The Strangest Ways Of Serving Food That Do Not Fit With Logic

Imagine That You Are Eagerly Waiting For Your Favorite Food To Be Served When Suddenly The Waiter Appears With A Strange Tray. How Will You Feel When You See Your Beloved Hamburger On A Sock?

Almost anything can get on your nerves when you are hungry and waiting for your food to be served as soon as possible. If you have gone to a fancy and expensive restaurant or an artistic and strange cafe and you are not familiar with how to serve their food, you should prepare yourself for strange occurrences.

In such cases, you have two ways; Either you can close your eyes to the modern disrespect that has been done to you and your beloved food and enjoy the taste of the food, or call the waiter and raise the issue with him, in any case, increasing the problem with the restaurant staff will somehow satisfy you.

Your becoming will end. Expecting anything will help you keep your cool so you don’t end up clashing with the waiter or chef!

The story of the strange serving of food in cafes and restaurants around the world has reached a point where people are trying to reclaim their rights by participating in the We Want Plates project.

Therefore, most of those who cannot enjoy drinking a mojito in Cinderella’s shoes and do not have the patience to argue with the restaurant staff express their protest in the form of a picture of the food served and sometimes a sentence.

The strangest way of serving food

Fancy restaurants are notorious for serving small portions. Indeed, no one likes to be done with a dish containing five strands of spaghetti, a meatball, and a teaspoon of tomato sauce after ordering spaghetti with meat sauce.

If we take a closer look at this common phenomenon, we may find good reasons for this work of restaurants. The first reason can be the price of raw materials. The more expensive ingredients used to prepare the food, the more expensive it will be.

Serving food in a smaller size can reduce the cost of buying raw materials (as well as the final price for the consumer); As a result, less money is wasted and a higher profit for the restaurant.

The second reason is that eating in a fancy restaurant means savoring every bite. Food served in smaller portions helps you enjoy every bite and taste it better.

Additionally, serving food in smaller portions leads to a better customer experience. Because the truth is, when you sit down and finish your meal, you don’t get the whole experience of eating it. A large meal fills the stomach nicely; eating does not only mean being full. A small meal awakens your taste buds and brings you into the moment.

To see more pictures of the weirdest ways to serve food (the ways you can’t even think of), you can follow the Instagram page of we want plates.


We hope you enjoyed this part of Shutter. Which image was the strangest to you? Do you also have experience serving your food strangely?

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