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The New IOS Bug Makes It Impossible To Connect To A Wi-Fi Network

According To One Security Researcher, New Bugs IOS Via An SSID With Special Characters, You Can Connect To The Network Wi-Fi iPhone Completely Disabled, And To Correct It, You Need To Reset The Phone To Factory Settings Will Be.

Karl-up last month, a security researcher, using the name of the hotspot Wi-Fi Personal « % p % s % s % s % s % n» in devices based on iOS clear that Apple will not easily be the hot spots are connected, and indeed the SSID specifically, Wi-Fi in some cases, completely disable them.

The problem was resetting the network settings in iOS resolved and did not Arrives; However, he mentioned an injury of the same discoveries that could be far-reaching than the past damage.

According to Apple Insider, citing new tweets up, using the ID «% secretclub% power» to disable the iPhone’s Wi-Fi network capabilities and network settings, there is no guarantee to restore connectivity.

The researcher claims that the iPhone used for testing still does not connect to Wi-Fi networks after repeated resetting the network settings and restarting the iPhone. Shaw says he contacted the Apple device security team about this, but he has not received a response from this company.

Previously thought to be the main bug related to parsing the input; Where the percent sign (%) can be used by iOS to a specific supplier interpreted string-format; The following characters icon can be a variable or a command to be considered instead of plain text.

For a better understanding, the specified format is a single alphanumeric character type format, such as the number or percentage indicates the currency is. Any numeric format string that contains more than one character alphabet, such as white space, to a custom numeric format string is interpreted to be.

But most likely, signs of percent, which is in line with the S and P, used to be the main reason for creating new bugs.

Apparently, check out this issue confirmed that a bug in the string format there; But in general, it does not seem to harm Hazardous on our side. It is likely to field more text that can be used in this way on iOS a problem; But probably soon, Apple will remove the bugs.

The tech giant is currently working on beta versions of iOS 14.7 and iOS 15. It is unclear whether this issue will be fixed in the new versions; Therefore, it is recommended that you do not connect to unknown Wi-Fi hotspots, especially if they have unusual symbols.

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