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What is Google E.A.T and how important is it?


Google always prefers websites that place a lot of emphasis on quality content and have a good E.A.T strategy to other websites. In this article, we will talk in detail about Google’s E.A.T algorithm.

On August 1, 2018, Google released an update to its primary algorithm that helped provide better content and higher SERP rankings. In addition, the key to creating better, higher quality content is in Google’s Quality Raters methods.

Google’s Quality Rater is used by individuals to determine rankings in search results. Simply put, pages that use these guidelines are of high quality, which is likely to get high rankings in Google search results because they are among the types of content that Google wants to rank well. Among these recipes, much emphasis has been placed on E.A.T.

What is E.A.T for web pages?

Google’s E.A.T algorithm stands for the following 3 terms:

Although Google’s guidelines for evaluating the quality of a page do not rank well, having expertise, honesty, and reliability is still important because it defines the value of a website to visitors.

Quality evaluators consider E.A.T measures to evaluate the goodness of a page or site. When checking, they pay attention to whether the page or website is experiencing a good online experience and whether its content meets the standards.

If evaluators feel that the user easily understands and shares the content when reading it, and even suggests reading it to others, they will consider a high level of E.A.T for this page or site.

Web marketers and developers need to follow the E.A.T guidelines if they are to compete against their competitors. E.A.T has a direct influence on Google ranking many websites and many web pages.

How does E.A.T change ” your money or your life” websites?

Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) is the term Google has chosen for sites that provide services, products, and advice in the following areas:

Topics that both positively and negatively affect the happiness, health, and wealth of the audience.

Examples of YMYL:

A high ranking in YMYL indicates a high level of E.A.T because the more secure the user feels when using the page and the content is tailored to their needs, the more Google’s E.A.T requests are met.

Websites that provide useful and practical solutions to users’ problems meet the needs of Google E.A.T more and better than sites and pages that bypass Google.

Online security is more important than ever

Reliability is not just about accuracy and popularity. It is also about security. An example of this is an insecure payment page that deserves a low score.

Google Chrome thinks all HTTP pages to be “unsafe” by default. Any website without an SSL certificate that is not automatically redirected to HTTPS will receive a very low E.A.T score.

Because we do not receive any payment information from the user and use HTTPS, our users and Google acknowledge that we respect our visitors’ privacy and safety.

Improve your branding staff

If a content producer does not have E.A.T and reputation, it will have the lowest ranking. For example, the content of content writer who provides legal advice on his site should be a lawyer, not a freelancer.

Evaluators are also advised to review the reputation of information written by third parties and not just content produced by original writers and brands.

These guidelines emphasize to evaluators that information is not always written by well-known authors, and this is not an important issue for small businesses and organizations.

So if content writers and their partners want to score more points than their rivals, they have to work on their brand. So businesses need to be aware of content writers and contributors who provide misinformation to the user as this can lead to low rankings for their site.

However, no one says that if a writer is not popular, it is a problem. Not, but well-known writers perform relatively well.

Content creators and their partners can enhance their branding in this way:

All of the above will help you build fame in your business and make you a reliable specialist in the field in which you work.

Everything on your site reflects its E.A.T.

Your website and web pages will be ranked as much as you put in the work. Because E.A.T affects both inside and outside of the site, as well as outside the site. You need to make sure that all parts of the website meet Google’s expectations. In addition, if your pages qualify for YMYL pages, your score will increase.

In order not to be happy with just what we have to say in this view, it is better to see what Google states. Google says that if a page or site has a low E.A.T rating, that alone is enough to rank and rank that site low. So if you are not an expert and, unreliable, your site is a low-quality site.

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