5 Strange Marketing Tips For Video Games Advertisements That Have Even Caused Public Panic

Publishers Of Good Video Game Industry Know The Power And Effectiveness Of Advertising. So Often, The Cost Of Marketing Games Is Even More Than Making The Game Itself.

Public Panic, Contrary to many people’s beliefs, advertising campaigns are not limited to glamorous trailers and shows. Sometimes publishers come up with creative ideas that they think they can use to make their game more popular.

But very often, this procedure is completely reversed, and everything takes on a strange shape. In this article, I touched on this topic and told you about the strange advertisements made for video games.

5) Put the name of Deacon on the child – Skyrim

Skyrim was one of the most anticipated games of its time. The game also had an interesting release date, and if we had removed the number 20 from the first year of the year, we would have reached 11/11/11, which is called luxury. The interesting thing about this luxury history was that if a family child was born on this day. They named him Dawakin (meaning Dragon in the language of the Skyrim people), Bethesda would give them a lifetime of the company’s games for free. . Interestingly, a couple did this and now call their son “Dadkin Daddy.”

4) Payment of speed penalty – Burnout 2

The Bernat games series have always been known for their destructibility and the unique visual effects they show us in car crashes. But the second version of this series of games fell on deaf ears because of something else. Known as the king of bizarre marketing campaigns in the world of video games, Eclim had announced that on the day of the release of Burnout 2, if someone spins on the streets of the UK with the utmost speed, he will pay the fine in full. . This issue made a lot of noise in its period. Even the judiciary and the government exposes to this strange propaganda, and they did their best to stop it.

3) Advertising the game on the tombstone – Shadow Man 2

As far as talking about the unbridled advertisements of Eklim Company is hot, it is not bad to tell you about the strange advertising campaign of their other game, that is, Shado I 2. Shudo Man is a comic book character whose job is to protect the living world from the world of the dead. That’s why the Eclim marketing team said to themselves, why not come and reduce the distance between the video game world and the real world. That’s why they mentioned in the game ads that whoever was advertised and threw me on his lost tombstone, Iklim Company, will pay all the burial expenses. This issue caused a great deal of controversy in its time and even the voice of the Church of England.

2) Buy human flesh – Resident Evil 6

The release of a new version of Resident Evil may not require weird advertising. Unhealthiness We have been experiencing the games of this series for more than 20 years now, and we have become more hype for them version by version. But Capcom did not want to be left out of the weird propaganda caravan and decided to hire a butcher to advertise Resident Evil and sell human flesh to the people there. Of course, do not be afraid; This butcher, named Wesker and the boys, did not really sell human flesh. Rather, they only transformed the edible meat of the people into human organs and sold it to the people.

1) Finding a bomb in the office – Watch Dogs

In the early eighth generation, all game developers showed us flashy games that they really could not make. An example of one of these game developers was Ubisoft, which turned everyone’s eyes to itself with its Watch Dogs shows, and finally delivered a very mediocre game. However, you may not know that Ubisoft was not content with just the same dazzling and fake shows to introduce its not-so-well-made game. No, to maintain the game-shaped hype after the total delay, they decided to send the suspicious packages to an MSN Australia office by an unknown person on a perfectly normal day. Everyone thought the package contained a dangerous bomb, so they closed the office and called the police to neutralize Beth. But there was nothing but ridiculous advertisements of the game for which there was no reason to be afraid in this package.

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