How to make a podcast?

What is a podcast? How to earn money with zero and no experience in podcast production? We suggest you read this article if you are thinking about making money through podcast production.

What is meant by podcast?

A podcast is a subset of audio content. Podcasts can be listened to anytime and at any hour as soon as they are released. Unlike radio programs, they are not limited to a specific time for broadcasting. According to the discretion of the podcast producer, an episode can be from fifteen minutes to thirty minutes to an hour or even longer.

Of course, the podcast’s subject determines the long or short duration of a podcast. Podcasts cover many topics. You can act as a podcaster to produce a literary, historical, philosophical, and psychological podcast.

The Ded9 blog contains many contents on how to produce podcasts, how to plan for podcast production, and the importance of podcast production for businesses. After reading this article, you can use other podcast production content on the Ded9 blog.

Goals of podcast production

Podcasters have reasons for producing an episode or multiple episodes on a podcast channel. Some plan to create and publish podcasts because of their interest in podcast production. Some people turn to this field to have fun and fill their time, and another group, whose number is more, earns money through podcast production. Of course, the goals of podcast production are not limited to these three items.

For example, a group of podcasters tries to improve their audience’s knowledge, awareness, and literacy by producing audio content. The most crucial goal of podcast production is to make money. There are two ways to make money producing podcasts. The first way is to start creating your podcast today. Publish different episodes of your podcast and try to increase its audience through marketing and advertising.

After your podcast’s number of listeners and followers has increased, you can start attracting sponsors. What is the second way to make money through podcast production? The second way is to start producing podcasts as a freelancer at the beginning of podcast production. You can work with different companies or businesses and make podcasts or audio content for them. You can get paid by companies for producing this type of content.

All kinds of podcasts

What are the types of podcasts? Podcasts are divided into several different categories in terms of topic and style. Here we focus on different kinds of podcasts by subject. The audience in the Farsi podcast community better accepts some cases. In the following, we have introduced these podcasts.

Narrative podcast

Fiction podcasts are produced focusing on the world of fiction books. An adventure or story is told in an episode of a narrative podcast. Sometimes, a review of that story is done along with the narration. In a narrative podcast, a host may communicate with the audience.

While in some podcasts, two or more people discuss a story’s meaning. The stories read or reviewed in this podcast can be from the levels of other countries.

Psychology podcast

What does it mean to pay attention to psychology in a podcast? As the name of these podcasts suggests, the mental health of humans is examined in each episode. These podcasts are the best possible choices if you want to enhance your psychology knowledge.

Funny podcast

In a satirical podcast, the goal is to create a prosperous and lively atmosphere for the listener. These types of podcasts are mainly produced to entertain the audience.

Scientific podcast

What does it mean to be a scientific podcast? It may confuse the audience when we say that it is a scientific podcast dealing with scientific topics. Producers of scientific podcasts choose a specific field at the beginning of the podcast production and planning stages. Then they publish about that episode. In scientific podcasts, the subjects of medicine, physics, chemistry, etc., can be examined.

Sad podcast

Most podcasts produced according to pre-written and pre-prepared text and whose purpose is to provoke the audience’s emotions are categorized as sad podcasts. The content of this type of podcast is usually romance, dealing with depression, mourning, etc.

Philosophical podcast

What is the meaning of dealing with philosophy in a podcast? Philosophy can be studied historically or philosophically, and podcasts can be produced. Each podcaster can choose one of these items according to his interest in philosophy.

Fiction podcast

Fiction podcasts are in the same category. Sometimes you can find non-fiction or non-fiction podcasts on podcast platforms produced for those interested in humanities, social sciences, the world of economics, etc.

Book podcast

Most who always like to receive book recommendations from writers, culture, and art can go to the book podcast. In this type of podcast, one or more books in a specific field are usually introduced to those interested.

Sports podcast

News, sidelines, facts, etc., are hot and essential topics in sports podcasts. Usually, people listen to sports podcasts and receive information about the world of football, volleyball, tennis, and other popular sports and the stars of the sports world.

The basics of podcast production

By participating in a podcast training course, you can quickly learn the basics of podcast production from scratch. Usually, it is recommended to podcasters who like to produce podcasts in a principled way and in an entirely correct way from the beginning to participate in podcast training courses.

How to make money producing podcasts

One way to make money from podcast production is to produce multiple podcast episodes, advertise and wait for sponsors, or produce podcasts for businesses and companies and receive income this way.

Learning the steps of making a podcast

In a world where thousands of podcast episodes have been published and reached audiences, making money through podcast production and “being a podcaster” is not an unattainable dream. In this article, we have designed a simple step-by-step guide. This guide will help you know what you need to get started.

Definition of audio content

Podcast or audio content has a different structure and range than a music file or a radio program. Today’s podcasts have an independent system in which specific and predetermined information is conveyed to the audience.

With the growth and development of the Internet, attention to different content formats increased. So it’s not just the texts that matter. Also, audio, visual, and video content are at the center of attention. Audio content, as the name suggests, is consumed aurally. Therefore, it can be heard with the help of headphones or hands-free.

Podcast production steps

The process of creating a podcast starts with planning and leads to advertising. But what exactly does this mean? You can determine your topic, nature, format, and goals for producing a podcast (from scratch). After you have selected the purposes and issue of the podcast, you need to choose a topic for each episode.

You should also specify the length of the podcast (in minutes). Then write the text of the podcast. After recording and editing the podcast, you can upload it to a host. Then, publish it on other famous sites and applications like Spotify or Cassette Box. The last step is promoting the podcast.

Podcast production tool

The most common and essential tools for making podcasts include headphones, a microphone, a tiny room without glass, transparent surfaces, ceramics, etc. If you have more budget, you can use a sound boom, pop filter, mixer, sound card, etc.

But in general, since most podcasters can’t spend a lot of money to set up audio equipment to produce and perform the podcast production process, we recommend that you only go for the most crucial podcast production tools and Forget the rest. You can buy other equipment after you can manage a reasonable budget.

Teaching how to make a podcast

In making a podcast, it is essential to have a pre-written text. After setting up the equipment in a small room or a space with the slightest possibility of sound reverberation, you can start recording. The presence of the lowest possible noise will help you avoid problems during the sound editing stage.

As a result, all the steps will be like drinking water for you. Pay attention to the sound quality and content expressed during the audio editing stage. Wherever you feel some sentences are redundant and do not need to be in the podcast, remove them.

You also need an expert to add good sound effects and music. If you are an amateur, you should know that you need podcast recording and audio editing training for podcasts before any action. After preparing the podcast audio file, you can upload it to famous hosts such as Anchor or Podbean.

Specifications of suitable equipment for creating podcasts

You can trust different brands to buy equipment to use in the podcast production process. Of course, note that it is not necessary to use expensive equipment. The final quality of your podcast depends on the time and skill you spend on its production; Not very expensive.

RODE, Blue, and Heil are prominent and well-known brands you can trust to buy podcast equipment. The microphones produced by these brands are convenient. You can get them by paying about 3 million tomans and even less. Note that you should never use a mobile phone or laptop microphone because the sound recording quality will drop drastically. You will notice this right after recording the podcast and during the editing stage. It is recommended to use condenser microphones or dynamic microphones for podcast recording.

The following audio content production tool is headphones. To hear your voice more accurately and to be able to act very professionally when editing a podcast, you can use professional microphones produced by the Audio-Technica brand. Many closed-back headphones are suitable for editing podcasts and listening to high-quality recordings. Headphones help you hear your voice while recording and prevent repeating sentences or words. As a result, you can record podcasts better.

As we mentioned, you need the same equipment to get started. In the future, you can buy more equipment and start producing podcasts more professionally.

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