How to increase the battery life and Seven Biggest Mistakes People Make?

How to increase the battery life and Seven Biggest Mistakes People Make?

Why are the strategies to increase battery life important? It’s simple these days due to the economic conditions and the high price of smartphones, we can’t change our phones quickly and we have to take care of our phones as much as possible.

But no matter how much you take care of your phones, it is still possible to have some bad habits that will damage your phone and shorten its life.

In this article, we have introduced 7 harmful habits that shorten the life of your phone so that you can use it more optimally by increasing the life of the mobile battery.

You put the phone on vibrate mode

Like any other tool and device, your phone has a useful life and the more you use it, the older your device becomes and loses its efficiency.

The vibration mode is one of those things that make your mobile phone work difficult, because these days a lot of notifications from different software are sent to smartphones, and the vibration mode takes a lot of energy from your phone.

So one of the easiest things you can do to extend the life of your smartphone is to not put your phone on vibrate mode.

You keep open apps you don’t use

By leaving apps open, you waste your battery life and your phone. If you open an app and then don’t close it completely, it will still run in the background of your mobile phone. By closing unused programs, you increase the life of the mobile battery and free up the temporary memory of your mobile phone.


You leave the phone charging

Many people have a habit of charging the phone at night and disconnecting the phone from the charger in the morning and enjoying a 100% charged battery. If you are one of these people, you should know that this will harm your device.

When the battery is charged to 100% but you don’t disconnect it from the charger, it continues trickle charging and these additional charges make the battery work without interruption.

This not only produces a lot of heat and causes other parts of the device to be damaged, but also causes wear and tear and shortens the life of your device’s battery.

In general, it is better not to fully charge lithium-ion batteries, these batteries give you the best benefit when you keep them between 40 and 80% charge.

You waste the phone charge in vain

These days, most smartphones have lithium-ion batteries, and the life of these batteries is about 400 to 600 charging cycles. Now what is the charging cycle? According to Apple, each time using the full capacity of the battery is considered a charge cycle.

This means that the battery of the phone has a certain life and you should not do things that shorten the life of the battery unnecessarily.

For example, one of the most used components of the phone is the screen. In order for the screen to consume less energy, set it to automatic brightness setting so that it chooses the best brightness for you according to the ambient light. The next step is to reduce the screen timeout so that your screen doesn’t stay on unnecessarily when you don’t need your phone.

Another thing that harms the phone’s battery is having apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Amazon, and Netflix. The use of these programs is not very common in our country, and you may never use these programs, but they are always running in the background of your phone, and according to the Guardian newspaper, deleting the Facebook program can increase the life of your mobile battery by 20%. it helps.


You expose the phone to moisture, heat and extreme cold

Another issue that shortens the life of your cell phone is putting it in bad weather or humidity.

Heat can do a lot of damage to your cell phone, and believe me, nothing damages Lithium batteries like heat. Placing the phone in hot places and near heat sources quickly weakens the phone’s battery and can cause memory loss.

Another part of the phone that is very sensitive to heat is its screen. Although today’s phones have very high-quality screens, these high-quality screens can’t withstand high heat and get damaged. Placing the phone in front of direct sunlight can change the color of the phone screen.

These days, replacing the phone screen is expensive and most people prefer to buy a new phone instead of replacing the screen when their phone screen is damaged.

So it is better not to expose your phone to heat and direct sunlight as much as possible.

As much as heat damages the phone’s battery, cold can also be destructive. When the phone is exposed to extreme cold, it has to use more charge to maintain its performance, and if it is constantly exposed to cold weather, you will notice that the battery charge will decrease much faster. In addition, the cold can cause the phone to turn off and in some cases the screen of the phone to break.

To prevent this from happening when you are in very cold places, after using your phone, put it in your jacket pocket so that it is less exposed to the cold.

In addition to cold and heat, humidity is also one of the things that takes away from your mobile phone!

Try to keep your phone away from moisture as much as possible and never take it to places like steam rooms, saunas, and bathrooms. Excessive humidity causes some parts of the phone to rust and disable it.

If you accidentally take your phone to a wet place or fall into a pool, sea, sink, etc., immediately remove the memory card, SIM card and, if possible, the battery, and put the phone in rice. Placing the phone in the rice will cause the moisture to come out, but there is no guarantee in this method.


Update your phone to extend the life of your mobile battery

Every day you put off updating your mobile phone to save internet or out of boredom, you take a step forward in shortening the life of your mobile phone.

The manufacturers of iPhone and Android phones provide these updates to improve the user experience and make your phones work better, and updating the device comes with many benefits.

Just as updating has many advantages such as increasing the speed of the phone and fixing its bugs, not updating has its own disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantages is the slowness of the phone and it’s hanging a lot.

So, to prevent your phone from slowing down and draining the battery, always keep your phone updated.

You put your cell phone under the pillow

Another effective way to shorten the life of a mobile phone is to put it under the pillow!

This will damage the structure of your mobile phone and in addition, if you put it under the pillow while charging, there is a possibility of the phone exploding.

In addition to the damage you cause to your phone, this will also give you a headache!

What you know about increasing the life of the mobile battery

Which of the above habits do you have? Have you noticed the effects these habits have on your mobile phone? What solutions do you know to increase the life of the mobile battery?

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