What is a hyperledger?

To get acquainted with Hyperledger, it is best to start the discussion with a quote from Brian Behlendorf, CEO of Hyperledger:

HyperLedger is an open source project for the benefit of an ecosystem based on its solutions and users, focusing on blockchain-related uses that operate across multiple industrial sectors.

If this sentence seems meaningless to you, there is no reason to worry; Because everything about HyperLedger and related topics is covered in more detail and examples below to help you better understand it.

Before we tell you what a hyper ledger is, it might be best to tell you what it is not. Because despite all the blockchain in technology and information technology, confusion is not so strange. So, to begin with, let’s see what a hyper-ledger is not:

What is a HyperLedger?

HyperLedger is an umbrella project run by the Linux Foundation. NodeJS, Alljoyn, and Dronecode are exemplary projects aligned with the Linux Way to create a community of developers working on open source projects, thus maintaining a loop in which A piece of code is constantly modified and redistributed.

Under the HyperLedger policy, the world will have several private blockchains in the future that will drive diverse markets.

The Linux Foundation developed the Hyperledger project. So, In fact, instead of businesses solving their problems using blockchain, HyperLeger builds custom blockchains for each domain and responds to the needs.

Because each business is unique, applications that lean toward those businesses need to be developed according to personal rules. So this contrasts with Ethereum, which tends to force developers to build their applications around public protocols.

The HyperLedger project started with a small number of developers in late 2015. These developers came from different fields such as data science, industry, banking, and the like, and they all had a common goal in mind. That goal was to provide more access to blockchain for developers and industries. Also, the project began with testing the interaction between secure blockchain applications and networks.

Why do we need a hyper ledger?

Through rigorous experiments, developers have found that blockchain networks, in which validation nodes need to validate each transaction and turn the network around simultaneously, require a lot of energy in terms of scalability. In addition, Hyper ledger cannot execute transactions. A criterion of confidentiality and privacy has been added on public blockchains because of the erosive criteria created to ensure the integrity of a transaction.

Suppose Bob lives in India and wants to buy chocolate from Alice, Switzerland. Because they are old friends, Alice decides to sell the chocolates to Bob at a generous discount. The point here is that Alice sells her products in several other markets and continues to ask them to buy from her at standard prices. In addition, it takes several third parties to complete the transaction to get the product from Alice to Bob.

These third parties may approve some other aspects of the product, such as quality assurance, shipping confirmation, payment confirmation, and more. Also, they do not need to know about the special deal between Bob and Alice.

In a public blockchain network, when miners or validators add transactions to the network, each ledger on the network is updated with them.

How does HyperLedger work?

With all this, the situation is completely different in a network based on HyperLedger!

In a hyper-led network, users directly involved in the transaction are connected, and only their ledgers are updated with the transaction.

Third parties who assist in the transaction can only obtain the exact amount of information they need by obtaining permission and relevant legislation on the network.

Suppose Alice and Bob conduct their transaction on a network based on HyperLedger, in which case Alice can track Bob through an app that also requires a membership service. So after the membership is validated, the two users are connected, generating results. Also, In this bilateral agreement, the results must be the same to be approved. But in other multi-party transactions, more rules can be applied. Also, these production transactions are now sent to a public cloud for ordering and then transferred to the related ledgers.

Significant changes in HyperLedger

The HyperLedger modular architecture makes all of this possible, which allows features such as general agreement such as a plug-and-play tool to work. So In this architecture, the most noticeable changes can be seen in the peers or users of a network.

Peers are divided into two separate sections of execution time and three separate groups. So these three groups include the following:

Hyper Ledger Projects

If you recall, we said that HyperLedger is an umbrella project. This means that several other projects are defined under this project. These include the following projects:

Now that we know what a hyper-ledger is, we question why it is needed in today’s IT industry. And how does it work? Let’s compare it to the most popular blockchain networks, Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Parameter Bitcoin Ethereum Hyper Ledger
Digital currency Bitcoin North With permission
Network General General With permission
the agreement Work Certificate (PoW) Ethash Variable
Smart contract does not have Has (solidity) Has (Chinese code)
Language C++ Golang/java Golang/python

Concluding remarks

Hyper Ledger is an umbrella project; That is, several other projects mentioned are defined under this project. According to the CEO of HyperLedger, the project is an open-source platform for the benefit of an ecosystem based on its solutions and users, focusing on blockchain-related applications that operate across multiple industries.

In a hyper-led network, users directly involved in the transaction are connected, and only their ledgers are updated with the transaction. So third parties who assist in the transaction can only obtain the exact amount of information they need by obtaining permission and relevant legislation on the network.

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