Everything You Need To Know About The New User Interface Samsung ONE UI 6.0 + Receiving Phones

In The Following, We Will Look At The Capabilities And Features Of Samsung’s ONE UI 6.0 User Interface, And We Will Check The Time Of Release And The Devices Receiving It.

Last year, Samsung successfully released the Android 13 update and the ONE UI 5.0 user interface for its phones. Therefore, the same trend is expected to continue this year, and this Korean giant will quickly release its new generation user interface for its selected phones.

Google released the first preview version of Android 14 to developers and interested users in February this year and is currently working on the next version.

Samsung phones, of course, did not receive Android 14 test versions directly. Instead, they participated in the One UI beta project, where the first trial version of the new ONE UI 6.0 user interface will be available to the users of these devices soon.

We can expect the first beta version of this user interface to be released this fall. In this case, we expect the final version of Android 14 and the One UI 6.0 user interface to be released in the winter of this year.

Today we will review everything we know about Samsung’s ONE UI 6.0 user interface and check its various details.

If you want to get acquainted with the new features of this user interface and get information about the receiving phones and the time of its release, stay with us until the end of this text.

Which Samsung phones can receive the Android 14 update and the ONE UI 6.0 user interface?

ONE Android UI

The list of various devices from Samsung that will receive Android 14 and the proprietary One UI 6.0 user interface is as follows:

Galaxy S family

Galaxy Z series

Galaxy A family

Galaxy M series

Galaxy F series

Galaxy X cover

Galaxy tab series

What are the new features of Samsung’s ONE UI 6.0 user interface?

Even though Samsung has not provided us with official information regarding the details of the One UI 6.0 user interface and its various features, the preview versions of Android 14 introduce many parts of this operating system and provide them to the fans.

Because most of the features of the preview versions of Android are finally seen in the One UI user interface, it is possible to understand some new features of the next generation of the Samsung user interface.

Next, we will briefly examine the new features of ONE UI 6.0.

Added “back” key to facilitating the use of touch gestures


The back key is one of the most important new features included in the first beta version of Android 14. This feature allows you to go to the previous screen by swiping your finger from the left or right side of the screen.

Of course, to use this feature, it is necessary to enable touch gestures. However, after allowing these gestures, you can see the Back button on the left side of any menu or submenu.

Google claims this key will better understand gestures and function better in phone navigation. We can expect this key to follow Android phones’ dynamic Material You theme.

Of course, there is a possibility that Samsung will change the visual design of this key and give it a look similar to the ONE UI 6.0 theme.

Smoother and more users sharing features


In Android 14, developers can add different file-sharing options to varying applications at their discretion.

In addition, the operating system can change the priority or order of these options by receiving different signals from each application.

This feature will also be present in Samsung’s ONE UI 6.0 user interface.

Set a separate language in each application.

In Android 13, Google, for the first time, allowed users to change the language of each application separately.

At the same time, this feature has been optimized in Android 14, and the ability to dynamically change other options related to the program has also been added to it.

For example, in Android 14 and its successor, ONE UI 6.0, the app keyboard will automatically change according to the language set for the app.

In this way, you don’t need to change the keyboard language to Farsi every time you enter a program in Farsi.

Greater security of services for people with mobility limitations

Devices equipped with Android 14 allow users to access certain services and data only if they can be used to help people with mobility restrictions.

Google has done this to improve the security of the users’ data of the next generation of its operating system and claimed that it had stopped the execution of some vital Google commands unintentionally.

Hide weather information on the lock screen.

The stock user interface of Android 13 also displays weather information to users along with the clock. However, this is not liked by many users.

Therefore, in Android 14, it is possible to delete this weather-related information for users.

Of course, this feature may not be added to Samsung’s ONE UI 6.0 user interface and may only be used in Pixel phones. However, hiding the weather is another Android 14 change that may also be used on Samsung phones.

New ability to share with nearby devices

The Nearby Share Android service will function like AirDrop on Apple devices. Through this service, you can share your data with others wirelessly and at a very high speed.

Samsung, of course, has already installed a tool called Samsung Quick Share on its phones and made it available to ONE UI users.

However, if you intend to share the data with others, open the relevant application and send the desired file.

This will completely change in Android 14; Because the Nearby Share feature is completely added to the sharing menu to send data as quickly as possible.

Nearby Share is one of the features that will most likely be used in Samsung’s ONE UI 6.0 user interface and other user interfaces.

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