10 Stupid Video Game Logics That Will Make You Think

From Recognizing Enemies Behind Walls To Characters Who Never Get Tired And Those Who Carry As Much Ammo As An Armory; In This Article, We Have Gone To 10 Stupid Logic Of Video Games That Will Make You Think.

Video games have come a long way since their inception. They have proven that they can be the best representative of the integration of art and technology.

Because video games use different techniques such as motion capture, photogrammetry-based textures, ray-tracing lighting, and more to make the environments as similar as possible to real life.

But for all the advancements made in the graphical rendering of games, they still have a long way to go in mimicking real-world performance. Games sometimes resort to silly and funny logic, and we are trying to review 10 of them together in this article.

Some characters are shot hundreds of times in the gameplay and survive but die with one shot in the cutscene.

10 Stupid Video Game Logics That Will Make You Think - Vijayato

Most action-adventure games have this logic. In video games, there are sometimes stages where you and another character controlled by the game’s AI engage in bloody battles. In the meantime, your companion is constantly bombarded with hundreds of bullets, and the sensitive parts of his body are targeted. Still, he continues to move forward and doesn’t even say ah! But it is enough to go from the gameplay to the game’s cutscene and cinematic scenes to witness the same character’s death with just one shot. It is interesting that developers and creators deliberately decide to make your AI companions immune and invincible to enemy bullets because the programming that guides these bots is not designed to be complex enough so that they can easily make their way through the enemies.

Some giant enemies are easily defeated, while other normal-sized enemies are deadly threats.

This is especially common in RPGs. In these games, regardless of size and appearance, each enemy has a level of power that determines how difficult it will be to fight them. So logic dictates that a gigantic giant should be much harder to defeat than a skeletal foe that can barely even walk (let alone wield a sword). However, this issue is seen a lot in Soulslike games; In this way, many of the prominent enemies of the game can be killed with one hit, but instead, some enemies are tiny, but until you wake up, you will see that they have marked your death. Of course, this issue is not annoying and is sometimes considered funny.

The protagonists never get tired and have almost infinite stamina.

From the Uncharted series to most action-adventure games and platformers that require the player to perform parkour moves, climb rocks and swing through various environments, and cover large distances with one big jump. There are many jokes about how all the heroes and protagonists of action games can overcome such crazy challenges and always survive in the chase sequences.

However, another more difficult issue is how the characters can perform such heavy physical activities and go directly to the next move without even a second of rest or refreshment. Over time, this issue has become more common among platformer works, and now it has spread among triple A (AAA) works.

Degradable objects (in the real world) block your path.

If you are interested in experiencing the story-driven works of the world of video games, you have probably come across this many times. Objects that are easily destroyed in the real world are indestructible in games; they block your way and prevent you from progressing. What is the solution now? You have to go around the path you took, turn and look to find another entrance, and continue your adventures that way. This is while logic dictates that, for example, a wooden box placed on your course will be crushed with a simple kick. However, even the most potent shotguns and swords cannot dent it.

On the other hand, a character who fights all kinds of boss fights and makes the impossible possible, how can he not push such an object? The time has come for the creators to abandon this logic to bring the realism of video game works to a new level.

Carrying hundreds of items in inventory

Video game developers usually provide players with limited space to force them to drop extra items they don’t use during the game and remove them from their inventory. Although games such as Resident Evil 2 have imagined such a problem in the most realistic way possible, other role-playing works allow you to carry as many items as you have in the in-game stores. For example, your character in Skyrim only has a few small bags and a horse to store his things, but you can carry enough food in this game to feed a family for many days. Considering the heavy weapons, armor, and potions, you will realize the deep irony of this system.

Some characters are equipped with a particular type of vision; Because they can scan and detect enemies from behind the wall.

Stealth genre games provide the audience with several options so that by having them in their possession, they can examine the surrounding environment and plan how to take down their intended targets without making noise. Indeed, one of the most common methods is to have a tool that allows you to detect the presence of enemies even from behind walls. The result is that when Batman or Sam Fisher use such equipment in their adventures, it looks pretty logical depending on the advanced tools at their disposal, but when a completely ordinary man like Joel can find the exact location of zombies in the surrounding rooms just by listening. With slow navigation, the gamer comes to his senses and asks how?

The enemies’ lack of attention and recognition towards their lost teammates and comrades, which, ironically, we have not destroyed them.

This is another point that most stealth games struggle to implement. Imagine a scenario where you see a group of guards patrolling an area. When you find an excellent position to hunt one of them, you quickly kill that enemy and hide his body in a suitable place. Meanwhile, none of the guards suspect for a moment that their colleague is missing, and they continue patrolling in complete peace of mind as if nothing had happened. The developer quite consciously adopts this type of attitude in video games to make it somewhat easier to advance the stages and destroy the obstacles ahead secretly, but when you want to increase the level of alertness of these NPCs with the intelligence of a natural guardian. Compared to this issue seems a bit ridiculous.

Double jump, is such a thing even possible?

Many characters in platforming titles can jump quickly and immediately after a jump, which is called a double jump. Some characters, like DOOM Guy, wear special boots to do this, while other video game characters can perform this special move without the help of any special equipment. If we look at this issue from a logical point of view and rely on the laws of physics, we will realize that this is not possible, and the question arises why many developers include such a feature in their big games.

Take shelter behind various objects to recover your health bar.

Since the game “Halo: Combat Evolved” (Halo: Combat Evolved) introduced the ability to recharge the shield (shield), many first and third-person shooter works have repeatedly used this feature, making this element a standard among games. They turned into a shooter. The function of this ability summarizes that whenever you receive a lot of damage, you take shelter behind an object that will keep you hidden from the enemy’s view. Thus the effects of the damage inflicted on you will gradually disappear, and your health bar will be refilled.

This method has become popular in works such as Call of Duty, action, and explosive games. Because it allows the creators to design exciting and rich scenarios, and they can rest easy because the gamer can walk the predetermined path without losing a breath. In other words, this logic is as unrealistic as it is; it brings the steps in video games closer to blockbuster movie titles. However, how the characters recover so quickly without using any particular drugs or treatments is surprising.

Fun Fact: The red streaks around the screen in the action sequences of the Uncharted series of games do not indicate Nathan’s decrease in health (the game’s main character)! They show that Nathan’s chances of getting shot are getting higher and higher, and when it comes to the climax, Nathan is down with just one shot. Meanwhile, if you take cover immediately, these red streaks will gradually fade away, reducing Nathan’s chances of getting hit.

The deepest wounds heal entirely in just a few seconds.

Following on from the previous one, we have games that don’t have an “automatic health bar regeneration” feature but instead have a system that allows you to heal even the most dangerous and deep wounds in seconds. For example, in the Farcra series, the main character wraps a handkerchief around his hand to heal his wound, uses disinfectant, or even uses a knife to remove the bullet from his body.

Although all these animations look very interesting to some extent, they are not even close to how a person would be treated in the real world! Because it is entirely impossible to heal wounds and severe and dangerous injuries in such a short period.

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