Google RankBrain Algorithm

Introducing Google’s Rankbrain algorithm and its effect on site ranking

In late 2015, Google’s RankBrain was introduced as the newest massive algorithm in the field of SEO and site ranking.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Google clearly stated that Rank Brain is the third most important factor in ranking sites on the search results page. (The other two factors include the content itself and its backlinks).

In this article, we take a deep look at Rank Brain SEO to see how Google’s algorithm works. We also have a suggested strategy for you, which you can use to improve your site’s rank significantly.

What is Rank Brain or Rank Brain?

Rank Brain is the name of an algorithm designed by Google and helps Google to sort the sites it shows on the search results page using Machine Learning.

In the past, Google engineers manually optimized search results for different keywords. They did this based on criteria they thought would be useful (criteria such as CTR, dwell time, site loading speed).

For example, for a specific keyword such as “best seo companies,” the Rank Brain algorithm may recognize that, in this case backlinks are not as important as reviews.

How does Rank Brain determine which criteria are relevant to a specific keyword?

The answer to this question is that Google’s Rank Brain does not recognize; Rather, it is learned only through experience. In the same example of the best SEO company, Rank Brain increases and decreases various SEO criteria to finally reach the maximum level of user satisfaction.

According to the tests conducted by Google itself, it was found that in predicting what is the best page to display in the search results, Rank Brain is 10% more successful than Google engineers.

According to Jeff Dean, head of Google’s machine learning system, RankBrain may not affect the ranking of sites for all searches. Still, it definitely affects and optimizes a large percentage of them.

A deeper look at how Google’s Rank Brain algorithm works
Understanding the meaning of keywords
User search location
User satisfaction

Understanding the importance of keywords

As mentioned earlier, Google’s Rank Brain is continuously and continuously organizing the Google search result pages in order to find the most accurate ranking for the search of a particular word. Rank Brain uses semantic analysis to understand what your search is about.
This means that Rank Brain no longer focuses solely on the keywords you search for (and the concentration of keywords); it tries to understand the meaning behind your search.

This is despite the fact that in the past, according to Google, pages that used the keywords “first,” “product” and “Apple” were shown as the closest result to the search term “first product by Apple,” which necessarily The results were not accurate.

In another example, if we search for “who sang the song without feeling,” we will be shown the following page:

Google Rank Brain Algorithm

As you can see, Google now pays more attention to the meaning and background of your search than before and does not limit itself to the words you use for searching. To do this in the best possible way, Rank Brain categorizes different words according to their meaning. Then it looks for web pages that cover these concepts in depth and selects them as search results.

User search location

In addition to these, Google’s Rank Brain algorithm also takes into account other factors, such as the user’s location. For example, if you search the term “2018 World Cup venue” in Google and you are in Russia (which hosted this World Cup), then Google may find the address of stadiums near you where the World Cup will be held. They were held, show on the map.

But if you search for the same phrase from another country:

It may only show you information about the cities that hosted the World Cup in Russia.

User satisfaction (How does Rank Brain measure user satisfaction?)

The ultimate goal of Google is to show the best collection of pages and user satisfaction is the core of Google search. Although Google has not yet officially released the actual criteria by which it measures user satisfaction, we can guess what these criteria include.

Most likely, Google’s Rank Brain algorithm looks at the following to estimate user satisfaction:

Organic CTR rate

• The length of time the user spends on the site (which is also referred to as DWELL TIME)

• User bounce rate from the site

Domain Authority
• Pogo Sticking or Pogo Sticking

It means when you quickly close a page of a site and return to the Google search results page

Based on these SEO criteria, RankBrain continuously sorts different pages to finally reach the best possible satisfaction in terms of finding the most useful pages for a group of keywords. Most of us when searching on Google and when a number of The sites show in the search satisfaction page, we have a behavior similar to the following pattern:

We click on site A

• We ignore sites B and C and do not click on them

• We click on site D and then spend a lot of time on sites A and D.

Rankbrain understands our behavior and analyzes it. As a result, the next time a user searches for the same keywords as you, RankBrain will promote site D in terms of rank on the results page and also push sites B and C down a bit because it appears that Sites cannot attract user opinion for that particular keyword.
Due to the fact that Google processes millions of searches every second, Google’s Rank Brain has a huge amount of data that can be analyzed to determine the best sites for different keyword groups. Simultaneously optimize your results to achieve maximum efficiency.

According to what was said in this section, we conclude that the production of suitable content that satisfies the user and makes him spend a lot of time on our site is one of the most important criteria of the Rank Brain algorithm for ranking sites.

How to choose the right keywords for Rank Brain?

It seems that the time of choosing long-tail keywords is over. In the past, it seemed logical to generate content for keywords that are close to each other; For example, content whose keywords included the following:

• Best credit cards for students

• The best student credit cards

And then optimize each of the meta tags of the page to a specific length for each of the long keywords.

The control panel provided to you and the backup of the site are also very important. The user interface of the site should be simple and understandable for those of you who intend to manage your own hosting. Support should also be done periodically and regularly so that you can easily restore your site in case of any failure.

Other important points that you should pay attention to when buying a host are speed, security and strong hardware, high-tech hard drives (NVME) for your host. These 3 points make your site faster and more secure, and this is one of the most important features of a host.

The best site for buying foreign hosting; Buying hosting from foreign sites

If you have found a way to buy and connect with foreign sites and you intend to buy hosting from foreign hosting companies, you can open a special account with the following companies that we will get to know.

1: Go Daddy

Go Daddy website is one of the most popular and best hosting companies in America and Europe. Outside of Iran, Go Daddy is the leader in hosting. The hosts of this company are on strong servers with modern hardware and have very high quality and speed. The security of these servers is also very high. Among other positive points of GoDaddy company, we can mention the free tutorials of this site for website design or choosing a host for your site on YouTube. This site can easily be considered as the best site for buying foreign hosting.

godaddy external hosting

2: Mocha Host

Another one of the most important American companies in the field of hosting, which has 16 years of experience in this field, is Mocha Host. This company provides hosts with unlimited hosting space and bandwidth to its customers, which can be very suitable for you. This company has Linux and Windows hosts.  company provides the best free external Cpanel hosting to its customers.

Mochahost is the best foreign host
3: Host Gator

Another company with a history in the field of hosting is Host Gator. This company has been providing hosting services to its customers for 16 years, and unlimited space and bandwidth, support for many domains, and ease of working with its panel have made this company one of the best foreign hosting companies.

Hostgator external host

4: Host Papa

Another American hosting company that only provides Linux hosts is Host Papa. This company has different plans for its hosts from which you can buy the plan you want at a reasonable cost. The automatic backup feature of this site is also very important.

hosting company
5: Green Geeks

Green Geeks is another one of the most important and best external hosting where you can buy external hosting. This company has a ten-year experience in providing website hosting to its customers and guarantees up to 99.9% of its hosting that will not be interrupted. The hosting space and unlimited bandwidth and good support of Green Geeks make this company one of your best choices for external hosting.
6: Fat Cow

One of the oldest hosting companies in America, whose main office is in New Mexico, USA, is Fat Cow. This company provides the highest quality and fastest Linux hosts in the whole world, which can provide you with the best hosts and servers.

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