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Business Intelligence Expert

Who Is A Business Intelligence Deployment Expert And What Skills Should He Have?

A Business Intelligence Expert, Which Some Sources Also Call A BI Expert, Is Responsible For Analyzing An Organization’s Information To Find Areas That Help A Company Advance Its Business Goals.

Who is a business intelligence deployment expert and what skills should he have?

What is business intelligence?

Business Intelligence is a set of ideas, methods, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into valuable and meaningful information. Business intelligence uses large amounts of information to identify and develop new opportunities. Taking advantage of new opportunities and applying an effective strategy can bring competitive market advantage and long-term sustainability.

The purpose of business intelligence technologies is to enable easy processing and interpretation of big data. Technologies based on business intelligence handle large amounts of structured and unstructured data to help identify, develop or create new strategic business opportunities. Identifying new opportunities and implementing an effective strategy based on solid business insight can provide businesses with a long-term competitive advantage.

Who is a business intelligence deployment expert?

The deployment and support expert is the person who deploys the business intelligence system at the customer’s site based on the customer’s considerations and needs. For this purpose, this person must complete the process of preparing the system deployment plan, adapting the system and implementing it, agreeing with the customer on the indicators that can be provided from the system, creating the hands required by the customer using the management dashboard system, and finally training the customer and presenting the approach to the relevant people.

In this business intelligence deployment expert job, you must implement, install, launch, and operate the product. Support the organization’s internal units in establishing, setting up, and using the product. Test the product. Have a strong relationship with the product management and business intelligence production unit and be ready to carry out special projects and support.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a business intelligence expert?

Mastery of SQL Server database concepts and the ability to write complex queries in this environment, familiarity with Microsoft BI tools such as Power BI, knowledge of Microsoft SSAS, familiarity with management control systems, and the concept of indicators and performance measures and their role in improving organizational performance. The primary duties of a business intelligence expert are business intelligence deployment.

They analyze competitors’ performance, use their business intelligence, and share their findings with senior managers. In addition, a business intelligence expert must demonstrate competence in problem-solving and decision-making, customer orientation, teamwork, and organizational accountability. Other duties of this person include continuous evaluation of corporate resources to ensure the organization’s correct movement of the established policies, constant updating of databases, and business intelligence.

What skills does a business intelligence deployment expert need?

Typically, companies expect a business intelligence deployment expert to graduate from industrial engineering, statistics, business administration, MBA, computer engineering (software, hardware), or information technology. In addition, companies expect these people to have 2-5 years of practical work experience in BI business intelligence.

Among the specialized skills that a business intelligence deployment expert should have are the following:

  • Familiarity with the concepts of information systems management and information technology such as DBMS, MIS, EIS, DSS, BI, and CSM.
  • Mastery of database management software such as SQL.
  • Familiarity with programming concepts and mastery of a programming language (preferably Python).
  • I am getting to know the principles of systems analysis.
  • Familiarity with performance control concepts such as BSC, EFQM
  • Familiarity with the concepts of accounting, financial management, and warehouse management.

In addition, these people must be able to work under challenging conditions and desire to learn the skills required for teamwork.

One of the essential skills that a business intelligence deployment expert and business intelligence expert should have is problem-solving problem-solvents are very skilled in determining the organization’s potential risks and finding possible solutions. Managers expect these people to provide detailed plans to improve processes or reduce risks.

The second most important skill you should pay attention to is programming. To review and value an organization’s information banks and data repositories, a business intelligence expert must be an expert in programming to manage workflows automatically. Therefore, acquiring the skills required in connection with Python or R. Learning SQL is necessary for this field.