Photography projects: Hindustani from another angle

India Is A Vast Land Full Of Spectacular Sights, And Because, Of These Unique Advantages, It Attracts Tourists And Attracts Photographers.

This time, the photography has introduced India from another angle to the viewer by moving away from the usual perspectives.

For a long time, Neelima’s image of the vast land of India was a monotonous and repetitive image of the same things that most of us know India by.

A country with a rich culture as if everything is defined in connection with history, culture, religion, numerous festivals, ascetics, and of course, the constant presence of cows.

All in all, although these characteristics attract many photographers, they were not very attractive for “Nilima” either from the point of view of a photographer or a tourist.

But the situation changed unexpectedly when he had a trip to the Himalayas in 2008 and, ironically, got a completely different perspective of India; A view away from the hustle and bustle and sleeping in peace and silence. For this reason, he closed his travel and visited this country in a new style. In his search, he distanced himself from people and crowds as much as possible and turned his attention to the lesser-seen attractions of India, and finally, this trip led him to a new understanding of this land.

What do you think about the beautiful land of India? Which part attracts your attention the most; Landscapes and landscapes or architecture and cultural and religious effects of a country? Please share your thoughts with us.

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