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What is Ping? Top 8 Ways to Reduce Ping for online Games

How to reduce ping in online games? This is one of the most common questions that comes to mind when playing online. But do not worry at all! Today’s article gives you all the possible ways to reduce ping and technical details.

So let’s get to the point without any introduction!

Reduce ping for online games

If you want to have a strong and prominent place in the exciting world of online games, you should be familiar with how ping works. For a gamer, stealing the ball is the key to success and professionalism. Although many gamers do a lot to deal with the inconvenience caused by the slowness of the Internet and other factors that ruin their game, they may still be killed due to a few seconds delay in the game, and this is nerve-wracking!

We have all experienced such situations. To prevent such cases, we have resorted to the latest technologies such as laptops, gaming equipment, software, and various hardware to increase our speed and prevent delays and slowness. Take the speed.

Although even a fraction of a second is important in online games, gamers forget the main reason for their slow pace, which is ping. If you’ve never heard of ping, you’ve come to the right place! Our goal is to explain ping and how it works in online games.

Although you can not eliminate ping when playing online, there are ways to experience a better, faster,, and more efficient game. With these methods,, you no longer have to waste your money on the latest hardware to accelerate, and ultimately do not get a good answer from them and fail.

A high ping indicates a poor connection to the server. It does not matter what you do or what you play online; In any case, if you have a high ping, your internet speed will slow down. Butt, do not worry! You can easily solve this problem by making a series of settings and optimizing your internet plan to improve the network and increase the speed of receiving and sending messages, making you play better and putting your position at the top of the game leaders’ table. Keep it.

As we said in this article, a ewe will give you the best ways to reduce ping. But before that, let’s see what ping is.

What is ping?

The words ping and lag are often used interchangeably, but the two words have different meanings in the game world. Ping is a measure of the speed at which a signal is sent to the server and returned to your game console, but lag means the same delay.

There is software that allows you to measure the connection time between the server and the console; For example, if you are playing a combat game, every move you make is a message sent to the server to warn you if your move is lost or executed in time.

It may seem simple, but if the ping is high, the message will be delayed, causing you to waste time and even fall victim to your opponent’s move and eventually lose the game.

How To Reduce Ping

Ping is used to ensuring that the time interval between receiving and sending the message is milliseconds between the game console and the game server. But since your game console or the platform you play does not send radio signals and must pass through a separate server, it is called ping.
What is high ping?

This is where latency comes into play. When the time it takes to receive and retransmit a signal, commonly called an echo, is long, a delay or slowness of speed occurs. So if someone asks you what your latency is, it refers to your ping rate and the speed and efficiency of the game in your unit.

What is Latency?

Now that we know what ping is, we can define latency as the period between sending and receiving a message. There is no definite for all of you to reduce ping or delays, but it depends on the factor that increased the ping or delay. To reduce ping, you have to try different methods to find a generally more suitable solution for you and speed up your game. The higher the ping, the harder it will be to play. The amount of ping and latency has a big impact on the better or worse of your online game.

What factors increase ping?

If your ping is too high, the reason could be one of the following. Of course, keep in mind that ping is a complex issue, and it is usually just as difficult to identify the exact cause or provide a solution to reduce it.

Your ping can affect everything from network setup settings to service providers and even where you live. Here are just 4 main reasons for the increase in ping.

1- Game server

Sometimes the game server is the reason for the high ping. Although we have a wide range of game servers,s thanks to the available technology, it is very important to choose the right server for the game. If you know the server’s IP address, you can connect to it before the game and test its speed.

In addition, the closer the server is to your location or game console, the less ping and faster gameplay you will experience. If your server was fast enough and did not cause a problem, look at factor two.

2- Distance from the server

This is quite clear. The closer the console is to the server, the faster the internet connection, the less pin,g, and the smoother the game on your system. So if your location is too far from the main server, you should expect a ping speed of 20 milliseconds per 100 milliseconds due to the distance.

3- Network or bandwidth alignment

When we talk about bandwidth, we have to consider the issue of packet loss. The greater the waste, the longer your ping time.

This problem can occur because many users connect to a specific server or network with a long line of things to process. This causes network instability during peak hours and decreases when a load is reduced.

Of course, gamers are well aware that they need a lot of bandwidth to download very large files and high graphics to play a game outside the clouds. To prevent ping, reduce the quality of the graphics to see a significant change in ping duration.

Another way to solve this problem is to monitor the network and detect network congestion hours so that no downloads are made during these hours, or you can use the other methods described in this article to reduce ping time.

4- Line quality

This is directly related to the data transfer process. The number of pings depends on how fast a message is sent and received along a given path. When the track is more secluded and open, your ping time decreases s and the speed of the game increases, and vice versa.

Another factor that affects ping speed is the type of system you use. If the configuration of your computer or device is not suitable for a particular game, you will encounter a lot of ping during the game.

Of course, you can make system settings as “quick settings” and have a good configuration to play. Remember that this alone does not solve your ping problem because a good gaming system is always the best option for running powerful games, and high-graphics games always have a lot of pings.

How to test internet speed and ping time? Many online applications for testing ping time, internet speed, or both. Speedtest is a popular and user-friendly example of this software that has passed its test well.

In addition to reassuring you that you will be working with Speedtest, this software regularly provides you with accurate statistics of your system’s ping speed and internet.

In addition to these features, Speedtest software allows you to compare the ping speeds of different servers with each other and choose the best possible option that suits your needs or stronger signals.

The server closest to you has the shortest ping time, but keep in mind that the more people who use the nearest server, the more pings your system will have.

Other useful platforms that allow you to test the ping and speed of the Internet are the web software—me and, which can access the ping speed of servers near and far around the world. Before performing Internet and ping speed tests, it is important to restart all relevant hardware and use the Internet cable (network cable) to communicate. If you do not have a network cable, you will not be able to test your the system’s speed; You should also have the ping time statistics before and after the signal transfer process from the router to your location.

In addition, a ping test will detect areas of the house where your system has less ping time,e and you can enjoy playing more.

For some, the question is, what is the connection between a network cable and a reduction in the number of pings? The answer is very simple; a  Wired connection has less interference and capacity than a wireless connection. In addition, wired connections are more confidential and private than WiFi networks.

What is the best ping rate to run an online game?

The unit of measurement for ping ratings is milliseconds, or ms for short, which is a very short description of a huge change in your playing time. If you are a professional gamer of online games, your system ping rate should be 20 milliseconds or less.

This size allows your game console to transfer data to the server reasonably. Of course, most games run at a ping rate of 50 milliseconds and sometimes less than 100 milliseconds.

Having an a20-milliseconds ping rate is like winning the World Cup, but in many cases where it becomes difficult to achieve this rate, we will provide you with simple solutions to reduce this rate later in this article.

The best ways to reduce online pinge games

In general, reducing the ping rate will make the connection faster and provide better service, and by doing the following methods, you will be well aware of this difference.

1- Using wire connection (network cable)

Since the advent of WiFi technology, communications have become faster, clearer, stronger,r and more accurate than ever before. However, there is a slight difference between a WiFi system and cable-based systems such as Ethernet.

Although the wireless signal is signal-free, turning your system into a professional gaming workstation with features such as no interference, signal integrity, and high speed, the quality of its communication decreases over time.

Therefore, if you are thinking of running the game on a wireless network, before doing anything, replace it with a cable Ethernet network, and it is better to use the shortest possible cable for this purpose. The shorter your cable:

Data transmission becomes more uniform by the signal
Your device is less prone to noise and interference from other electronic devices

Ethernet connection is faster and more integrated than wireless type and has less volatility.

Although gamers who use a strong wireless connection will never understand the difference between the two types of connection, you should keep in mind that if you encounter persistent network delays while playing the game, Ethernet networks are much better at fixing these errors than wireless networks.

After you have wired your system, make sure that there are as many obstacles as possible between your system and the modem’s locationm, such as the wall, ceiling and…, which cause the signal to drop. If possible, reduce your distance from the modem as much as possible.

2- Crowded bandwidth

“Up to two people are good, let the other three be busy”! This simple term is a good example to describe ping speed. If your internet connection is strong but you are having trouble delaying the game, check what other system applications are doing.

If one or more applications are downloading, streaming and streaming large programs online, the ping rate will increase and your game will be disrupted.

Ping speed is directly related to bandwidth and applications whose data consumption is equivalent to running an online game and increases the number of pings.

As a result, to reduce ping time, all running applications, including Skype and Netflix that consume a lot of data, should be closed, as should other games that may be running behind the scenes of your main game. , Do it.

Keep in mind that programs that do not work with the Internet have no effect on your ping, but sites that you do not need while running the game should be stopped or closed.

If your modem is located where other people can access it, you can set a time limit for devices that connect to the server; This reduces the load capacity of the modem, increases line speed and reduces the number of pings. If this is not possible for you, use a private, non-interfering Ethernet line.

3. Try to connect to a local server

Of course, this method is not very applicable for gamers, but it significantly reduces the ping time. Connecting to local servers is very easy due to their short distance from your location. In addition, connecting to a local network enhances system efficiency and speed.

4- Optimization of signal strength

If you do not have access to an Ethernet network and because of your style of play you must use wireless, then it is better to think about amplifying and optimizing the signal strength of your network.

There are many softwares that can help you upgrade faster and better, but in addition you need a good modem to be comfortable with the implementation of the ping reduction process. After preparing a suitable modem, try to choose a place to deploy it that does not have any additional load or interference.

Also, place your WiFi modem at the highest possible point and adjust the antenna angle to 45 degrees for a more stable, low-oscillatio,n and fast connection. Our recommendation is to place the modem as far away from the surface as possible so that the WiFi signal angle is towards the ground, and the higher the modem, the higher the signal strength.

While researching how to reduce ping for online games, we came across a video titled “Eight Safe Ways to Speed ​​Up Home WiFi,” which is not bad to watch.

Finally, it is better to test the speed test at three or four different points in the house so that you can find the best possible situation where the modem signal power is higher and enjoy playing a smooth game.

5- Change your router (modem)

After a while, turn on your router and connect all the cable; itt may take a while to redirect, but now your router works better,r and your ping is less. You can also update the router software, as older software disrupts its performance and increases ping.

If your router is old, itcannoto run high-volume applications, thus increasing the number of pings. Having a strong router effectively manages the workload and significantly reduces ping.

6- Do not use proxies and VPNs

If your proxy and VPN are active while browsing the Internet, be aware that you must turn them off when you play. VPNs redirect your device to a VPN server before communicating with the game server. This means that the farther the VPN server path is, the longer the response and the higher the ping. So before starting any game, turn off your VPN and proxy services on the device you want to play, this will increase system speed and reduce ping.

7. Clean your system using antivirus

Online games can infect your system. Even professional gamers sometimes ignore this issue and turn off their antivirus to play a particular game. You should know that when a virus enters your device, the system starts fighting to destroy it, which causes the system to lag (slow down) and increase ping.

So, when you see that your system is still slow even with a great router, Ethernet network and other things, it may be due to a virus or other malware in the system.

To prevent this problem, install a reliable anti-malware software on your PC or gaming device to regularly scan for malicious viruses and protect your device.

However, since malware also runs on high data, it is best to turn it off when playing to reduce ping.

8. Contact your ISP support

After talking briefly about ping and how to reduce it at the beginning of this article, now is the time to apply what we have learned. If at certain times of the day you notice that you are constantly pinging high, it means that the line traffic is too high, which will reduce the speed and performance of your system. If you are paying for services, it is a good idea to report these errors to your ISP support for a review.

But if you are constantly informed of these defects but no action is taken by them, it is time to change your ISP or choose a reliable service outside your area of ​​residence.
Introducing special products for reducing ping

In addition to the ping reduction strategies mentioned above, there are accessories that can help you reduce ping.

Choosing the right modem for the game – To coordinate the power and energy consumption of a game, you need a high-power modem. Gaming modems increase signal strength and provide dedicated bandwidth for such activities. See the list of these modems and prices here

Ethernet Adapters – Adapters provide a high quality, high-performance line adapter for your gaming device. You should have two adapters, one on the modem and the other close to your game console. This will increase the speed and reduce the ping. Price and purchase

Golden socket USB cables – While some say this does not have much effect, it has been reported that golden socket USBs reduce ping and speed up gaming devices. The most common cable is the Cat 8, which can offer speeds of GBPS 40 and MHS 2000. Price and purchase


Finally, ping is a word that every gamer should know about and how to reduce it should be a priority. Regardless of the modem or system you use, you need to make sure that you minimize ping time. So if your ping is higher than 100 milliseconds, you will definitely be delayed and can no longer play easily.

While the concept of ping is more relevant to games and gamers, it is important to know that they do more harm to your system performance than most people think.

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