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What is internal linking? Internal linking training

Internal linking

One of the important parts of internal SEO is website internal linking. Why we should use internal links is a topic that we will discuss in this article. Internal links can be very powerful and useful at the same time. So, don’t neglect this subject! In this article, we will say in simple language what is meant by internal link and we will explain the importance of this issue for you.

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What is an internal link?
Benefits of internal linking in SEO
1- Better understanding of site structure by search engines
2- Increasing the power of the page and better position in the results
3- Improving user experience and user satisfaction
Types of internal links
Site navigation
Links used in the content
Internal linking training on the site
1- Identifying the main pages of the site
2- The use of appropriate embeddings
3- Using the power of reference pages
4- Link old pages to new

What is an internal link?

As we said in the article What is Internal SEO , internal linking is an important factor in on-page SEO. Internal links are links that point from one page to another on the same site.

If we want to compare internal links to an understandable example, we can tell you that you want to go to the second floor and room 206 in a large multi-story hotel. Well, you have two ways to get to the said room, the first is the elevator and the second is the stairs of the hotel.

The internal links of a website are exactly like the elevator and stairs that you use to reach the destination room.


In the world of SEO, suppose you want to reach the WordPress hosting pages on the Iranhost site, if I give a link to this page in this article with the words ” buying WordPress hosting “, I have actually done internal linking in this article.

Does internal linking help site SEO? The answer to this question is definitely positive. But if you want to get a deeper understanding of the subject, read on.

Benefits of internal linking in SEO

In general, the advantages of internal linking are categorized into three parts:

1- Better understanding of site structure by search engines

If the internal linking of the site is used correctly, a solid internal link structure based on SEO principles is created that can help search engines like Google to easily find the pages on your site and index them. Using internal links makes Google regularly discover new content on the site.

If you use internal links in SEO correctly, you can introduce the topics of each page of the site to search engines in the best way.


2- Increasing the power of the page and better position in the results

The more links a page gets from other pages on the site, the higher the value of that page for Google and the higher its position in the results. A


Also, internal linking can distribute power throughout the site. For example, if a page of your site has received backlinks from reliable external sources and has a good position in the results, you can transfer the power of that page to other pages to some extent by creating internal links.

If you are not familiar with the concept of backlinks and its impact on SEO , you can read this article to learn more about this topic.

3- Improving user experience and user satisfaction

The use of internal links makes it easier for users to find the content they need and increases their satisfaction with the site. Of course, this point is also of great importance that you increase the time users stay on the site and prevent them from leaving quickly.

Note : Considering the potential of visitors, by creating a correct path of internal links, they can be brought closer to the target and the conversion rate of the site can be increased.

Types of internal links

Internal linking can be divided into several different types. Usually, this method is done in the following two ways:

Site navigation

Navigation links on the site usually show the main structure of the site map. These links are usually placed in the main menu of the site, sidebar (side parts of the site) and footer (end of the site) and guide users to enter different pages.


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