What is NetScan and How to fix this problem?

Businesses (both large and small) need an internal network to increase the speed and quality of tasks such as (keeping information and sharing them). nets can or network scanning is a solution that some hackers use to identify the desired network. As the saying goes, if you can know your enemy, you are halfway to success. If you are looking for a way to prevent such problems from occurring in your network and increase its security, you are in the right place.

In this article, we examine netscan from the aspect of hacking and unauthorized access, and the goal is to make your network or server more secure by learning more about network scanning and ways to fix it. Stay tuned for more:

What is Netscan?

netscan or network scanning is a popular method to discover network vulnerabilities such as open ports, which, if done by the network administrator, is a security measure, but if done by hackers, it is considered an attack and a way for unauthorized penetration into the systems Or it makes the servers smoother.

netscan or network scan refers to a process that results in comprehensive information about network details. This type of scan is usually used for security assessments and system maintenance. But obtaining information about the network is a result that attracts the attention of hackers. Implementing various attacks to access information, unauthorized use of services, etc., are among the goals that can be achieved by fully understanding the network and its vulnerabilities.

A hacker needs the tools and protocols that network monitoring and management systems rely on to obtain public IP addresses, information about servers, ports, and other devices and discover vulnerabilities.

If a hacker uses netscan to identify the open ports of devices, services, running processes, and network vulnerabilities, he can easily draw a network map. Hackers’ access to the details of the network and its vulnerabilities means discovering holes, and penetrating the network through these holes is a great threat to the system and sensitive information.

Network scan objectives



Types of Netscan


The netscan process has two other sub-branches, which we will examine all three scans in the following:

Network scanning

This scan is known as a basic and important method and is done to determine the location of active systems and their number. By scanning the network or netscan, the hacker obtains a logical plan of the network and the basic road map.

In the first step, known as the footprint step, data such as the organization’s DNS, email servers, and their IP address ranges are identified.

During the scanning phase, the hacker discovers details about the identified IP addresses, architecture, operating systems, and services running on each system.

In the enumeration phase of netscan, other data such as routing tables, usernames, and network groups, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) data are collected.
Port Scanning

As the name suggests, port scanning is a process used to find active ports on a network. A port scanner forwards client requests to a range of target network ports and then stores details about the ports that send responses.

This type of scanning is deeper than netscan or Network Scanning and clearly shows details. For example, it shows that a system with IP address is up and running, and port 80 (a popular port for HTTP traffic) is open. So this device is a web server, and a hacker can use this information to plan the next stage of his hack.



Finding open holes among the 65,535 ports of each IP address provides the necessary opportunities for a robust and successful attack.

Of course, this sub-branch of netscan itself has different types, the most used of which are:

Vulnerability scanning

Vulnerability scanners go a step beyond port scanning and identify open ports and operating systems and the vulnerabilities the host is facing.

For example, if a port scanner shows that the host is running Windows 7 and a certain service, a vulnerability scanner will also detect vulnerabilities caused by exploits.

These vulnerabilities discovered by netscan result from poor programming and misconfiguration of the network.

Among the types of vulnerable scanners, the following can be mentioned:

Network Enumerator – A computer program used to gather information about network users and groups of systems.

Network Vulnerability Scanner – a system that continuously scans network vulnerabilities.

Web Application Security Scanner – a program that communicates with a web application and identifies possible vulnerabilities of the application or its architecture.

A computer Worm – is a type of computer malware used to detect vulnerabilities.


How to prevent hackers from running Netscan


Hackers use netscan tools to search the network to discover the security levels of organizations, and by identifying vulnerabilities, they can attack properly and somewhere. To remove these types of threats from your network, you must have up-to-date and effective information on netscan.

The presence of powerful security software, port scanning tools, and security alerts are among the main needs of the network. Netcat and Nmap are useful tools that you can use to increase your security levels by identifying vulnerabilities.

The most widely used network defense mechanisms against unauthorized netscan

Use a strong firewall.

A firewall can prevent unauthorized access to a business’s private network. Firewalls can detect ports and their status and detect and disable any running scans.

Most quality routers have a built-in firewall, but installing a software firewall on devices connected to the Internet is recommended. These types of firewalls identify external threats and prevent any risk of attacking high-risk ports. This makes the network’s vulnerabilities less against the netscan problem caused by hackers.

TCP wrappers

TCP wrappers allow administrators more flexibility to allow access or block unauthorized access. Admins do this based on IP addresses and domain names.

Discovering holes in the network

Try to identify open ports, network status, and system vulnerabilities by performing the necessary scans before the hacker comes into action with the netscan attack.

Periodic scanning of the network helps to discover its weak points. If you can identify vulnerable applications, open and vulnerable ports, poor programming, incorrect network configuration, etc., before the hacker, you will block the way for any attack by netscan.

Some other solutions:


Network scanning or netscan is considered a problem when it is done by hackers and provides them with information about active devices, open ports, running services, and network vulnerabilities. If you can prevent such problems by implementing security solutions, the risk of hacker attacks will surely be much less.

The use of a virtual server also requires the implementation of special security measures because every network or system is at risk of this type of attack, and the important thing is that by outrunning hackers and eliminating network vulnerabilities before them, the power Combined high processing of your virtual server with high security. In this way, you can move forward with strength and have no fear of such problems.



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