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How to create data?

create data

Before addressing the question, “How do we create data?” We briefly discuss the importance of data creation and data collection. Data processing is collecting information in a systematic and organized manner to measure the desired variables and allow the researcher to answer research questions and questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate the results. Data processing is done for a variety of reasons. But in this article, we focus more on how marketers and small business owners can use it.

To better understand the question of how to create data, you need to be familiar with two main types of data: quantitative data and qualitative data. Data generation methods are based on mathematical and computational methods and use numbers. Therefore, the data obtained from these methods are more objective and reliable than qualitative methods. One of the most common methods of collecting quantitative data is surveys and questionnaires with closed-ended questions.

Quantitative methods are less expensive than qualitative techniques and require less time to collect data. Unlike quantitative data-driven methods based on numbers, qualitative methods are descriptive. Qualitative method data can usually not be easily measured. Qualitative data generation obtains information through observation or questionnaires with open-ended questions or interviews. Therefore, the questions are open in qualitative data generation methods, and the answers are descriptive and not numerical. In the rest of this article, how to deepen the question of how to create data? Let us answer; we will introduce you to the four main data generation methods and data collection.


How to create data? The most important methods of data collection

To know how to create data, we must be familiar with the four data collection methods. In general, these methods are:

These data generation methods can be classified into two categories, quantitative and qualitative, and each has different features and tools.

Quantitative data processing methods

Surveys with closed questions and online tests

In this part of the article, we answer the question, how to create data with quantitative methods? Closed-ended surveys and online quizzes are the two main methods of quantifying data. In these methods, respondents must choose one of the predetermined answers. There are generally two types of closed-ended polls:

Poll with categorized questions

Survey with distance or relative questions.

Questions in the categorized survey method can be either two-choice (such as “yes or no”) or multiple-choice. In the two-choice mode, respondents can select the “Yes” or “No” options or the respondents select two predefined answer options.

On the other hand, distance or proportional (multiple choice) questions can include questions with a rating scale, Likert scale, or matrix questions. This type of question has a set of predetermined numerical values ​​for respondents to select according to a fixed criterion.


Qualitative data processing methods

In this part of the article, we want to answer how to create data with qualitative methods?

Surveys and questionnaires with open-ended questions

In open-ended polls, respondents have more freedom and flexibility in submitting their answers. When designing an open-ended survey, you need to consider the size of the survey and the number and complexity of the questions. Determining the optimal number of questions is important in this data generation method. Because answering open-ended questions is often difficult and time-consuming.

So it would help if you did not design the questions so that the respondents feel pressured. This method is more difficult than closed-ended surveys (from quantitative data processing methods) due to the lack of uniform options for selecting answers. In addition, quantitative survey methods are among the most cost-effective data processing tools.

Face-to-face interviews

In qualitative research, face-to-face interviews are recognized as the most common quantitative data collection method. In this method, the researcher receives the data directly from the interviewee. Because this method is done in person and individually, it is used to collect fully customized data.

Interviews can be informal, unstructured, conversational, and even spontaneous (such as talking to a friend), depending on your circumstances. Processing the data obtained in such methods can be very difficult and time-consuming. This method can be implemented semi-structured and, to some extent, standard (for example, if you design the interview questions as open-ended questions).

Focused group method

The focus group data generation method is a type of interview method. But instead of conducting individual interviews, discussions, and discussions about the research topic are done in groups. In situations where the resources of face-to-face interviews are limited (both in terms of several people, in terms of money, or time) and even when a specific social situation is needed to gather information about people’s attitudes and behaviors, the group approach Focused can be very effective and efficient. At best, the number of people in a focus group should be between 3 and 10. One must also maintain group order as a leader. The point to keep in mind in this method is that according to the purpose of the research, all focus group members should have one thing in common.


Data generation by direct observation method

Direct observation is one of the rarely used qualitative data generation methods. In this method, the person responsible for collecting information uses a participatory approach. The researcher observes the environment in which their research samples are present. He collects information by taking notes, recording videos or sounds, taking photos, and other tools.

Due to the participatory nature of the direct observation approach, the possibility of error and bias in research increases. Because the participation of individuals can affect the attitudes and views of the researcher, thus the objectivity of the data is challenged. In addition, given that the researcher is also known as a participant in the research process, it is possible to influence the behavior and natural actions of the observed individuals. As a result, they may not exhibit real behavior. Therefore, this method is less used. Researchers usually combine this method with other methods.

In the end, it should be mentioned that we tried to introduce data by introducing four different methods of data generation. Answer deeply. These methods are suitable for collecting quantitative and qualitative data and are known as the most common methods. According to the explanations provided, it can be said that one of the most important and widely used methods of collecting information is polls. Because you can use surveys in both quantitative and qualitative data, depending on the type of question (open or closed).

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