Direct Admin


Direct Admin is one of the most important parts of the host that you can store site resources with. Moreover, the host provides storage space for site designers who can store and maintain all site code and all site content. Linux hosts are a good place to store sites designed in PHP, Perl, CGI, Python. Also, windows hosts are also commonly used for sites designed in ASP.NET.

Control panels for Linux and Windows hosts

When you purchase the host from a reputable hosting provider, you will be provided with space where you can store and manage your site resources. This space is known as the control panel. Windows and Linux hosts use a variety of control panels with different capabilities. Many control panels are used in Linux hosting. The most famous of these are the following:

The most popular and widely used Windows control panels are the following:

Direct Admin

Direct Admin is one of the most widely used control panels for Linux servers. Additionally, this control panel provides you with very unique features, each of which can be useful for your site.

How to enter the Direct Admin control panel

When you receive Direct Admin Control Panel information from your site hosting, you can enter the Control Panel in a few simple ways and launch your site after registering the domain.

Different sections of Direct Admin

After entering the Direct Admin control panel, various sections will be visible. We will introduce each of these sections to you.

Direct Admin dashboard

Section One: Quick Access Control Panel

This section consists of 6 main sections in the Direct Admin control panel.

  1. home: This option gives you the opportunity to quickly return to the main page of the control panel from each page of your panel.
  2. webmail: Webmail allows you to easily access your emails
  3. password: This option allows you to change the direct admin password. For example, when your hosting has chosen a hard password for you to log in to your panel, you can change your password from here.
  4. help: This option is for receiving guidance from the Direct Admin training section.
  5. logout: Used to exit the Direct Admin panel.

Section 2: Your Account section in Direct Admin

In this section, there are very important options, you can use each of these for a specific feature.

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