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What Is Google Medic?

Google Medic Algorithm is an advanced search algorithm used to evaluate the quality and reliability of web pages. Based on the content evaluation, it checks the validity and expertise of sites and their content.

Medic Algorithm

Google introduced the Medic algorithm to improve the quality of search results in 2018. This algorithm emphasizes the pages related to medical, health and treatment topics and was created to increase the quality of the content of medical and health pages.

In fact, with this algorithm, Google tries to place only pages with quality content and use reliable sources in higher results. Therefore, if a page contains medical and health information, it should be ensured that this page has reliable information from reliable sources.

Also, the Medic algorithm gives particular importance to the content related to the content of the pages, and the pages that are not in sync with the topics related to the content of their page will be placed in lower results.

Of course, medical and health content providers should pay special attention to their content to be ideal in Google search results.

What is the Google Medic Algorithm?

Google Medic Algorithm is one of the critical Google search algorithms introduced in August 2018. This algorithm is created to improve the quality of users’ search results and increase the ranking of reliable and trustworthy sites in search results.

With this algorithm, Google looks at several features that can help improve the quality of web pages. These features include:

  1. Quality and valuable content
  2. Validity and reliability of the site
  3. Better user experience
  4. The improvement according to the type of site

However, Google’s Medic Algorithm does not affect only some web pages and is partially applied to some specific pages. In general, this algorithm aims to provide Google users with more and more quality search results.

Medic algorithm does not affect which web pages?

Google’s medical algorithm refers mainly to web pages related to medicine, health, beauty, health, and dental treatment. However, this algorithm is also used more widely and may affect other web pages in some cases.

Also, the evaluation of pages by the Google Medic algorithm is partial and based on the principles mentioned in the Google Quality Raters Guidelines. For this reason, web pages that do not conform to the regulations are affected and may be replaced by pages that are more consistent with Google’s quality principles.

Google’s Medic algorithm does not accurately determine which web pages are affected or which are not. Instead, it tries to place quality and reliable web pages higher in search results and move pages that do not meet Google’s quality standards to the lowest part of search results.

However, in some cases, Google’s medical algorithm may be more involved with pages that do not meet Google’s quality standards and move them to search results. In contrast, it may be partially or entirely removed in other cases. Ignore these pages and do not give them particular importance.

It doesn’t always work on medical-related web pages

It can be said that sometimes it will not affect the pages related to medicine.
Although Google’s medical algorithm emphasizes more on web pages related to medicine, health, beauty, health, and dental treatment, this issue cannot be fixed. For example, a web page that is not about a specific medical problem, but has good content and conforms to Google’s quality principles, can be successfully searched by Google.

Therefore, in addition to the content of web pages related to the field of medicine, health, beauty, health and dentistry, other factors such as quality content, compliance with SEO principles, having quality external links, and other vital elements in improving the Google position also play an essential role in the success of the pages.

An algorithm similar to the encounter medic algorithm

In Google searches, different algorithms are used to evaluate the quality of web pages. One of these algorithms is the page ranking algorithm (PageRank), initially invented by the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The PageRank algorithm determines the page’s position in search results based on the number and quality of links that refer to a web page.

In addition to the PageRank algorithm, other algorithms are also used to evaluate the quality of web pages. For example, the Content Relevance algorithm determines the position of pages based on the similarity of the content of web pages with searched keywords. The quality assessment algorithm is also used to evaluate the quality of web pages based on hundreds of factors, including Google’s quality principles, page content and SEO criteria, page structure, audio and video content, etc.

Therefore, in general, different algorithms are used to evaluate the quality of web pages in Google searches, and these algorithms rely on a combination of other criteria to assess the quality of web pages.

How does Medic’s algorithm affect the SEO of sites?

As a basic algorithm, Google’s medical algorithm determines the criteria for evaluating the quality of web pages in medicine and health. In other words, this algorithm is used to assess the content of web pages in medicine and health. Considering that most visitors to medical and health sites are looking for accurate and reliable content, this algorithm can significantly impact the SEO of medical and health web pages.

For example, if a page in the field of medicine and health provides incorrect information about a particular disease or mentions things that contradict the medical knowledge and work experience of health professionals, the ranking of this page is likely to decrease significantly in Google. As a result, its traffic decreases. In other words, the effect of this algorithm is due to its direct impact on the quality of the content of web pages in medicine and health.

Ways to improve your website ranking in Google search

To enhance your website’s search ranking according to the Medic algorithm, you should note that this algorithm seeks to provide accurate, verified, and updated content in medicine and health. Here are some tips to improve your website’s search ranking according to Medic’s algorithm:

Providing quality content:

To improve your website’s search ranking according to the medical algorithm, you should pay attention to providing quality content in medicine and health. Your content must be accurate, up-to-date, and medically approved.

Increasing site approvals and credibility:

One way to improve your website’s search ranking according to Medic’s algorithm is to increase your site’s approvals and credibility. These endorsements and credentials can include medical endorsements, certificates, and reference articles.

Using keywords related to medicine and health:

Using medical and health-related keywords in your content can help improve your website’s search ranking according to the medical algorithm.

Optimizing website pages:

Optimizing your website pages, including optimizing images, loading speed of web pages, and using appropriate domain names, can improve your website’s ranking in search according to the Medic algorithm.

Content optimization:

Improving the quality of the content strongly affects the ranking of the site. To optimize content, you can use methods such as using appropriate keywords, writing engaging content, and providing helpful information related to the topic.

Improved loading speed:

Site loading speed is an essential factor in improving ranking in Google searches. To increase the loading speed, you can use methods such as optimizing photos, reducing the size of CSS and JavaScript files, and using a CDN.

Mobile optimization:

Since the number of mobile users is increasing, optimizing the site for mobile devices can significantly improve the ranking.

Improving the structure of the website:

Proper website structure, such as link structure, accelerates site ranking improvement.

Compliance with security standards:

Compliance with security standards such as HTTPS increases users’ trust in your site and improves the ranking in Google searches.

Using the Schema structure:

Using the Schema structure can help the site to be seen better in the search results, and as a result, it helps to improve the site’s ranking.

Getting to know the concept of E-A-T

E-A-T is one of the critical factors Google’s medical algorithm considers. It is regarded as one of the influential factors in improving the site’s ranking in search results. E-A-T is an acronym

Is. In other words, Google tries to show in the search results sites that are specialized in specific topics, have high credibility, and are reliable for users.

To improve your site’s E-A-T and thus improve its ranking in search results, you can do things like:
Increase valuable content:

Your site should have valuable and up-to-date content so your audience and Google can trust it.
Creating essential posts:

Creating posts with excellent and accurate content on topics you have expertise in will help you become known as an expert content creator.
Increasing the credibility of the site:

Your site’s credibility can be increased by creating backlinks from reputable sites to your site.
Updating site information:

To maintain the expertise and reliability of the site, the information and content of the site should be updated regularly.

What adverse effects did the Google Medic algorithm leave?

Google’s medical algorithm may hurt some websites. For example, websites that provide false or invalid information on medical, health, and treatment topics may be demoted from high search engine rankings due to failure to meet E-A-T criteria and content quality. Also, websites with repetitive and worthless content or irrelevant and unnatural links may be negatively affected by Medic’s algorithm. Therefore, providing quality content that meets E-A-T standards is paramount to improving your website’s search ranking.



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