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What is WAMP and what is its use

WAMP is an online local server without needing a real host and a secure environment for website activity, which is an MySQL, M for Windows, Apache and PHP. acronym

In other words, Wamp Server is a software package that if you install it on Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP will also be loaded and activated on your operating system. Of course, it is possible to install each of these options separately, but they are usually prepared and supplied as a package under the name of WAMP.

In addition,    WAMPSERVER also has a control panel, after installing its software package, all the services mentioned above (except for the operating system that is already installed) will be installed and launched on your device.

In a more comprehensive explanation, “W” stands for Windows, so the package related to the Linux operating system is called LAMP and the package related to the Mac operating system is called MAMP.

“A” also stands for Apache, which is a server responsible for serving web pages. In fact, when a user requests to view or visit a page of a website, the Apache server sends his request through the HTTP protocol and shows him that page.

The next abbreviation is “M”, which stands for MySQL and is responsible for managing the server’s database. This management system stores and maintains all relevant information such as site content, user information, etc.

Finally, the letter “P” belongs to PHP. PHP is a programming language used to write WordPress. PHP activity on wamp server starts when it communicates with apache server and mysql database.

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Advantages of using wamp server


application What is WAMP ?


Using WAMP dramatically speeds up the work process for developers and designers of various themes and plugins in WordPress. Generally, developers or users use wamp server to test their web applications or different websites as a “local host” before they actually activate them.

For example, you want to create a website in WordPress, but before you start the design and activity of your website live or buy hosting for it, you can learn how to install WordPress, set templates, etc. Learn localhost or locally and on your PC using wampserver.

Installing WAMP on Windows or installing similar software packages for other operating systems such as Linux and Mac is an ideal way to save time; Because you no longer need to upload files to a real and live site, and you can learn how to develop and expand your site in a safe environment.

Therefore, the developers of WAMP have provided this software completely free of charge for the convenience of users, especially beginners in the field of creating dynamic websites;

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Major differences between XAMPP and WAMP


X A M P P stands for X (Operating System), A pache, M ySQL, P HP, P ERL and is an Open Source platform that can easily be downloaded for free.

“The main difference between zamp and vamp” is in the format and structure of their configurations and management programs; In short, XAMPP supports most operating systems and has more features.


Therefore, if you are a beginner and do not need the above features, it is better to proceed with the WAMP server; But if you need more advanced features, it is better to go for XAMPP.

Note that WAMP cannot be installed and run simultaneously with XAMPP; Because XAMPP consumes more resources and occupies most of the ports.

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The last word!

“WAMP” server is an application program for beginners and those interested in WordPress, with the help of which, without the need to purchase a host, all the necessary steps for developing and testing a site can be implemented. .

Be careful that WAMPSERVER is designed for Windows operating system. But if you have other operating systems such as: Linux and Mac, you can use programs similar to it, such as: XAMPP, LAMP and MAMP

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