Mobile market terms that you should be familiar with

Mobile market terms that you should be familiar with

The list of types of digital marketing is one of the most popular and one of the most attractive areas is mobile marketing. Through mobile marketing, we can reach our contacts with the help of smartphones. Since the amount of use of mobile phones is not known to anyone, it can be understood that mobile marketing is done. To find expertise in this field, one of the main requirements is to be familiar with the terms of mobile marketing. In this article, you will get to know the popular terms for mobile and at the end of this article, you will get the necessary knowledge about the concepts of this field.

What is a mobile brand and what is its importance?

Marketing is a tool that companies can use to communicate with their customers through smartphones. It is possible that it convinces us to go to the purchase of a mobile phone.

Strong communication

In today’s world, everyone’s mobile phone is one of their closest friends! The smartphone helps people to communicate with the outside world in a faster and more universal way. On the other hand, people use dedicated mobile phones every day. That is why if we can successfully communicate with our contacts through mobile phones, we can convince them to use our products and services.

close companionship

Many people may carry their wallets or other personal belongings but do not remove their mobile phones from them. The day before, as soon as he wakes up, he turns on his phone, and the last thing he looks at before going to sleep is his mobile screen. That is why if they appear on the mobile screen of our contacts, we can be with them anytime and anywhere.

Possibility of fast payment

If you buy from a satisfied customer’s mobile phone, he will finalize his purchase by pressing a few buttons and without haggling. On the other hand, online payment has a better feeling than paying in cash and in person because the customer suffers less pain for paying the fee.

Responding to needs

The first thing we do to find answers to their questions and meet their needs is to search on their mobile phones. If we want to convey the message to our customers that our products and services are the ones that answer their questions and needs, the mobile phone is the best place for this.

Measurement of indicators

In digital marketing, one of the most important things is the measurement of indicators. For this, we need to be able to monitor the data related to our customers, and for this, the smartphone is one of the best options.

Being familiar with mobile marketing, I can understand why it’s important to be familiar with mobile marketing terms.

digital mobile marketing

Mobile brand terms

Examining the terms related to the mobile brand will help you to have something to say and better understand the specialized words of others. On the other hand, by examining these terms, you can have a better understanding of the concepts and get to know the principles of mobile marketing.
In-app marketing

In-apps is one of the terms of mobile marketing. In-app marketing can be for other brands. This type of purchase refers to the use of banners and notifications for the purchase of your products in applications for your users. You may also pay other affiliates, advertise or buy you to use them, and display their ads within your programs. Ads can be a banner, a full-page video.

Mobile push marketing

In this case, you push the customer to buy using push strategies! Push notification is a system similar to SMS in which you can depict your suggestions and usage in addition to text. If you work in an online store or in the field of beauty and health, tourism, news, mobile applications and games, discounts, etc., you use these phrases for mobile.

SMS marketing

Markkey is one of the best mobile marketing methods. You can send branding campaigns, advertisements, information, etc. to your contacts’ smartphones through SMS. For this, it is important to be able to write a basic text that conveys the most information to the audience in the shortest possible time. digital mobile marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing gives you the capacity to reach millions of potential audiences. Smartphone users spend a large percentage of their mobile time on social networks. This issue determines the importance of sms marketing as one of the terms of mobile marketing. Social media marketing allows you to establish a more personal connection with consumers through Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, etc. advertising.

Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing allows you to target your audience based on their location. For example, if you have chain stores in different cities, you can target the audience of each city based on your store campaigns in the same city. Mobile marketing allows you to access the location of your audience.

Digital advertising planning and how to write a marketing plan
QR Code Marketing

QR code marketing allows you to link to your website. Convince your audience to download your app, or sign up for your newsletter. Customers can scan the QR code with their smartphone camera and it is simple to use. QR code marketing allows you to engage more customers and can be used for almost any marketing purpose. Also, if you want to convey a lot of information to customers in a small space, using a QR code you can direct them to the page where your complete information is located. All these advantages make marketing through QR code one of the most important terms of mobile marketing.


This mobile marketing term stands for Software Development Kit. A software development kit includes a set of tools that programmers use to develop their software. You can use the SDK in the field of tracking your ads during marketing. SDKs store information about users from their mobile phones. Information such as the number of clicks on an advertisement or the amount of successful installation of an application. Also, the ability to advertise in applications is provided to you by the SDK.


A measure of the amount of data that can be transferred over a connection. The measurement is based on the number of bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (kbps) or megabits per second (mbps).

Call to Action (CTA)

Call to action is a kind of sentence to invite to do something. For example, in the button below. Wherever you convey a specific message to the audience, you can make the audience understand your request and convince them to react to your message with the help of this mobile marketing term.

digital mobile marketing

Click-through Rate (CTR)

CTR is one of the terms of mobile marketing and a way to measure the success of a mobile marketing campaign. To calculate CTR, take the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web page and divide it by the number of times the ad was served (impressions).

Landing page

A landing page is where a user is directed to when clicking on an ad, where additional information or a mechanism for making a purchase is provided. The user is often directed to the landing page through an advertising banner, a link in a text message, etc. Landing pages help you provide complete information about your campaign to the audience and make them happy to buy. On the other hand, on landing pages, you can get the person’s contact number and use it for mobile marketing.

Daily Active Users (DAU)

Daily active users are people who visit your app at least once a day. Since they are your loyal users, you need to know them.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate represents the people who meet your goal for that ad. This goal can be selling a product, receiving information such as email and contact number, etc.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Customer Loyalty Index asks users to give your app a score between 1 and 10. If a user gives a score of 9 or 10, it means “amount” and will introduce your application to others.

People who score 7 or 8 are considered passive. These users will not speak ill of your application, but they will not introduce you to others. Users who gave you a score of 1 to 6 are repellers. That means they probably advise others not to come to your application. Based on this mobile marketing term, we suggest you find paid users and ask them to write their reviews about your app.

digital mobile marketing

What is the importance of mobile marketing?

Smartphones are one of the best tools through which you can make your voice heard for reasons such as close companionship, quick and easy payment, responding to needs, etc. For this reason, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with mobile marketing.

Why is it important to know the terms of mobile marketing?

Knowing key terms and concepts in each field helps us to have complete knowledge of that field. On the other hand, it increases our mastery of studying English sources.

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