What is the initial supply of a steak pool (ISPO)?

If you are interested in the cryptocurrency market, you will probably follow the news and events of this market carefully, and you will encounter the concepts used in this field. In this article, we will explain the concept of the initial supply of steak pool or ISPO and examine the ISPO of the country more carefully.

What is an ISPO?

The initial public offering (ISPO) model, also known as ISO, is to finance a development project by creating a steak pool, setting a very high variable margin, perhaps 100%, through which developers can get all the rewards. Obtain block approval and, in return, transfer project tokens to their representatives. ISPO

Which team introduced the ISPO method?

The Sundae Swap team designed this innovative model in April 2021, and due to the two-time postponement of its steak pool, the operation of this design has lasted until now. The MELD then put the project into operation, and in July of that year, the MELD ISPO financing campaign was launched.

Finally, MinSwap recently introduced an update to this model called the Stick Pool Fair Supply (FISO), which its developers say is an algorithm that distributes tokens fairly among its agents.

ISPO method in Cardano

To better understand the mechanism of the initial supply model of the pool or ISPO, we will first briefly describe the incentive model for block approval in Cardano.

Consensus stock-proof (PoS) algorithms and transactions are validated and included as blocks in the blockchain. Verifiers are blockchain nodes and encrypt transactions through the consensus algorithm. Whenever a node finds a leader slot (or node), it is allowed to collect rewards by creating blocks.

The choice of node (stick pool) by the protocol (in Cardano, this protocol is called Oroborus), along with other variables, is a function of the amount of delegation, which is the most important parameter in improving the chances of slots. Representatives who are not part of the pool operators are generally people who voluntarily intend to participate in the network consensus algorithm with their ADA tokens and strengthen their chosen pool.

This will increase their chances of getting a valid election. The delegates give their power to a pool operator in exchange for a reward.

Now, according to the initial supply model of the Stick Pool, or ISPO, if the variable margin pool operator has set the variable margin at 100%, the Oroborus protocol will be deducted from the operator after deducting a fixed fee, which is now at least the same as for the 340 Australian Australian. This amount can be more depending on the pool operator). It gives all the rewards to people. In such cases, delegates will not receive their rewards in ADA tokens.

If the variable margin is less than 100%, the Oroborus protocol distributes the inventory among the agents after deducting a fixed fee from the pool operator. In this case, the delegates will receive ADA tokens as a reward.

the method with proof of work mechanism

In the Proof of Work (PoW) protocol, computationally capable miners perform block verification. There is no participation through delegation. Therefore it is not possible to finance projects with this model of the initial supply of the steak pool. The ISPO model has no application in the largest Difai market, Atrium; these cryptocurrencies are run on the proof-of-consensus algorithm (migration to the stock-proof algorithm has only recently begun).

Financing method 

To understand the power of financing in the ISPO model, we must first analyze the revenue of stick pool operators per signature per block.

First, consider that these operators want to finance the project with 100% of their accumulated bonuses. The variable margin of 100% plus the fixed cost will usually be ۴ 340 Australian. As we said, delegates do not receive ADA tokens from the project development site in this format. Also, imagine that the steak pool reaches its maximum delegation capacity, which is currently close to 65 million Australian, without saturation.

Here, a quote for the course reward is a real example of one of the steak pools with the maximum possible delegation at the saturation limit.

In this example, the margin of the BNB variable is 6%; But since we assume that the steak pool will be 100% profitable for its ISPO, we will have to add up all the SPO receipts and the delegates’ receipts.

Thus the average total reward per block will be approximately A $ 730 (this figure is obtained by summing the pool and representative rewards and dividing it by the blocks created).

Therefore, we observe that although the number of blocks varies between 60 and 80 blocks per period, we will need at least 60 blocks to perform our analytical calculations accurately.

So we can conclude that a stick pool with a maximum delegation capacity, without being more than 100% saturated, can sign at least 60 blocks per period and collect at least 43,800 Australian rewards.

Concluding remarks

This article describes the initial launch of the National Steak Pool or ISPO, which is one of the most important concepts in the cryptocurrency market. If you are planning to enter the field of digital currencies, we suggest that you take a step in this direction with sufficient knowledge and study and do not miss any opportunity to evaluate this environment and its risks and benefits accurately.

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