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More Skins From The Suicide Squad Will Be Added To Fortnite


Fortnite is slowly becoming the largest collection of popular culture on Earth, and more members of the Suicide Squad are now joining it.

Bloodsport character skins from The Suicide Squad recently add to Fortnite; Rewarder and assassin shot Superman into a coma after shooting him with a kryptonite bullet. He escaped from prison and then a suicide squad. Idris Alba played the role of Bloodsport in The Suicide Squad and is one of the main characters in the film.

But he does not appear to be the only member of the squad to be added to Fortnite. Following the release of the 17.40 patch for the game, the data miner and liqueur ShiinaBR has unveiled two new skins codenamed SeesawSea and SeesawFuzzy. Sharing his discovery on Twitter, he wrote that the two skins would probably be related to the characters of King Shark and Weasel.

Like any other leak, these discovered data cannot be completely trusted, and even if they are correct, there is still no 100% guarantee that they will actually enter the game. But it is doubtful that Epic will see the popularity of a character like King Shark and be careless about bringing him to Fortnite. Maybe we will see a Peacemaker and a skin based on the new Harley Quinn movie even in the future.

Fortnite has had crossovers with almost all sections of popular culture in recent months. From comic book characters like Superman to Rick and Morty, football and Neymar, and even artists like Ariana Grande. Recently, it reveals from the game’s leaks that Skinny Will Smith and Chris Hemsworth would be added to the game as characters from Bad Boys and Extraction, respectively.

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