Doctor’s Day – 10 Videos In Which Doctors Play A Vital Role Men And Women Who Value Life

The First Of September In Iran On The Occasion Of The Birth Anniversary Of Abu Ali Sina Is Known As Doctor’s Day

Doctor’s Day, Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Ali ibn Sina was, in fact, a physician, mathematician, astronomer, physicist, and chemist who rendered many services to Iranian medicine.

He was born on the first of September 359 AH in the village of Afrashteh in Bukhara [which is now part of Uzbekistan] and died on 31 June 416 AH in Hamedan. Although Ibn Sina lived only 57 years, he quickly applied what he had learned in medicine.

These days, when the medical staff and doctors of Iran seem more tired and helpless than ever due to the 24-hour conflict with the Coronavirus, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the films in which doctors play a vital role. Titles that may not be on the list of medical films but ultimately provide valuable descriptions of the preservers of people’s lives. We congratulate the medical staff on the day of the doctor.

Doctor Strange

The image of a doctor at the beginning of Doctor Strange is probably not as appropriate for a respectful event as Doctor’s Day. At the beginning of the film, Dr. Strange is a not-so-compassionate physician who is respected more for his skills than for the behavior he presents. But when Dr. Strange’s hands are damaged, which is almost incurable, the situation changes. So the Doctor Strange doctor approaches mysticism and martial arts and tries to change his character forever.

Then Dr. Strange becomes another human being; It is as if he was born again from the beginning. After meeting with Instinct, Dr. Strange changes his behavior makes sacrifices, and values ​​those around him; The same definition we need from a doctor for a doctor’s day.

Saving Private Ryan

Although Giovanni Ribisi was not one of the key actors in Saving Private Ryan, he provided an accurate picture of a committed physician as Erwin Wade. In the memorable Steven Spielberg film, Erwin Wade was a doctor who sends with the Rangers to carry out Ryan’s soldier rescue mission. During the film, he repeatedly helps the soldiers and saves their lives.

Erwin Wade [starring Giovanni Ribesi] is a responsible, kind, and caring physician who strives to ensure that the military does not lose his life. He is the doctor who knows the value of life and calls for death to be pushed back as much as he can.


Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club is based on the real-life events of Ron Woodruff. Ron Woodruff was a cowboy who lived in Dallas but one day fainted completely by accident. When an electrical technician rushed him to the hospital, doctors discovered that Ron was infected with the AIDS virus. One of the physicians working specifically on Ron Woodruff’s health is Dr. Ivo Sachs, [designed by Jennifer Garner].

Dr. Ivo Sachs compassionately helps the thigh to inject anti-AIDS drugs. Ron Woodruff, who is supposed to be part of the clinical trials of anti-AIDS drugs, is coming out from under the shadow of the pressure created by this terrible disease with the help of Ivo Sax. Ivo Sachs [starring Jennifer Garner] is one of the most beloved doctors portrayed in Hollywood movies. However, you should know that Ron Woodruff did not know about Dr. Ivo Sachs in real life, and this character was completely born of the imagination of Dallas Buyers Club screenwriters.

Still Alice

Still, Alice is based on the novel of the same name, which tells the life story of a linguist named Alice Howland, who discovers that she has Alzheimer’s disease. The beloved North Carolina-born actress Julianne Moore will play the role of Alice Howland in the film. Although Alice Howland has no medical degree, her thoughtful approach to Alzheimer’s disease, apparently family and genetic in origin, makes Still Alice a valuable Doctor’s Day title.


The Fugitive

Dr. Richard Campbell [played by Harrison Ford] is a cardiovascular surgeon known to be the most serious suspect in the murder of his wife, but Richard Campbell is innocent. A gunman actually killed Campbell’s wife, but she could not prove it. So he goes to prison as his wife’s killer. However, Dr. Kimball escapes from the prison bus before reaching prison. Now a fugitive, he must prove his innocence.

But proving innocence is not Richard Campbell’s only concern. He also wants to expose a huge scandal in the drug trade. Richard Campbell, played by Harrison Ford at the heart of cinema history, is one of the most popular doctors portrayed on the silver screen. In one of the scenes in the film, Dr. Kimball saves the life of a boy in the most emotional way possible.

Lorenzo’s Oil

Lorenzo Oudon is a five-year-old boy with adrenocortical dystrophy. This incurable and complex disease affects only one person in every one million and five hundred thousand people. Lorenzo seems to be surviving at best for another two years. Still, his father, Augusto [starring Nick Nolte] and mother Michelle [starring Susan Sarondon], are all trying to find a cure for their beloved son’s complicated illness. Without any specialization in medicine, they negotiate with various doctors to prescribe definitive treatment for their child.

This film is based on a true story. After consulting with Dr. Gus Nicholas [starring Peter Bostinov], Augusto and Michelle O’Donoghue finally cure their child. By combining two special oils, they succeed in defeating their child’s disease. Shortly after this historic achievement, the University of Stirling awarded Augusto Edon an honorary doctorate.



These days, when our country is still infected with coronavirus, it may be necessary to watch the movie Contagion. The film is based on the true story of the SARS virus outbreak in China and Hong Kong. Needless to say, the SARS virus has many similarities to the Coronavirus. But this film portrays one of the most responsible doctors. Dr. Erin Myers [portrayed by Kate Winslet] is commissioned by the Epidemic Intelligence Service to travel to East Asia to investigate the spread of the deadly virus.

Dr. Myers engages with government employees and organizations. Because they do not cooperate to find the source of the virus and methods to control it. However, Erin Myers, after realizing that this unknown virus has accelerated its spread, does not give up the fight and fights it with more courage. Erin Myers’ courage and dedication illustrate why doctor’s day should be celebrated.

The Cider House Rules

The Cider House Rules, released in 1999, is based on the novel of the same name, published in 1985. Although this film is not very well known, one of the kindest doctors in cinema history can be found in it. Dr. Wilbur Larch [starring Michael Kane] oversees an orphanage in The Cider House Rules. Wilbur Large is a compassionate, kind, and loving physician who treats orphaned children with love and respect.



Based on real-life events [but renamed characters], the beloved Robin Williams plays a neurologist who discovers a new treatment for patients with catatonic psychosis. Catatonic psychosis is a mental illness in which a person suffers from movement disorders. He may be motionless and silent for a long time. Robert De Niro also has a strong presence in this film. The role of the late Robin Williams in this film is reminiscent of the values ​​of Doctor’s Day.


Will Smith’s artistic career shows a collection of the most fascinating and diverse films. A concussion is one of Will Smith’s best-known films, portraying a unique image of a responsible and conscientious physician. The film is based on a true report by Jean-Marie Laskas and tells a forensic officer who has a great mission.

The forensic pathologist must investigate the hidden cases of brain injuries of US or NFL players. Will Smith plays a conscientious, caring, and committed physician who keeps the values ​​of the doctor’s day alive.

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