What Is an SEO Specialist?

SEO work, also called SEO specialist, is a personal optimization of sites to achieve high rankings in Google.

SEO work, also called SEO specialist, is a personal optimization of sites to achieve high rankings in Google.
In other words:
An SEO expert or SEO Master is someone who knows how to get more traffic from search engines.
But the main question:

How to Become an SEO Expert?

Since the field of search engine optimization in Google is very new and updated every day, it is not possible to learn SEO traditionally.
We will tell you the ways that people can become an SEO master


SEO Master, who is also called an SEO specialist, is a person who optimizes sites to achieve high rankings in Google.

What skills does an SEO specialist have?

SEO specialists are people who can also work in digital marketing. You can also add website design and website design to it.
What are the critical skills that an expert should be aware of?

Second chapter

How do search engines work?

It understands how search engines recognize, and work is a critical topic in It.
Google search spiders crawl on different sites and check the codes of each page to get to know the pages and index. This may take a few months, weeks, or even minutes and does not have a specific time yield. After this, all the pages in Google are cached.
Did you know that Google contains 130 trillion pages, each with a specific rank and position? For your search, all these pages are checked in a hundredth of a second to show the desired topic to the user.
You are probably asking yourself:
How does Google and other search engines know what to rank on the first page?
Continue reading…
Significant search engine ranking factors
Google considers more than 200 factors to rank a site, but we don’t need to learn all of them.
Among the 200 Google factors, three crucial aspects include:
Communication is credibility and quality.
Relevance has how relevant a page is to a user’s search.
For example, let’s say you search for “electric heater” on Google.
Well, Google searches all the items for “electric heater.”You will never be shown results with the title “electric coolers” on your pages.
Validity means that Google trusts the content of your pages.
They measure strength primarily based on links.
The more the number of incoming connections on a page, the more Google pays attention to it.

Quality is based on several factors, such as your site’s online reputation, the structure of your content, and how users interact with your site in search results.

And one of the things that Google has announced is important and prioritizes Google RankBrain definitive guide: Google has said that the algorithm based on artificial intelligence, RankBrain, is one of their three necessary ranking signals. Rank Brain is a topic on which SEO experts have different opinions. Some say it is practical; some say no.


Chapter 3

Understand the basics of HTML

Do we need to master programming to be good at SEO?

But we need to have basic familiarity with programming.
First, we should know that Google does not see your site like humans. They know the area with the codes given by the designer, but if we are unfamiliar with those codes, optimizing the site correctly becomes more difficult or impossible.
After identifying the HTML language, if you encounter technical problems in SEO, you can devise a workaround, and optimizing your site will be much easier. You will have a camel. Let’s dive right in.

Finding and selecting keywords

Keyword research should be the first step in any SEO campaign. You can see yourself on the first page of Google with proper keyword research.
By choosing the wrong keywords, your site will soon be buried in Google.

Content marketing

No SEO tutorial would be complete without a content marketing section. This is because ranking in 2022 is almost impossible without great content (even if your site is fully optimized for search engines).

Content optimization

Previously, you could stuff your content with keywords that would rank. Flash forward to today, and on-page SEO is much more complicated. Of course, you still want to include keywords on your page. But this is just the beginning. With the policies of complying with Google’s algorithms, you can put keywords in the right place in the content.

Technical Optimization

Technical SEO is one of the most undervalued parts of SEO. It is essential for almost any website. But technical optimization is especially valuable for large websites with thousands of pages.
Whether you have a small blog or a media brand with 500,000 pages, these resources will help you master technical SEO:


There’s no getting around it: link building is a massive part of SEO. And that won’t change anytime soon. This is why every SEO expert should be good at backlink building.

How to improve our experience?

Work on your website.

This is the way SEO works to improve itself.
This is the method I recommend if you want to do It.
But why?
When you change your site, you can see and analyze the differences.
You do more confidently and know that you no longer need to answer to your boss.
You don’t need to get permission from anyone or use a personal email to make changes.
The test → learn → improve cycle moves 10x faster with your own than with anyone else’s website.
Additionally, when you work on your stuff, you see more than 100 factors contributing to a successful website (beyond natural SEO), so you must analyze many factors for better quality.

However, starting your website is not the only way to learn SEO…

Accept customers.

The idea of shortening SEO by the client’s site may seem strange. After all, if you aren’t an SEO expert yet, why would anyone hire you?
Maybe your first SEO client will pay you next to nothing (or, in some cases, nothing). Think of it as an internship. That way, there is no pressure to perform miracles.

work somewhere

Working for a company or as an in-house SEO is a great way to become an SEO expert.
A significant advantage of working for an SEO company is being surrounded by people who know SEO. And it’s their job to help you get up to speed.
Therefore, you will be motivated.


Fourth Season

“Your change is not always the reason.”

Google constantly changes its algorithm. In fact, according to Google, they make approximately 3,000 algorithm changes every year.
For example, I add a few keywords to a page. See, my rating goes from 7 to 5. And let’s say my keyword optimization is causing this issue.
It may be for that purpose, but it can also be for a change in Google’s algorithms. This position is not a reason to check Google’s algorithms every day.
But how do we know whether it was our change that caused this to happen or not?
Look for significant, consistent results

The bigger the impact, the more likely your change caused this position.
By gaining experience, you can follow this position in your search console.
If you want to be sure, apply the exact change to different pages. If they all react the same way, you can be sure that whatever you do is behind the change.

The fifth chapter

What should we do to stand out more?

You can experiment with different link-building strategies, search targets, and paid social media advertising to get more advanced.

SEO audit

In a perfect world, you’d be working on almost perfectly optimized sites. They need your magic touch to push them to the edge. But we don’t live in a perfect world.
You will fight duplicate content, Google penalties, and many more in the real world. An SEO audit is crucial because it helps you break down your site’s SEO in a systematic way and get closer to the perfect world.

User experience

Is user experience a direct ranking signal?
Probably not.
But user experience indirectly affects SEO.
For example, let’s say your site is hard to use. Well, Google searchers are not getting the desired search results, which can hurt your rankings.

The fifth chapter

SEO tools and software

To be an SEO expert, you must know how to use tools.
Experience with tools is so essential that most SEO job postings list “experience with SEO tools” as a requirement:

Mobile Optimization

Google now runs on a mobile-first index. This means that mobile SEO is not optional. It is essential for SEO success.
to show



The sixth chapter

Link building, scaling, and development

Scaling white hat link building is not easy.
There is a fine line between scalable link building and straight-up spamming.
The SEO industry is constantly changing

Voice search
As you can see, the number of voice searches is increasing rapidly.
I would say that voice search optimization is one of the most essential skills modern SEOs need today.
It’s still early. So it’s not 100% clear how you should optimize for voice searches.

Video SEO

A large part of this growth will come from YouTube.

Google Lens

Google recently reported that Google Lens can detect 1 billion objects.
And with improved AI, image search is getting even better.
How do you optimize a page when the keyword is a cat picture? Who knows. But this is an emerging trend to watch out for.

User goal

User intent is basically what a person wants when they search Google.
Do they want information? Or to buy something?
The better your content matches the user’s intent, the higher it will rank.








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