What Is Reddit And What Features Does It Have?

Reddit Is A Forum For Discussion And Exchange Of Opinions On Various Topics And The Source Of Almost All Important News And Rumors.

The Reddit community is one of the main hubs of world news, where you can discuss any topic, from information and technology to music and games. Every day, millions of people visit Reddit and discuss with each other.

This association introduces itself as “the front page of the Internet”; active users on this platform get to know the important news of the world earlier than the rest of the people and can identify trends better than the general public.

In this article, we will learn more about Reddit and subreddit and how to search in this forum. What is Reddit?

Reddit is a popular online forum that may be difficult to get used to when you first arrive. Perhaps Reddit’s biggest drawback is its platform’s welcome page, which isn’t user-friendly for getting users started.

However, stay on this platform for a while. You will see that the posts’ content and users’ discussions are exciting, and you can exchange opinions with other users of this website about any topic.

Reddit is a platform that combines content, news, community, and social network. It allows the user to freely share his views in the form of text or images, or videos with other users without any restrictions.

Reddit community can be considered as one of the virtual internet communities that is very popular, and its activity is not only limited to topics like technology. Many users on this platform exchange daily opinions on music, games, movies, and even digital currency. Other users can vote on the content published on the Reddit platform.

The name Reddit is derived from a play on words:

Read it -> Reddit

As of 2018, Reddit had approximately 330 million active users, and users who do not have an account on the platform can also view the most popular content. On Reddit, usernames start with “u/.” For example, there is a user with the username “u/Poem_for_your_sprog” who replies to messages upside down or another user with the username “u/Shitty_Watercolour” who posts a painting in response to posts.

The structure of Reddit

Users on Reddit give positive votes (Upvotes) to the content they like and valuable content, and they also give negative votes (Downvotes) to the content they don’t like. These votes significantly impact the content classification and increase or decrease the probability of being seen by other users.

Reddit policy and content voting method make more engaging and high-quality content to be seen, and even if enough votes are received, it will be placed on the first page of the website. Of course, users can also reward others with tokens, called Reddit Coins, to highlight their favorite posts and help them be seen better.

The continuous sharing of information and content on Reddit, and users’ activity, is the reason for the survival of this forum. If one day no user publishes a post on Reddit, this platform will disappear.

Getting to know some Reddit terms

Apart from the usual and common terms that users use in cyberspace, some modifications are used specifically on the Reddit platform, which may be a little confusing at first if you are not familiar with them. Simply put, there are a lot of strange terms used in the space of the Reddit platform, and you can’t get to know all of them until you are active in this forum. Next, we will introduce some examples of Reddit’s standard and applicable terms. Let’s start with Redditors: all the Reddit community members are called “Redditors.”

AMA (short for Ask Me Anything): The term AMA or “Ask Me Anything!” is usually used by people with much information to narrate and share. For example, famous people with exciting challenges and experiences may share their life stories. Additionally, there is a dedicated subreddit for AMAs where well-known people, such as NASA scientists, answer user questions.

Famous actor Harrison Ford invites users to ask any questions they have about his experience playing in a documentary series about climate change.

Ask Me Anything threads often turn out to be the most thought-provoking, humorous, or surprising threads on Reddit. In Ask Me Anything posts, a well-known person like Barack Obama or Nick Offerman, or even someone who has had unique experiences throughout life, shares their story. For example, a woman who had to drive miles to get to safety after fighting off an enormous bear shared her experience with an AMA on Reddit.

ELI5 (short for Explain Like I’m 5): The term ELI5 or “Explain Like I’m 5!” It comes up when you have a question about a complex topic and want the case to be explained to you. There is a separate subreddit for this topic, just like the AMA.

A user has asked other Reddit members to explain why some people see this dress as white/gold and others as black/blue.

EDIT, ETA (abbreviation of Edit and Edited to Add): The terms EDIT and ETA are usually added in comments below a topic to allow other users to edit the issue.

TL;DR (Abbreviation for Too Long; Didn’t Read): The term TL;DR or “It was too long, I didn’t read!” Usually, very long posts or comments are placed at the end to criticize their length, which means that reading the written text is out of the user’s interest. Also, this term can indicate a summary of the main text so that users who don’t have enough time or inclination to read it can get the gist by just reading the text marked with TL; DR.

TIL (Abbreviation for Today I Learned): TIL or “Today I Learned…” describes a topic the user has learned.

OP (abbreviation of Original Poster): The term OP is used to indicate the original poster of each post.

What is a subreddit?

A subreddit is a small community based on a specific topic in the Reddit community. Reddit’s specialized discussion forums are called subreddits, also known as topics. On the Reddit platform, public or private subreddits can create for any matter in any field. Users will need admin permission to join private subreddits.

Focusing on a specific topic, subreddits each have their own rules, regulations, members, and posts, and you can view each subreddit’s rules kinesin its right sidebar. If, after searching a lot, you find that the subreddit you are looking for does not exist on this platform, you can create a subreddit and be its main administrator.

Subreddits are named starting with “/r” ([Subreddit]/r/) . For example, / is a home subreddit where you can find any post about home, interior design, architecture, and home improvement. r/science is also a forum dedicated to discussing scientific topics, and r/popular shows the subreddit with the best content on the entire Reddit platform or the subreddit / with the possibility to ask any question in any field. There is a picture of the rules list below:

Karma on Reddit

You are very active on the Reddit platform. After posting and commenting for a while, you will see a pair of karma numbers on your profile page in the upper right corner. KarReddit users can earn karma for their content and comments. This karma is a reflection of their status and popularity on Reddit. Ma can be seen as a way to entertain Reddit users on this platform, which has no use or value outside of Reddit.

The more upvotes your posts get, the more karma you get; the more downvotes you get, the less karma you accumulate. In a way, this unit determines the amount of credibility of you and your content, and its increase provides capabilities for your activity on Reddit.

Getting banned on Reddit

If you face adverse reactions from other users, especially the administrator of that subreddit, or if you don’t follow the rules, the administrator of that subreddit can ban you. In such cases, you will not be prohibited from reading the posts and comments of other users, and you can still use the main page’s content.

If the administrator of the subreddit bans you, you will be banned from joining different topics, and there is no way back; Of course, you can contact the administrator who banned you and ask him to remove you from the list of prohibited people. However, some moderators are stricter than others, and Reddit has not specified any specific rules for this, and the decision is up to the subreddit moderators.

Reddit token

In April 2021, with the cryptocurrency market heating up, Reddit announced that users will now be able to convert their Karma points into ERC-20 tokens based on the Ethereum network. Users can earn these tokens monthly for new posts and exciting comments and use them to buy membership and vote in essential polls. This platform also offers community points as tickets on the Ethereum blockchain platform.

Reddit users have six months to withdraw their points, and to use these tokens, they must create wallets on the Ethereum blockchain platform, and they can access their tickets with the public address and private key provided to them.

Reddit Premium or Reddit Gold

In the Reddit community, users can get premium accounts of this community, also known as Reddit Gold, by paying around $10 per month and nearly $100 per year. Users with a Gold or Premium account can access more features than regular users, and any new part that is developed on Reddit is first available to Gold users before it is released to the public so that they can test it and give their opinion if they wish. to announce

In addition, membership in Reddit Gold also provides the user with access to secret subreddits and other exciting features. Of course, you don’t necessarily have to get a Reddit Gold account to enjoy being on Reddit.

Register on Reddit

If, with all the explanations given about Reddit, you consider this platform the right place to work, go to the login page of this community (Sign Up) and register. After you’ve gone through the signup process, Reddit offers suggestions for finding subreddits and topics. If you already know a subreddit and are interested in it, search for the name of that subreddit and subscribe after seeing it.

On Reddit, you can create as many accounts as you want and have multiple accounts. In addition, there is no limit to membership in subreddits and different content. You can share additional content with a large community of people and discuss and exchange opinions with each other.

Some interesting points about Reddit

1. When a small group of University of Virginia roommates founded Reddit in 2005, they never thought that this platform would one day become one of the most successful and popular websites in cyberspace. When you first launch a website, it is natural that it will not have many visitors and should give it time to become known among users. Now, if your website depends only on user-provided content, the only way to introduce it to your audience is to fake users for that platform. The founders of Reddit used the same method to present it to the world. The administrators of this website produced and submitted all the content posted in the early days of Reddit.

Steve Hoffman, one of the founders of Reddit, said:

User impersonation had two benefits when Reddit was launched: 1. The tone dictated the type of content we wanted to fit on Reddit; 2. It made the Reddit community feel alive and fresh. With this method, a few months after the launch of Reddit, we no longer needed to post content, and we felt happy that we had finally succeeded.

2. There was no comment section in the first developed version of Reddit. However, the comments section did not exist when Reddit launched, and it took six months to add such a feature to the platform. Still, today, opinions and comments are an integral part of the Reddit platform, and the way users think about posts and their relationship with the community is significant.

3. Reddit has won three Guinness World Records for the most effective gift exchange platform. In 2009, Reddit launched RedditGifts by introducing a user named kickme444. Reddit Gifts is a way to share gifts on the Reddit platform that started as a Secret Santa exchange.

Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition where people anonymously give gifts to each other. The same concept made its way to Reddit, where randomly paired users with someone by posting their wishes on the RedditGifts subreddit. Reddit has so far received three Guinness World Records for this feature. Bill Gates was one such person who participated in RedditGifts and is known for giving expensive and thoughtful gifts.

4. Reddit has affected the stock market. The subreddit r/wallstreetbets is a forum on the Reddit platform where the content of the posts is related to the Wall Street stock market. Users gather in this forum to share their predictions and opinions about the next significant investment. In January 2021, this association managed to dramatically increase the value of shares of a company called GameStop, So that its news made it to the headlines, and many amateur investors invested in it.

Common Questions

1. What is Reddit?

Reddit is a forum or a kind of social network where users discuss and discuss various topics in any field.

2. Who is called a Redditor?

Every user who works on Reddit is called a Redditor.

3. What is a subreddit?

Any community created on Reddit based on a specific topic is called a subreddit. Subreddits are specialized Reddit communities.

4. What is Karma? And how does it increase or decrease?

The points users get in exchange for upvoting on Reddit are called karma. The more positive votes an article or comment receives, the karma of the owner of that article or word will increase, and on the other hand, with opposing voices, its karma will decrease.

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