The Most Important Capabilities And Features Of WhatsApp That You May Not Know!

As You Know, Social Networks Have Become A Big Part Of People’s Lives In Recent Years. Among These Applications, Whatsapp Is Considered As One Of The Most Popular And Popular Social Networks.

The most important reason that makes this messenger one of the best phone applications is WhatsApp features. This article on Hardware City discusses the most critical parts of WhatsApp and lists the new features for you, dear users.

With the increasing importance of social networks in the last few years and the need for users to communicate remotely, it is rare to find anyone who does not use at least one of the WhatsApp, Instagram, or Telegram applications.

Due to the popularity of these applications, their developers have been encouraged to add more functions and features to them, and with each update, the characteristics of WhatsApp, Instagram, and Telegram increase.

New WhatsApp feature

The social network WhatsApp is the most popular program among messengers and text-based social media applications. In the new versions of this application, the capabilities of WhatsApp have increased; its popularity has also increased. Therefore, it can be expected that the features of the new WhatsApp will be much more than its previous versions, and it is so. Thus, in the rest of this article, we will get to know the most important new features of WhatsApp and mention some features that have made it famous.

The hidden features of WhatsApp

1. Formatting the text of the WhatsApp message

One of the new features of WhatsApp is the ability to format text, which can be considered one of the hidden features due to its use. WhatsApp allows you to make the text of your message bold), italic ( Italic), or strikethrough ( Strikethrough). To do this, you must add special characters before and after the text you want to format in one of these three modes.

To bold or bold the text in WhatsApp, use the star sign (*the phrase you want to be bold*) at the beginning and end of the text you want to be brave. Also, use a diagonal line or italicize the text from the underline character (_the phrase you want to be italicized_) and create an underlined text from the tilda character (~ The term you want to be highlighted ~) use.

2. The new invisible or disappearing mode in WhatsApp

Disappearing new WhatsApp features are called a handy feature for this messenger. This new WhatsApp feature allows you to enable message disappearance for your specific conversations. When this new WhatsApp feature is activated, all messages in that conversation will be deleted after seven days.

To activate this new feature in WhatsApp, click on the conversation you want, then click on the contact’s name and in the new options of the mode ” Disappearing Messages ” from Offto Onchange.

Remember that every picture you send or receive is automatically saved to your phone. Even though the messages disappear along with the picture, the actual image may still be saved in your gallery.

3. Star messages for faster access

One of the good features of WhatsApp is the ability to start messages. Starring a letter is a convenient way to mark an important message that a friend sent you. To do this, hold your finger on the desired message, then tap on the star icon. A small star icon will be placed next to the news so you can quickly identify it when scrolling through your chat.

You can also change your starred messages by clicking on the more settings section (three dots icon) and selecting Starred Messages .) view. Of course, in iPhones, the method is a little different, and for this, Apple phone users must enter the settings and then go to the starred messages section.

4. Who do you talk to the most?

Have you ever been curious to see which of your WhatsApp contacts you chat with the most? One of the features of WhatsApp allows you to do this.

On your iPhone or Android phone, go to WhatsApp settings, Storage and Data in this section, and then Manage Storageclick. In this section, a list of contacts will be provided to you in the order of the people who use the most storage space in your phone. You can click on each connection for more detailed statistics, such as the number of messages exchanged, images, and videos.

In addition, you can quickly get rid of bulky files occupying your phone’s space in this section.

5. View message details on WhatsApp

Another new feature of WhatsApp is the ability to view message details. Ever wondered when a message was delivered or read? To find the answer to these questions, you can swipe left on the message you sent to view the news details on your iPhone.

Android users can also hold their finger on a sent message and then click on the exclamation mark icon at the top of the screen. When the news was delivered and read with the terms they were Delivered و, Readhave has been marked on this new page.

6. Mute a conversation

Another WhatsApp feature is MuteIs. When you enter a work meeting or classroom, you can use WhatsApp’s mute feature to get rid of notifications from active groups or chatty audiences.

To mute a conversation, Android users can hold their finger on the chat, then tap the lined speaker icon at the top of the screen. iPhone users can swipe left on a conversation, then the three-dot button, and finally, the Mute option. Click. You can mute a particular discussion for 8 hours, a week, or forever using these group features on WhatsApp.

7. Hide the last online time

One of the most important features of WhatsApp, which significantly impacts its popularity and helps the security of WhatsApp, is the ability to hide the last date of being online (the same as Last Seen). Sometimes, knowing that your contacts can see the last time you were online is too much pressure and makes you feel like you have to respond quickly to the messages you receive.

To hide the last time you were online, you can enter the Account section in WhatsApp settings, and then the Privacy section becomes. Then, click the Last Seen option and put it in Nobody mode. Change it. With this, no one will be able to see the last time you were online. Of course, you can set this mode on My Contacts, and only your saved contacts can know the last time you were online.

8. Disabling read receipt

One of the features of the new WhatsApp update 1401 is the ability to disable the receipt of read messages. Thanks to this new WhatsApp feature, you can disable the message read receipt (two blue ticks) in WhatsApp. This will prevent other users from knowing whether you have read their message.

To disable this feature, go to the Privacy section to WhatsApp settings and select Read Receiptsto Offchange it.

Note that disabling this feature will also prevent you from seeing when a recipient has read your message; As a result, you will not be able to see when your contacts read your message. However, group chats will still use message-read receipts, and this feature will not affect group chats.

9. Failure to save received photos and videos by default

Suppose you prefer WhatsApp; all the pictures and videos you receive in Camera RollIf your iPhone or Android phone gallery does not hold. In that case, you can disable the automatic saving feature in WhatsApp settings.

In WhatsApp settings of iPhone phones, enter the Chats section and Save to Camera Roll option disable Also, enter the Chats section on AndroidIn WhatsApp application settings and Media Visibility option disable Wit. h this, received files will no longer be automatically saved in your phone. This is also one of the advantages of WhatsApp, which prevents the user’s phone memory from filling up quickly.

10. Pinning a chat on WhatsApp

A new feature in WhatsApp is the ability to pin a conversation. As you know, the order of displaying chats in WhatsApp by default is such that any group or contact that has sent a more recent message is placed higher. But by pinning a conversation, you can always keep that chat at the top of the screen, so you don’t have to scroll to find it.

To use this WhatsApp feature on iPhone phones, drag the desired chat to the left and click on the Pin option. In Android phones, you can hold your finger on the desired conversation and then click on the pin icon (the icon next to the speaker).

11. Customize notifications on WhatsApp

Instead of having the same notification sound for every incoming message, thanks to a WhatsApp feature, you can set custom notifications for your specific contacts. Doing so lets you know who texted you without looking at your phone.

Android users should tap on the menu icon (three dots icon) after opening a chat, then click on the contact’s name and select Custom Notifications from the options.) to choose Finally, tick the Use Custom Notifications optionActivate and customize the said notification.

Those who use WhatsApp on iPhone must tap on the contact’s name and Custom Tone when viewing the desired chat. With this., they can place a custom notification for this user or group.

12. Save and export a chat

One of the features of WhatsApp allows the user to save a chat in its entirety. So if you need to keep a conversation, you can export it. To use this new WhatsApp feature on Android phones, after opening the desired chat, click on more options (three dots icon), then More. Open and finally on Export Chatclick.

On iPhone, this process involves opening the desired chat, clicking on the contact’s name at the top of the screen, then scrolling down to the contact information screen and selecting the Export Chat option. will be

1. What is the new WhatsApp update?

When writing this article, the latest version of WhatsApp is version Android phones and version 22.24.81It for iPhone phones. In these new updates, features such as calling 32 people simultaneously, sending messages, silencing the people on the call, and using the call link have been added to the WhatsApp messaging application.

2. What is the new feature of WhatsApp in returning deleted messages?

WhatsApp, in the Chats section, has an option called Chat Backup in your settings that has been put to back up the data of users, which you can also use to back up your conversations. But unfortunately, if you have used the disappearing message feature in one of your WhatsApp chats, there will be no way to recover these messages.


In this article on Hardware City, we introduced and taught the new features of WhatsApp and introduced you, dear users, to some of the hidden parts of WhatsApp. In general, the new WhatsApp features allow users to have more control over their data and information and maintain their security in this social network.

What do you think about the practical features and benefits of WhatsApp? Is the quality of WhatsApp is there an item that is missing in this article? Share your thoughts on the new WhatsApp features in the comments section.

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