Every thing about Hybrid Cloud and It’s Advantages and disadvantages


Hybrid cloud is an IT architecture that incorporates some degree of workload portability, orchestration, and management across 2 or more environments. Depending on whom you ask, those environments may need to include:

These varying requirements are an evolution from the earlier age of cloud computing. Where the differences between public clouds and private clouds were easily define by location and ownership. But today’s cloud types are far more complex, because location and ownership are abstract considerations. For example:

Public clouds traditionally ran off-premises, but public cloud providers are now running cloud services on their clients’ on-premise data centers.

Private clouds traditionally ran on-premises, but organizations are now building private clouds on rented, vendor-owned data centers located off-premises.

This is why it can be more Useful to define hybrid cloud computing by what it does. All hybrid clouds should:

  • Connect multiple computers through a network.
  • Consolidate IT resources.
  • Scale out and quickly provision new resources.
  • Be able to move workloads between environments.
  • Incorporate a single, unified management tool.
  • Orchestrate processes with the help of automation.

How do hybrid clouds work?

The way public clouds and private clouds work as part of a hybrid cloud are no different than how standalone public clouds or private clouds work:

  • A local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), virtual private network (VPN), and/or application programming interfaces (APIs) connect multiple computers together.
  • Virtualization, containers, or software-defined storage abstract resources, which can be pool into data lakes.
  • Management software allocates those resources into environments where applications can run, which are then provisioned on-demand with help from an authentication service.

Separate clouds become hybrid when those environments are connect as seamlessly as possible. That interconnectivity is the only way hybrid clouds work—and it’s why hybrid clouds are the foundation of edge computing. That interconnectivity is how workloads are moved, management is unified, and processes are orchestrated. How well-developed those connections are has a direct impact on how well your hybrid cloud works.

How do I build a hybrid cloud?

Every cloud is unique. Private clouds are one-of-a-kind and there are thousands of public cloud providers. There’s no one-size-fits-all cloud architecture. The way you organize your cloud resources and build a hybrid cloud will be as unique as your fingerprint. But there are a few basic principles that correspond to 2 general ways of building a hybrid cloud environment: The traditional way and the modern way.

Traditional hybrid cloud architecture

Hybrid clouds used to be the result of literally connecting a private cloud envrionment to a public cloud environment using massive, complex iterations of middleware. Also You could build that private cloud on your own, or you could use prepackaged cloud infrastructure like openStack.

Finally, you would need to link the public cloud to the private cloud. Moving huge amounts of resources among these environments require powerful middleware, or a preconfigured VPN that many cloud service providers give customers as part of their subscription packages:

  • Google Cloud offers Dedicated Interconnect.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers Direct Connect.
  • Microsoft Azure offers ExpressRoute.
  • OpenStack provides the OpenStack Public Cloud Passport.

Modern hybrid cloud architecture

Today’s hybrid clouds are architect differently. Instead of connecting the environments themselves, modern IT teams build hybrid clouds by focusing on the portability of the apps that run in the environments.

Think about it like this: Instead of building a local 2-lane road (fixed middleware instances) to connect 2 interstate highways (a public cloud and a private cloud), you could instead focus on creating an all-purpose vehicle that can drive, fly, and float. Either strategy still gets you from one place to another, but there’s a lot less permitting, construction, permanancy, and ecological impact if you focus on a universally capable vehicle.

So Modern IT teams build hybrid clouds by focusing on the car—the app. They develop and deploy apps as collections of small, independent, and loosely coupled services. By running the same operating system in every IT environment and managing everything through a unified platform, the app’s universality is extended to the environments below it. In more practical terms, a hybrid cloud can be the result of:

  • Running Linux everywhere
  • Building and deploying cloud-native apps
  • Managing everything using an orchestration engine like Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift

Why are hybrid clouds so popular?

Because you can use the best of every cloud. Command Line Heroes host Saron Yitbarek investigates how open source can connect multiple environments into a hybrid cloud.

And the Next question is

Are hybrid clouds secure?

A properly designed, integrated, and managed hybrid cloud can be as secure as traditional on-premise IT infrastructure. While there are some unique hybrid cloud security challenges (like data migration, increased complexity, and a larger attack surface), the presence of multiple environments can be one of the strongest defenses against security risks. All those interconnected environments let enterprises choose where to place sensitive data based on requirements, and it lets security teams standardize redundant cloud storage that can augment disaster recovery efforts.

Therefore Lets Understand the Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid cloud

Advantages of Hybrid Cloud

  • Cost
  • Reliability
  • Deployment
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility
  • Agility


Cost is an important point to consider when migrating to a cloud solution. Hybrid cloud is one such way of scaling operations in a cost effective way. Payment has to be done only for the resources that are being used. Private cloud services are relatively expensive on default. On the contrary, the Public solutions are the cheapest. Using Hybrid cloud means that you could easily acquire the benefits of Public cloud solutions while using Private cloud for data. Therefore, organizations can be benefited from both in infrastructure and application support in terms of expense.


Hybrid cloud services offer greater reliability since it reduces potential downtimes. This means that in case of any failure or disaster, the businesses can continue their operations with minimum interruptions.


Hybrid cloud is design according to the need of organizations (Optimization process). It is a part of both Public and Private cloud services. Therefore, in order for making data transfers faster, the IT employees can minimize latency.


Hybrid cloud is known for their adaption to organization’s needs. Many of the operations that seems to be non-critical can be moved to the Public cloud while lowering the demand for the Private one. Hence, clients can be benefited from the scalability provided by the Public cloud service. Moreover businesses can scale its resources up and down according to the way they need. Due to this they can take advantage of unlimited resources.


Using Hybrid cloud means that the organizations can acquire the benefit of both Public and Private cloud services. Hence, each distinct need comes up with variety of options. For an example you can use Hybrid cloud to store sensitive and confidential data on a Private cloud data center while others on a Public cloud.


The customization ability of a Hybrid cloud ensures that the company is agile enough to fulfill the client’s needs. Apart from doing the work of connecting old systems to new ones, the Hybrid cloud has the capability to create an underlying structure that compromise business demands.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud

  • Security
  • Visibility
  • Investment
  • Compatibility
  • Networking
  • Control


Security is a common concern for users who wants to load confidential informations into a Hybrid cloud. Due to the nature of Hybrid cloud, many security vulnerabilities are present inside them. Therefore, ensuring adequate security is a difficult process. In fact the responsibility of securing the data completely lies upon the users. Proper precautionary measurements has to be taken to ensure that the data is well protected.


Maintaining visibility over a hybrid cloud service is a complicated process to carry out. Because of this reasons there can be cost issues since there are more idle instances. In addition to that there can be incompliance with certain important regulations.


Cloud compatibility has found to be another issue for a Hybrid cloud environment. Especially with the infrastructures. An on-premise infrastructure can perform more than the Public infrastructure. This can affect the performance level of the Hybrid cloud severely.


Network bottlenecks can occur when there is a data transmission between the Public and Private cloud models. Always in the Public cloud, the data transmission is done through the Public internet. Public internet is known for being too slow where it can affect the performance level significantly. Especially for apps and functions that require fast operations.


Lack of control is always been an issue for the users using the hybrid cloud. In order for making operations smoother, there must be interactions between the Public and Private cloud models. In other words you need to make changes over a Private infrastructure so that it can be adapted to the Public cloud. The problem is the users have no control over this.


So In this Article We talked about Every thing of Hybrid cloud and It’s Advantages and Disadvantages and We hope you enjoy it.

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