Stages of mobile marketing strategy

Mobile marketing strategy

Mobile marketing strategy refers to the comprehensive plan of applying mobile technology in the field of advertising and selling products and services. Because most people today use smart devices and look for the products and services they need on the Internet, the use of mobile marketing methods for businesses is one of the most important factors.

The stages of designing a mobile marketing strategy include five parts:

1- Determining the goal for designing a mobile marketing strategy

In this section, a clear and precise goal should be determined for the mobile marketing strategy. For example, your goal could be to increase sales of a certain product or attract new customers.

2- Marketing research

To design a successful digital marketing strategy, you must thoroughly research the market and competitors. This section discusses the research about customers, competitors, trends, and global up-to-date methods in mobile marketing.

3- Determining the business model

The business model is related to your mobile marketing strategy. In this section, you should determine whether you are an online sales company or have a physical presence. Are your products and services offered to customers permanently or once?

4- Determining the most important mobile channels

Mobile channels are one of the mobile marketing tools. After researching the market and reviewing the business model, you should determine that mobile channels, such as SMS, Telegram, email, mobile apps, etc., are suitable for your mobile marketing strategy. You can attract a good audience by ordering the production of suitable content and posting it on these channels.

5- Evaluation and update

Mobile marketing is a dynamic process and must be constantly evaluated. You should periodically analyze the performance of your strategy and make necessary changes to improve the strategy.

In general, mobile marketing strategy allows businesses to improve the market and increase their sales by using mobile methods such as mobile advertising, SMS systems, and social networks.

Determining the goal is one of the important steps in determining the mobile marketing strategy

Setting goals for your mobile marketing strategy can help you achieve success and grow your business. To determine the goal in mobile marketing, you must first answer the following questions:

After answering these questions, you need to define your goals and overall purpose. Some possible goals can include increasing sales, attracting new customers, improving brand recognition, increasing conversion rates, etc. After setting goals, to achieve your goal, you must choose and use appropriate mobile marketing strategies, such as creating appropriate content.

Quick access to the audience by mobile marketing

Quick access to the audience is one of the advantages of mobile marketing. It helps businesses communicate with their customers and convey their messages to them in the shortest possible time. Using various mobile marketing tools such as SMS, polls, voice messages, and WhatsApp makes it possible to communicate with the audience quickly and easily.

In mobile marketing, the mobile phone numbers of the audience are collected, and they are allowed to receive promotional and analytical information. Considering that most people always have their mobile phones in their hands, this method offers businesses the possibility to reach their audience quickly.

The use of mobile marketing allows the business to highlight its presence in the minds of the audience with its advertising messages. Also, this method allows the business to interact with its audience and solve many of their questions and problems. As a result, mobile marketing businesses can increase their sales volume and ultimately earn more profit.

Audience identification for mobile marketing planning

Identifying the audience for designing a mobile marketing strategy is one of the most important steps in the process of developing a mobile marketing strategy that is used to provide the best services to the audience. For this, you can use different methods, such as Big Data analysis, using artificial intelligence algorithms, or other solutions.

The famous and used method in big data analysis is to identify the audience using the method related to cluster analysis (Cluster Analysis). In this method, the data reviewed in the latest reports from different goods, such as gender, age, customer purchase preferences, geographic location, etc., are collected and placed in the database. Then, different algorithms such as Decision Tree, K-means, and Hidden Markov Models are used to cluster these data in order to label each cluster with a similar or similar element in a special way. Finally, the known information from clustering with specifications, organization, and information filtering is used to design a suitable mobile marketing strategy.

Using artificial intelligence to identify the audience

One of the other solutions is the use of artificial intelligence algorithms. In this method, using algorithms such as Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, etc., the collected information is scanned to determine the similarity with people. Then, by combining the information we receive from artificial intelligence, we will extract a good model of the audience.

Some other methods use mobile marketing with apps. These solutions use suitable intercom techniques, such as a short message system for mobile channels and applications for customers. Using this method, which is known as Customer Relationship Management or CRM (Customer Representation), it is possible to target customers for offers and interests according to age groups and buyer preferences, such as stores, online services, and other ‘E-tailers’ Electronics) divided.

As a result, identifying the audience for designing a mobile marketing strategy is the most important and essential step in the process of achieving success in this sector. In a way, it can be considered as the first attempt to tag customers, which will improve mobile marketing strategies.

Marketing based on location

Marketing based on location using mobile marketing means using awareness about the location of users to provide a direct and unique experience for them in different neighborhoods and regions. This type of marketing is usually done by mobile phone and network location profile bank and helps the marketers to reach the customers in finding nearby places for their shopping.

With the increase in the number of mobile phone users and the improvement of GPS technology, major companies such as iPhone, Google, and Facebook have cooperated with marketers and allowed them to reach their customers using the bank of location information.

Mobile marketing methods

Mobile marketing is one of the serious topics in modern marketing. These days, many companies believe that they are able to attract more customers who use their mobile devices. This company claims that they are better than the rest of its competitors and can experience more results in retaining previous customers and attracting new customers by using these techniques and methods.

Mobile marketing is a very important marketing strategy that helps you to interact with your customers throughout the day and offer them your services and products. In general, the methods used for mobile marketing include the following:

Responsive websites

Responsive websites attract many mobile users. These sites are easily accessible to customers and respond quickly to your marketing messages.

text messages (SMS)

This method sends information and promotional messages directly to the mobile phones of its audience using text messages. For this, you can use mobile messaging software platforms.

In-app advertising

Some apps display in-app ads that include images, text, and videos to generate revenue. By registering and paying, you can display your ads in these programs.

Ads in mobile browsers

Another way of mobile advertising is to place your ads in mobile browsers where you can interact with customers when they have their mobiles open.

Advantages of mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is a versatile tool. Each brand focuses on one or more specific goals based on its unique needs. In the meantime, some marketing teams are starting to build campaigns aimed at increasing their audience of mobile users. At the same time, others seek to capture the opinions of smartphone users with the aim of building a deeper relationship with them.

Mobile marketing can greatly impact identifying brand value and product or service demands and creating a good relationship with customers. Mobile marketing is one of the most popular and effective methods in digital marketing and has many advantages, including:

1- Access to many audiences:

One of the main advantages of mobile advertising is that it allows access to larger audiences.

2- More communication with the audience:

By using mobile marketing, companies can communicate with their audience in a more direct way.

3- The amount of low costs:

Considering that mobile marketing is done through SMS, email, and apps, digital marketing costs are also associated with reducing traditional advertising costs.

4- Ability to set time and place:

Through mobile marketing, you can choose the place and time you want the content produced for your marketing to be addressed to the audience.

5- Ability to determine and manage audience groups:

By using mobile marketing, companies can determine their audience based on specific conditions, and by using managed software, they can manage and send marketing messages as a group.

6- Uniqueness:

The possibility of creating an advanced marketing campaign using up-to-date technologies that create a suitable reflection on any mobile phone with a special operating system.

7- The ease of the process:

Using mobile marketing platforms makes the marketing process much simpler and faster. Also, it allows users to do their mobile marketing easily and without needing technical skills and expertise.

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