how to Learn Site Design ?

Many Sun Lorraine students ask us where to start for web design, the steps to learn web design, and how to go about it. The main concern of those who want to start designing a site is not having a roadmap and not knowing the route. Many web designers find their way through trial and error when starting, which can lead to a lot of wasted time and confusion along the way. This article looks at what a web designer needs to learn and what tools to use to become an expert in the field.

What do you need to learn about site design?

Years of experience in programming training, especially web programming, have given us a good insight into the learning process of this trend. We understand the needs of people who are new to site design. Many people do not know where and how to start and are always faced with many questions. Questions such as what language should they start learning, what tools should they use to design the site, and how can they design a web professionally? In this article, we will explain step by step what path you have to take to become a site designer.

Step 1: Learn HTML

If we go back to a few years ago and look at the first sites published on the web, we see that their pages consist of only a few simple and basic elements. Various technologies have been influential in making the web design process attractive from the past to the present, but you may not know that all of these technologies lead to HTML. An HTML markup language is the first thing web designers need to learn.

The greatest web developers started their day with HTML. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and in Persian, it is called hypertext markup language. Note that HTML is not a programming language but a markup language.

HTML is used to create the main body and overall structure of web pages. This language works with tags, and it is these tags specify what elements are used on the web page. Tags are elements that have different functions, and their work starts and ends with calling each one. If you want to know this language more fully and take the first step to become a web designer, do not miss reading the following.

Step 2: Learn the CSS language

Using HTML, you will only be able to build the overall structure and framework of the web page, but these pages will not have a user-friendly appearance. When you use HTML only to create these web pages, your access to a limited number of elements defined in HTML is limited. So you will need a tool, or better yet, another language, to cover the weaknesses of the HTML language. The language used to beautify and format web pages is called CSS.

The second step for someone who wants to design a web is CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and means “cascading sheets.” Like HTML, it is a markup language that allows you to customize the structure of web pages, from arranging elements to changing colors and fonts. With CSS, you can specify properties such as colors, fonts, dimensions, sizes, the layout of elements, etc., in web pages. Read the following article if you want to learn more about this functional language in the web world.

Step 3: Learn JavaScript

Once you’ve mastered the HTML and CSS languages, you can design static web pages. But today, you can rarely find a static site because users are looking for interactive and dynamic sites and like to use their various features. Dynamic sites create a better sense of user experience for visitors and users.

One of the most popular programming languages ​​used to make sites dynamic is JavaScript. JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, object-based, and interpretive language that supports a variety of programming methods.

The third step to becoming a web designer is to learn and master the JavaScript language. The language is growing rapidly in popularity and usability and can be used for server-side programming, mobile applications, games, and desktop applications. Therefore, it can be understood that the JavaScript programming language is a universal language.

JavaScript is great for working with, but you’ll enjoy working with libraries like Jquery or React\.js. You can find out more about this programming language in the following article.

Step 4: Learn a server-side programming language like PHP

site design

Once you have completed the previous three steps, you can easily design a complete site. But today, in addition to beautiful appearance, sites also need the right logic, so you need to create sites that can properly execute and process users’ needs. Web programmers fall into two general categories.

The first group has the task of designing the appearance of the site, which are called user-side programmers. The second group is people who implement site logic and are known as server-side programmers. Some programmers can work in both areas, called Full Stack programmers.

Suppose you have designed a contact page as a user-side programmer. For example, if the submit form button does not work, you can not use the beautiful form you created. Also, if users can not register on your site, there will be problems such as authentication. The importance of using a server-side programming language becomes clear when we want to communicate between the user, the database, and the server.

With PHP training, you can write scripts that take information from your users and return it to the user after processing this information. In large web projects, the use of a server-side language is essential. For this reason, popular sites such as Facebook, Wikipedia, etc., use PHP in their backends.

Tools needed to learn site design.

Given the speed of change and technological advancement in today’s world, being up-to-date is inevitable for the programmer. Therefore, programmers must be equipped with the latest and best programming tools. Programming development environments and text editors follow this as the main tools of the programmer. If we choose the right tools and use them well, the path of site design will become more attractive and easier for us.

When choosing a programming development tool, you will have two options to choose from, IDE‌s and Text Editors! Many programmers do not know the difference between them. Each of these tools has advantages and disadvantages. The programmer must choose one of them according to the goals. If you want to get acquainted with the differences between each of these tools and be able to choose the best programming development tool, read the following article.

Coding editors to learn site design

You can use advanced editors to write code. Of course, do not forget that you can code even in software like Notepad. Still, there are no more interesting features such as auto-complete code, keyword coloring, error detection, and code formatting. With their variety of features, code editors make coding enjoyable and save programmers time. Here are some of the most popular Code Editors:

Graphic software

In front-end concepts, the UI designer is different from the UI programmer. Because to design these web pages, the interface designer designs the web pages, but the front-end programmer must convert them to web format. Of course, you can also design an example of your idea with the help of graphic software. Then program this design idea into user-side languages.

Another advantage of using graphic software in site design is that you get an outline one by one. You no longer have to have everything in mind when coding; you just have to browse the designed files. One of the most famous graphic software globally is Sketch, which is used to design the user interface.


The learning site design has its ups and downs. It will be a little difficult if you do not know your next steps in this direction. Having a roadmap is like a treasure map that will guide you to your goal. So it is better to make your decision first and determine your path. If you like template design, Front & End is for you, and if you like to enable user interaction with the site and implement its logic, learning backend programming is a good option. As we have said, some programmers in any There are two areas of activity. You, too can master both, but it is better to decide based on your talent and interest. Which path did you choose to learn site design?

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