-mail Manager section.

In this section, you should find the e-mail host you want to connect to Gmail. But if you don’t have an e-mail host, select the “CREATE ACCOUNT” option first.


In this section, enter the e-mail address and password you want to create and select the “CREATE ACCOUNT” option.


If your e-mail address is created correctly, you will receive a confirmation message as shown below.



Now that your e-mail host has been created, select the (+) sign next to it and click the “Download Outlook Configuration” option.



This downloaded file contains the information needed to connect your e-mail host account to your Gmail.

Now, enter your Gmail, select the setting icon, and click on the “see all settings” option in the opened submenu.

On the opened page, access the “accounts and import” section through the menu at the top.

On this page, click on the “add a mail account” option in front of the check mail from other accounts section.

Another page will open. On this page, enter your e-mail address and click the Next button.

In this step, the “import e-mails from my other account pop3” option is automatically selected, so click the next button to go to the next step.

On this new page, you will be asked important questions, which you should answer carefully and according to the file you downloaded earlier.

These parts include the following concepts:

Username: Paste it into this section inside the file and before the username section, like the desired e-mail address. Copy the phrase that is

Password: In this section, you must enter the password of your e-mail host.

Pop server: Copy this value completely and paste it inside the incoming server section, in the file, and in front of it.

Port: Find this value inside the file. From the incoming server section in front of the pop3 port section, select the desired port number in the drop-down menu.

Leave a copy of the retrieved message on the server: Your choice in this section varies according to your preferences. In fact, by choosing this option, a copy of the sent and received e-mails is always saved on the website host. Otherwise, the e-mails sent and received from this account are only exchanged by Gmail; no copy is stored on the server. The host is not saved.

Always use a secure SSL connection when retrieving mail: This option activates sending and receiving e-mails between Gmail and mail servers in a secure SSL platform.

Label incoming messages: By activating this option, all incoming e-mails except inbox, Spam, or trash will be listed for you in another dedicated section on the left side of the Gmail panel and separated from the incoming e-mails of our main Gmail account.

Archive incoming messages skip the inbox: By activating this option, our e-mail homecoming emails will be saved in the Gmail inbox, in addition to the dedicated folder of the previous section.

To finalize the settings and go to the next step, click the add account button.

At this stage, you must wait for a confirmation message from Gmail to confirm that your e-mail account has succeeded.

How to connect an e-mail host account to Gemailn cPanel

The steps to connect e-mail hosts to Gmail inemailcPl are not very different from those in DirectAdmin. In cPanel, enter the e-mail accounts section using the CONNECT DEVICES option before the desired e-mail host enters the Mail Client page.

In this section, you will see two blue and red boxes that contain important information for filling out the form in your Gmail. So, it is enough to log in to Gmail and apply the abovementioned settings at this stage.

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