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Do you know what SEO knowledge is?

SEO knowledge

The billboards and advertising tracts that you distribute in the city are no longer very important in today’s world. Today, some companies earn millions of dollars only with the traffic they get from the Google search engine! And what is the knowledge of SEO has become a popular phrase in Google. SEO knowledge is an important topic that we will examine in this article and tell you why it is important.

What is SEO knowledge?

As briefly discussed earlier, SEO is one of the most important modern marketing methods in today’s world. You need to know what SEO knowledge is and apply it to your current business.

In general, in answer to the question of what is SEO knowledge, it should be said that SEO means site optimization for search engines or, in more slang SEO, means search engine interest in your website or social networks!

Today, for all their problems and needs, the first thing that people think about is the Google search engine, so you should be able to think that if you like Google your site or you are in the search results of some of the first words, what is the benefit of earning It’s your job !!

That’s why SEO is so important. You have done a great favor to yourself and your business by knowing SEO knowledge.

SEO applications

Following the question of SEO knowledge, we want to make you more familiar with this technical knowledge, so we are trying to introduce SEO applications. To be able to answer the question of what SEO knowledge is.

List of SEO applications or benefits:

1. SEO increases organic traffic and quality website traffic

Organic traffic that will increase your website traffic is a great advantage of SEO. SEO is very targeted and based on customer needs. An effective SEO strategy helps deliver your web pages to an audience that needs your product or service through relevant searches.

Because users are already looking for what you need to offer, organic traffic will drive high-quality traffic to your website without trying to attract or persuade a visitor (read customer).

What is SEO knowledge, and what are its applications? Great knowledge that should be paid more attention to?

2. SEO offers a significant return on investment

When evaluating digital marketing methods and techniques, ROI is, if not the most important priority, at least most of the time. While SEO results can be very time-consuming, a high-quality strategy will ultimately provide significant ROI to brand owners.

Search engine rankings from search engines offer ROIs close to 14.6%, which is about 12% more than traditional marketing – however, if your website is at the bottom of two, three, or four Google pages or is not ranked at all. , You will probably not have any visitors through search engines. On the other hand, the websites that will appear on the first page of Google will receive 33% of the total search traffic of users. Search engine visibility is directly related to increasing your website traffic and revenue and has made ROI one of the most important SEO benefits for many companies in various industries.

In general, knowing what SEO knowledge is and what it does can make you rich !!

3. SEO improves your credibility and trust in your business

Ranking on the first page of Google will increase your credibility among potential customers. Google ranks websites based on dozens of signals from inside and outside the site, such as the content created, the speed of the website, and the ability to work with mobile (can the site be viewed well with mobile ?!). While most customers probably do not care about these signals and do not comment on them, users expect Google to provide relevant and valuable content first. Most people implicitly trust the algorithm, and 75% of users will not go to the Google results page.

Trust is built on the strength of search engines and a high-quality product or service that builds credibility among visitors for the brand.

Knowing what SEO knowledge is can also help you build a strong brand.

4. SEO advertising 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Efforts to rank SEO will not stop after business hours. Content, such as paid advertising (PPC), will not disappear when the advertising budget is exhausted. SEO rankings promote your website seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and take advantage of the (at least) 60,000 searches per second on Google. Once again, SEO is unique because it allows your company to advertise while your users are searching – not like a city billboard that you have to put together a month later !!

5. SEO targets the entire sales funnel

SEO-driven content marketing includes various content that targets every step of the sales funnel. While a blog post related to the beginning of the sales funnel (awareness) or the middle (interest creation) is not initially customer-generating, it creates content like this loyalty and brand awareness – features that lead to It bringing customers.

These are just a few of the benefits of SEO, and there are many more to understand the importance of learning SEO. It is not boring in this article to explain these cases. Further, we will only briefly review them.

Concluding remarks

SEO is one of the most important digital marketing methods, and this method will remain popular and strong! SEO knowledge is really important, and we believe that every business owner should be aware of this popular and lovable knowledge.

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