What is Kadena Digital Currency? Introducing KDA tokens


Some projects have just been launched in the world of digital currencies, but because of the new technology they offer, they are on the list of the most valuable coins! Interestingly, their number is not small! One of the cryptocurrencies that have come up with a new and creative idea and could have a lot to say in the future is the Kadena digital currency or KDA token, which, despite its advanced technology, has not yet received much attention from crypto investors. This article will introduce Kadena’s digital currency and evaluate its various aspects. Stay with us.

What is Kadena Digital Currency?

Kadena Digital Currency is a public-private (Permissioned) hybrid blockchain. General Blockchain this Rmzarz, a proof of work (Proof of Work), advanced and powerful performance while having security and integrity. Blockchain Bitcoin’s scalability and throughput have also improved. Kadena digital currency focuses only on speed, safety, and simplicity. These three features have made this project a great success right now. And many companies in economics, health, and insurance are using them. Kadena digital currency

As mentioned, Kadena uses a proof-of-work mechanism in its blockchain. Of course, we are all aware of the problems and disadvantages of using this type of mechanism, and we know that using a PoW system usually means low transaction processing speed and low throughput. But Kadena has a practical solution to this problem to bring momentum to the proof system. The developers of Kadena digital currency have found a way to shard the proof-of-work mechanism to solve the problem of scalability. The native token of the Kadena project is also called KDA, which is very secure and scalable.

Dedicated language for smart contract

Kadena Digital Currency has a proprietary language for intelligent contracts. It’s called Pact. Pact is an evolving open-source language for smart contracts that is primarily intended for use in blockchains. The Pact language focuses on facilitating the transaction concept by optimally combining the functions of authentication, information management, and workflow.

Pact is in English and is designed to make learning and using the language of intelligent contracts very easy. Of course, it can also support complex and advanced projects with features such as automatic bug detection, external code support (without loss of control), and private and collective management.

Kadena blockchain in action

Here are some uses for the Kadena blockchain. Kadena customers are in several industries, and with the blockchain technology of this digital currency, they solve their company’s problems in particular. This blockchain is used to share data and is already used by many different companies operating in economics, health, and more.

Capital management

Trading funds (ETFs) have grown tremendously over the past decade. The market is increasing, and new companies and projects are constantly entering it. This creates a very keen competition in the discussion of capital management. Kadena digital currency blockchain can offer more opportunities to improve performance. The USFC is currently using Kadena technology to enhance its asset management process.

Kadena hybrid and dual features are ideal for capital managers; Because it provides the scalability needed in the capital management industry while managing information that can be inherently both public and confidential. The Pact language is used in both public and private Kadena blockchain systems. Therefore, the USFC uses the mechanism to prove the work of this digital currency to pave the way for international cooperation with other companies while having complete security.

Corona test

The Kadena digital currency has recently focused on resolving the Coronavirus crisis in community health care. Kadena’s new application can verify the validity of corona tests by allowing you to search for corona test kits. This application allows health professionals and patients to communicate and store test results securely.

This application uses a QR code to ensure the validity and authenticity of corona tests. The system then records the keys so that no one can accidentally record a result. By keeping the image of the test QR code, Kadena can inform anyone about the development of their corona test by entering the application. This makes it impossible to replace accurate tests with fake ones.

Drug trafficking is another major problem that Kadena’s digital currency is solving. The health industry has long had difficulty tracking and monitoring drugs and controlling them. This problem is especially acute in developing countries where effective drugs are sold on the black market. Many individuals and organizations are involved in the drug supply chain; Therefore, monitoring and tracking drugs with old technology is very challenging.

The unique feature of this hybrid blockchain is that a public marker can be affixed to drugs, and then other information and records related to that drug are stored in secret.

The future of Kadena digital currency

Kadena has big and exciting plans for the future. “Kadena CEO Will Martino says:

The exciting and important thing is that public blockchain has been introduced and smart contracts are being launched, and this has given us the power to shake up the market with products called hybrid apps. These applications are designed to run both in the private blockchain and have smart contracts that allow people in the public sector to interact with the private chain.

Kadena’s digital currency works in a sensitive and essential industry. So one of the biggest challenges facing this project is meeting the needs of enterprise users. Kadena, however, has solved this problem, and today, it can process more than ten chains, and in the future, with the expansion of the collection, this number will reach 10,000 chains. Kadena recently increased its number of supported chains from 10 to 20, enabling the project’s hybrid blockchain platform to process 480,000 transactions per second.

Quinn’s development team believes it could make a giant leap in accepting and increasing the technology’s popularity. “Martino says:

This is a crucial moment for companies and organizations. These organizations have not yet had a platform that can use its public blockchain platform and ensure that if they run their products in that blockchain, they will receive the necessary operational capacity.

Founder of Kadena Digital Currency

Kadena’s digital currency elite team has a long history in banking. Kadena CEO Will Martino is well known for his unique hybrid and private blockchains ideas. Before founding Kadena, Will worked alongside Kadena co-founder Stuart Popejoy for a long time at the blockchain center JP Morgan. Together, the two created the company’s first blockchain, Juno. Before JP Morgan, Will served as head of technology at the Digital Exchange Committee of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, a software engineer for AxialMarket and ION Trading’s customer management department.


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