24 GB Of RAM In The Mobile Phone; Do We Really Need It?

Mobile Phones Equipped With 24 Gb Of Ram Are Becoming Widespread In The Market. But Does The User Of An Android Phone Need This Amount Of Memory Or Not? Follow This Text To Find The Answer To This Question.

If you look at the recent Chinese flagship phones, most of them use a consistent process in the manufacturing and unveiling their products. These companies are continuously increasing the RAM capacity of their flagship phones.

Previously, Chinese phones were the first to use 12 GB of RAM in their flagship products, which many people thought was too high for mobile phones!

Realme and Nubia have unveiled their latest flagship phones with 24 GB of RAM and set a new record in this field.

On the other hand, based on the available information, OnePlus S2 Pro should also be equipped with the same amount of RAM!

The current trend in Chinese flagship products has created the question in many people’s minds: Do mobile phones need 24 GB of RAM?

Currently, the RAM capacity of 16 GB is considered great even for gaming computers. So, is the increase in RAM in mobile phones just for advertising purposes, or are these phones supposed to be more capable products compared to other products on the market?

In the following, we will investigate this issue further and examine it in more detail.

What is the role of RAM in mobile phones?

RAM in mobile phone

Before examining the issue in more detail, it is necessary to get acquainted with the performance of RAM in mobile phones.

RAM is one of the fastest memories in the phone. This memory is much quicker than the internal memory of the device, But it has a slower performance than the cache embedded in the processor.

But what is the use of RAM in a mobile phone?

Due to the much higher speed of RAM than mobile phones’ internal memory, this memory is generally used to load and run various applications.

If you were going to run your mobile phone’s operating system or programs from internal memory instead of RAM, you would do straightforward and mundane tasks such as sending text messages that would take several hours.

Therefore, RAM plays a very key role in mobile phones.

How much RAM is enough for a mobile phone?

Answering this question is not so simple and depends on several different factors. Several key applications of the device directly rely on the RAM.

In the following, we will examine each of these items in more detail:

Running Android requires at least two GB of RAM

If you only intend to use your Android phone for basic tasks such as making phone calls, listening to music, or sending messages, 2 GB of RAM will be enough.

It is not bad to know that before the release of the Android 13 operating system, the minimum RAM required to run Android was only 1 GB. However, after this release, Google raised the minimum amount of RAM to 2 GB to run Android properly.

Of course, in this context, we should not forget Android Go, which, according to Google itself, is a super-fast operating system for phones with RAM less than 2 GB.

To be more precise, running the Android Go operating system requires only 512 gigs of RAM!

Of course, this operating system has much more limited functionality than Android’s original version. Still, at the same time, it can easily perform the key functions expected from a phone.

Critical Android applications require at least 4 GB of RAM

If you use your Android phone for more than making calls, sending messages, and checking emails, you should go for products with at least 4 GB of RAM.

Most popular and important Android applications such as Instagram, Twitter, or the new application Trades require at least four gigs of RAM.

This RAM capacity also allows you to experience some lighter Android games.

If you plan to play games with your Android phone, you will need a maximum of 8 GB of RAM.

Suppose your purpose in buying an Android phone is to have a smoother user interface experience or play heavy games in addition to basic tasks and using popular social applications. In that case, we recommend getting a phone with at least 8 GB of RAM.

A phone with at least eight gigs of RAM can run detailed and graphic games and heavy applications such as video editors without any problems.

For this reason, Samsung flagship phones generally use 8 GB of RAM in the basic model.

However, if you are interested in opening many tabs in Google Chrome simultaneously, it is not bad to look at phones equipped with 12 GB of RAM!

Please note that the Google Chrome browser needs a relatively high amount of RAM to run properly. So if you habitually open multiple tabs in this browser, you will probably need a high RAM.

For this reason, most Chinese phones use 12 GB of RAM in the basic model of their flagships.

Higher RAM does not always mean better performance!

Now that the discussion of high RAM capacities is discussed, it is better to know that high RAM does not always guarantee better performance for an Android phone.

In this regard, the device’s processor is also essential; Because it must be able to use the high RAM capacity!

For example, using 16 GB of RAM in a phone equipped with a Snapdragon 600 processor series is a wasteful task, which leaves a large part of the RAM unused. Therefore, the maximum amount of RAM that can be used for this series of processors is 8 or 12 GB.

For this reason, using 24 GB of RAM in all mobile phones cannot make simultaneous programs run faster and multitasking easier.

Key question: Do we need 24 GB of RAM in mobile phones?

Now we come back to our original question. Do smartphones need 24GB of RAM?

If you intend to have a powerful monster with you that can run the heaviest games and applications for a long time, the answer to this question is yes!

For example, the Red Magic 8S Pro Plus phone is a clear example of a great flagship that deserves to use 24 GB of RAM!

This device offers the highest possible hardware specifications for an Android phone and can continue to be one of the flagship contenders in the market for several years.

Red Magic 8 Pro+ is equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Plus 2nd generation chip and can fully use the full capacity of 24GB RAM.

Of course, no specific applications or sets still need 24 GB of RAM. However, a phone equipped with this amount of RAM Canaveral heavy applications and games simultaneouslyitch between them without any problems.

Of course, as you can guess, mobile gamers are the most important target audience for phones with 24 GB RAMis. These phones usually use many gaming features to provide a unique experience of playing on mobile phones.

Therefore, if you intend to play professionally on your mobile phone, a phone with 24 GB of RAM can be your best choice.

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