Familiarity with the Soft Skills of Coordinating with Others Part 2

In the previous section, I took a look at the definitions and some of the key elements of coordination with others. 

Coordinating with Others, In this issue, I will try to look at ways to strengthen this skill, while pointing to other aspects. 

For years, these writers and translators have been writing for Shabka Monthly, friends who live in Isfahan, Lahijan, Shahrekord, Tabriz and other parts of Iran and even in other parts of the world; Our articles are published together in a magazine; There is a lot of coordination for these articles; We also use encouragement and sometimes criticism; But the interesting thing is that I have not seen some of them up close yet; Or we haven’t seen each other in years.

This is the nature of work in today’s world. Coordinating people together in a collection to advance the work of the collection. The location has gradually lost its importance, especially in some jobs.

Especially after the outbreak of Covid disease, and the increasing prevalence of work at home, its importance has diminished.

It can be learned …

Even if some people have a special talent for coordinating or coordinating with others, a large part of this skill can still be learned. Education begins in the first days of life.

A child who learns to hold a bottle of milk with one hand so that the contents of it flow into his mouth, and with the other hand hugs his doll and sucks the milk at the same time, and with all this, keeps an eye on his mother. , Creates a kind of coordination between different parts of his body, and at the same time, his brain strengthens the ability to process all of these.

Without coordination, man would no doubt not have been able to achieve all the things and skills he has today. Harmony is the connecting point of human society that allows human beings to achieve results that go beyond the algebraic sum of their individual abilities.

Many of the works of today’s society are interconnected. Strengthening coordination can create synergies. That is, the sum of 2 + 2 does not necessarily become 4 and may become 5 or 6. Likewise, lack of coordination is not just an individual injury but can cause problems for a group; In such a case, the result 2-4 may not necessarily be 2 and may lead to 1 or zero or even a negative number.

From sewing to …

Imagine sewing closest to your home. If we consider the tailor he works in to be an average tailor, and this person is supposed to be able to sew a coat in one day, ten individual tailors will probably end up with ten coats in one day.

But if the same ten tailors work in harmony with each other and according to interest or experience of division and one person only cuts and another only prepares the liner and another just sews and finally, in one day they may be able to sew up to 15 coats…

At the same time, if there is no coordination between them, due to the interdependence of each other, the result of their work may be only 5 coats a day.

Coordinators are coming …

This is where the role of managers comes into play. People whose job it is to coordinate the members of a team to achieve the best possible result. Let’s continue our example.

A member of the sewing team spends part of his time coordinating and sourcing. This may be why the final output is a little lower, but because of the unity of procedure that is created and the skills that each member gains in their professional work, this shortcoming is easily compensated.

During their solo work, each of these people was in touch with their clients, but now someone must manage the clients. Someone must think about marketing the products produced so that the group’s products do not fall on their hands.

 Soon we need three middle managers: production manager, customer manager, and marketing manager.

Gradually the number of group members increases. Can group members sell their work one by one and receive money and give it to suppliers and distribute profits? So they also need a financial and accounting manager.

Now they need someone to coordinate these four managers so that each manager does not tune himself.

In this way, they also need a CEO. The CEO alone can not create all the coordination and formulate strategies for the collection, do the recruitment, etc.

On the one hand, he needs a person or persons who, under the title of recruitment or human resources, suitable people to the group.

Add and on the other hand to a group called the board of directors to oversee the work of the manager and develop strategies and macro strategies of the collection.

Pre-coordination …

Adding any person, section, or group to the collection requires coordination with other sections. It is necessary to draw certain boundaries between each part of this set so that things do not overlap.

At the same time, these borders should not be drawn so boldly that no part of the other is aware of them, which in turn leads to new inconsistencies.

For each new section to be created, it must be planned and its rules of procedure must be formulated before it is created. Define its goals and determine the way to achieve these goals and the approximate times of reaching each goal.

Divide the big goals into smaller goals and find ways to evaluate the work of different people and departments. These things are called coordination.

Without this coordination, the development of our collection will be irregular, and soon this unbridled development will ring the bell of failure.

In other words, whether we want to coordinate with others or managers want to keep a set of individuals or even groups together to function effectively, they must have at least an acceptable degree of each of these soft skills.

Simultaneous presence in multiple activities, the capacity to organize one’s work and align it with the overall workflow of the group or organization, anticipate and deal with crises and obstacles, get work back on track and change priorities if necessary all require coordination with others.

Effective coordination can change the sense of chaos into a sense of order.

A manager must pay attention to several things to be able to coordinate in his collection. Humans have different perceptions of concepts that seem common.

For example, we can refer to human understanding of the concept of time. Some people, depending on the type of personality or environment in which they come from, need a lot of time to get things done, while others work better under the so-called “pressure” themselves.

Who we choose to do a particular job requires a relative knowledge of the character as well as his or her background.

Strengthen coordination skills …

There are ways to strengthen harmony with others, some of which I will mention here.

  1. We need to closely monitor our team and become familiar with the personality traits of each member so that we can know how to influence him or her and coordinate with others if necessary.
  2. Learn to communicate effectively and clearly with team members and make sure they understand the group’s goals. In this case, their participation in the work will increase.
  3. Learn how to get feedback; Both in face-to-face communication and through the tools we provide for this.
  4. One important way to get feedback from others is to actively listen to them. Examining their posts on various platforms such as social networks can help build a better understanding and, ultimately, greater coordination.
  5. Learn how to give feedback. Our co-workers need to know what their work does to advance the goals of the group or organization.
  6.  Learn to manage time better and at the same time ask group members to meet deadlines.
  7. Refer to group members directly to make sure they are doing their homework properly.
  8. Pay attention to the informal groups that are forming among employees. In many cases, these groups can influence employee motivation more than the organization’s grammatical rules.
  9. Learn what motivational stimuli affect the behavior of us and our colleagues.
  10. Recognize the extent of our impact on colleagues and how they affect overall group coordination.
  11. Learn how we react to stressful situations and how we can improve them.
  12. Predict the possible reactions of other’s intense situations.
Now that you have mentioned the above, you can hope that the small sewing set you started has become a big brand and is going to open its first branch abroad in another month.

So, before it is too late to hire the manager of that branch, order the job advertisement of the manager to the Carino job search site!


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