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Destruction Of The Most Beautiful Urban Landscapes In The World Due To Air Pollution

Destruction Of The Most Beautiful Urban Landscapes In The World Due To Air Pollution

Despite Decades Of Struggle And Policy Change, Air Pollution Continues To Worsen For More Than Half The World’s Population. 

You may overlook the devastating impact of air pollution on your daily life in your city, But when traveling, the sight of industrial fog and smoke brings everyone together.

As part of their mission to draw attention to the quality of the air you breathe, the HouseFresh team shows you what the face of a famous landscape will look like if the level of local air pollution increases by humans.

The team found iconic photographs of the landscapes to mimic the visual impact of air pollution on India’s Ghaziabad skyline, often ranked as “the most polluted city in the world.” You can see these pictures below.

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Rockefeller Center (New York, USA)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Paris, France

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Carrie Park (Seattle, USA)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

London, UK

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Macquarie Point (Australia)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Church of St. Peter (Rome / Vatican City, Italy)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Statue of Christ (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Tokyo Skating (Japan)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Victoria Peak (Hong Kong)

Destruction of urban landscapes due to air pollution

Central Island (Toronto, Canada)


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