How To Clear Chrome Cache And Other Browsers

Clearing The Browser Cache Can Free Up Storage Space On Your Phone Or Laptop And Increase Your Device Performance.

An Internet browser cache is a place to store temporary files that are loaded while browsing web pages. This data includes the coded part of the site, texts, images, videos, and audio files. Cache plays an essential role in browser performance because the task of this section is to increase the loading speed of pages by storing web content.

When calling a site that has already been visited, the entire content is not loaded from the beginning, and only the new content is downloaded. For example, the fixed elements of a site, such as formatting and styles and ranges that existed before, are read from the Cache. This action reduces internet consumption and the involvement of other system resources such as RAM, storage drive, and processor.

But sometimes, the incorrect and incomplete loading of a site or even the loading of a web page that has a problem on the server-side and, as a result, does not show the content correctly may affect the cached data and, consequently, every time that page is displayed.

In addition, the browser cache increases in size over time. Although the browser controls the space occupied by the cache data and deletes the sites that are less frequently visited, the browser cache is considered one of the storage space’s main factors.

Therefore, clearing the Cache is suggested as the first and most effective solution if you are facing a lack of memory or a specific page does not load correctly. This tutorial will explain how to clear it in different browsers.

Clear Chrome browser cache

Google Chrome is the most used browser in Windows and Android operating systems, which is also considered one of the most used browsers. Next, we will check how to clear the Cache of this browser on desktop and mobile platforms.

Clear the desktop Chrome browser cache

Clear Chrome Desktop Browser Cache-1

It will take you to the Clear Browsing Data page.

After a few moments, the Chrome cache will clear.

Clear Cache of Android Chrome browser

Clear Firefox browser cache

Firefox browsers are also one of those browsers that are popular on both desktop and mobile platforms. How to clear the Cache of this browser is as follows:

Clear Cache of Firefox desktop browser

Another way to clear the Cache in Firefox is to:

Clear the Firefox browser cache for Android

Clear the Edge browser cache

To clear the Cache in the desktop version of the Edge browser, follow these steps:


Clear the Safari browser cache

Safari is the first browser used by most users of Apple products, and how to clear its Cache in macOS and iOS is according to the following steps.

For Clearing the Safari browser cache on Mac

Clear the Safari browser cache on iPhone

Clear Samsung Internet browser cache

To clear the Samsung Internet browser cache, first, open the browser on your Android device and follow the steps below:


We hope this tutorial has guided you in clearing the Cache of your browsers. If you have any questions about removing the Cache of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Samsung Internet browsers, share them with users and us.

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