What Is Decentraland? + Shopping Training And Wallets

Decentraland Is A Decentralized Online Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming Platform. This Game Has Excited Users Interested In Chinese Blockchain Technology As Well As Gamers. 

The news of the design of this platform in 2018, when the project was still in its early stages, attracted a lot of attention.

Decentraland is now fully operational. Although this project is still in the early stages of development and still has the potential to grow, now is a good time to take a closer look at Desertland, despite all its shortcomings.

If you are looking for a platform that is both a game and a hobby and a way to earn money, you have chosen the right article to read.

In this article that uses an article Compiled on Kevin Biora’s website, we first explain exactly what the Decentraland platform is and how it works; Then, you will get acquainted with the native tokens. Finally, you will learn how to start working in this game.

What is Decentraland?

As mentioned above, Decentraland is one Taurus(Virtual world) that is decentralized. This game is somewhat similar to Second Life, But the big difference between Decentraland and Second Life is that Decentraland runs on the Chinese blockchain platform.

This game is based on China Blockchain ethereum. It operates and was created to support the creation, development, hosting and sale of virtual property. The games that provide this feature take users to an engaging digital world where they can buy, sell, and make whatever they think of.

Decentraland also allows its users to purchase the virtual property. Users of this game can develop their property as an online and virtual business and a source of income. They can create different buildings and attractions in their virtual fields and earn money through them.

In addition, users make good profits by selling their structures together.

دسنترالند In Decentraland, the world can be yours. Picture of Decentraland Game

Two Chinese blockchain experts, Ari Meilich and Esteban Ordino, designed and developed the project. They have spent several years developing the China BlocSmart contracts. They landed in Centralland and finally, in 2020, managed to launch the main platform and network.

Millis and Ordino then went on to work as project consultants in Dussetland. Currently, these two activities are in the direction of the development of this platform, and the Decentralized self-governing organization (DAO) is Dessentralland.

How does Decentraland work?

Decentraland allows players to deal with Unparalleled tokens(NFT) called Land to be active in this game. There are a total of 90,000 tokens. These tokens can also be bought and sold. Land literally means land. In this game, tokens that show the ownership of virtual fields are named Land.

In addition, landlords can build whatever they want on their land. Buying and selling areas can run games, various apps, betting, display creative 3D images, informative sites and literally anything you can think of.

Each small square is a LAND piece. Picture ofDecentraland Game

Each of the fields in this game has a specific size of 33 feet by 33 feet. Interestingly, while the length and width of each land are limited, there is no limit to the height of the land. So the owner of land can always increase his land height more and more.

A community of several lands creates an area.

In fact, these areas are a collection of lands that have similar uses. For example, betting sites, amusement parks, or pirates are each located in separate areas.

In the game, several native tokens are defined. One of these tokens is called “MANA”. Holders of mana tokens are important members of the Decentraland platform; Because, as part of network governance (DAO) Are known in each region. With mana tokens, they can vote on issues that affect these areas. The total amount of mana tokens held by each member determines the weight of his vote.

Mana tokens are the power behind this platform. In fact, everything on this platform is powered by the Mana Token and becomes valuable. Mana is an atrium-based token, or the same ERCWhich is stored on Atrium wallets. In addition to its dominance application in this game, you can also use Mana to buy land or any number of other virtual assets and services in Central and.

The design of the Decentraland foreground is similar to most Chinese blockchain projects. This platform has a protocol that has three layers. The layer consists of layers of consensus, the content layers, and layers of real-time (Real-Time) are.

The consensus layer is the location of smart contracts that track and control Land ownership. The ground content layer is responsible for providing the content you see when you arrive in Central land. Real-time layers are also communications Hamtabah Hamta (P2P), Which is necessary for users to interact.

The protocol that enforces Dessentralland. Photo of White Paper Decentraland

History of Decentraland

Decentraland was officially launched for public use on February 20, 2020. also implemented its decentralized organization shortly after the launch of the platform.

With the launch of DAO, the development of this virtual world continued without the need for any centralized control. The Decentraland platform had three different native tokens at launch. Decentraland platform tokens are Mana tokenLand token and Estate token.

The Mana token is an ERC-20 token used as the currency in Dessentland, But the two tokens Land and State, are standard ERC-721 tokens. Estate is a token representing a collection of lands.

The ERC-721 standard means that both Land and State tokens are NFT tokens.

Simply put, these two tokens are unique digital assets registered on the Atrium blockchain.

You are probably familiar with at least one virtual game such as World of Warcraft, Second Life and other online role-playing games. Then you know that playing such games is like sitting at home, but you live in another world.

You experience life in another world in the form of an avatar. This avatar is used to live and explore the world of Centralland and experience all its digital charms.

Your avatar can do many things; Things to do, such as buying artwork, trading with other Decentraland users, betting at a casino, or attending the University of Decentraland.

New features are constantly being added to the Decentraland platform. When entering this virtual world, visiting Genesis Plaza is the best starting point. Genesis Plaza is where you can learn some of the early operations and history of Dessentland.

Educational topics on the Decentraland website. Picture of

Land, Mana and Estate tokens

Before we take a closer look at how to power the mana token in the virtual economy of Decentraland, let’s look at the difference between ERC-20 tokens like Mana and ERC-721 tokens like Land and State.

ERC-20 tokens, of which Mana is one, are considered Fungible tokens. These tokens are easily interchangeable. Each mana token is the same as the other mana tokens. None of these tokens has a unique feature that no other has. This makes Mana an ideal digital currency for use in the decentralized economy.

Another standard for Atrium platform tokens is the ERC-721 standard, according to which Land and State tokens are designed. These tokens are non-fungible or irreversible.

Unparalleled tokens have features that make each token unique.

For this reason, ERC-721 tokens are not interchangeable and are not suitable for use as currency. They have other uses in this virtual world. For example, non-parabolic tokens are very suitable for producing items such as avatars, wearables and unique parts of the field in Dessentland.

The power of the Decentraland platform is in the hands of our tokens—a picture from Decentraland DAO.

Decentraland was created with 90,000 tokens (which could be increased in the future by the DAO decision). Purchased All 90,000 tokens at the Decentraland Auction. Each land is 33 feet wide, 33 feet long and unlimited in height.

Adjacent lands can merge to form a state. Although all Land tokens were auctioned initially, they can still be purchased using Mana in the Central Market. You can also buy other items such as wearables or even a name for your avatar from this market.

The features that set Mana, Land and Estate apart are set in three smart contracts.

These smart contracts include the MANAtoken contract, the land registry contract and the EstateRegistry contract.

Interestingly, the Decentraland Founding Team destroyed the private key to the MANAtoken contract. The loss of this access means that no further changes will make to this contract.

All of the cyberspace designed in the Decentraland is made up of land. These lands, which are the same, are bought by Mana. The combination of several lands together forms larger parts called estates.

Users can also use the mana token to buy clothes and accessories such as shoes or hats, or glasses for their avatar. Every wearable item in Decentraland is an NFT; each is unique, and their ownership is registered on the Chinese block.

Landlords are free to do whatever they want with them. They can create digital environments in the lands or add programs like games to them. These added pieces can then generate revenue for the player.

Several Chinese blockchain companies (including MakerDAO, Rarible, and SuperRare) have purchased Land tokens, establishing their own galleries and virtual offices in Central Denmark.

You can own a piece from Decentraland. Picture fromDecentraland Marketplace.

Key features of Decentraland

As you may have noticed by now, Decentraland seeks to create a decentralized free market in the virtual world using China Blockchain’s unchanging technology. In addition, there are several other key features of this platform that are worth mentioning.


When you enter the Decentraland space, you create a virtual and customizable symbol of your character. In this game, there are hundreds of free clothes to choose from. If you do not want to use ready-made items, you can create your own unique character by paying a mana token. Each avatar has a Decentraland passport. This passport is attached to an Atrium compatible wallet, and all Mana token balances and other items are recorded.

Producer of

You can become a Builder when you own several plots of land on the Decentraland platform. Builders can add special landscapes and environments to their land. No special coding is required for this.

Decentraland has a large collection of prefabricated landscapes that can be placed on any land. These items have been developed and added by people outside the Decentraland team. Thanks to the gaming resource technology provided by this platform, it is possible to add such features to people outside the development team.

Use Builder to select landscapes and customize your LAND. Photo by Decentraland Builder.

From March 2021, there will be thousands of scenes to choose from in this game. These landscapes range from simple grounds to forests, buildings and even advanced and modern villas.


Do not worry if you can not personally develop your own avatars and backgrounds or do not want to use the available free items. You can always go shopping in the Central Holland market, from a pair of sunglasses for your avatar to a full area.

Decentralized trades in the market were one of the first to be proposed during the platform’s development. In addition, users can go to the market to buy a specific name or by different wearable items.

Decentralized self-governing organization

Shortly after the public release of Descentland, control of it transferred to real users in the form of a decentralized organization (DAO). This reinforces the free economy nature of the platform. DAO allows users to make changes to enhance this cyberspace on the network.

Decentraland’s most important contracts and smart assets are in its decentralized organization. These contracts include the LAND contract, the Estates contract, the wearables, the content servers and the market. In addition, a large portion of the mana token reserves are in the organization (222 million tokens to be transferred over 10 years); This makes the platform more independent and brings benefits such as bonuses and discounts to users.

The sovereignty of Decentraland

Most cyberspace that has been developed so far is centralized and controlled by the company that created it. Decentraland is different from other games; Because it is completely decentralized. Holders of mana tokens control Decentraland through the DAO. This DAO was created using technology provided by Aragon.

Holders of land, mana and state can vote on proposals made through the government. Each Mana token offers 1 unit of voting power, and each Land and State token offers 2,000 units of the voting power. So the more tokens you have, the more power you have in DAO.

To use mana to vote, you must lock it in the network and convert it to another token called wMANA (which stands for Wrapped MANA). Mana tokens cannot be transferred or spent during this time; But after voting, you can release your wMANAs at any time and then spend or transfer them.

But in the case of Land and State tokens, the situation is slightly different.

To use the voting power of Land and State tokens, these tokens must register with the DAO; But they do not need to be locked. After registration, they can use it as usual.

Mana can be easily removed from Digital currency exchanges Bought. To buy Tokenland, you must first buy Mana and use the Desslandland market to buy Land. State tokens are created from a combination of land tokens and are purchased or created by purchasing two or more adjacent land tokens.

In addition to the DAO, a Security Advisory Board (SAB) in Duskland oversees the security of smart contracts on the platform. The board is also responsible for reviewing government proposals to minimize the risk of fraud.

The SAB consists of five people voted for by the Dassentland community. As part of the bidding process, the SAB has the power to delay or reject any government proposal if it considers it to harm Deland.

Decentraland paves the way for a new kind of cyberspace dominated by users. This new type gives ownership of the value created in cyberspace to its users. More interestingly, the created value can also transfer to the real world.

In addition to the above, Decentraland allows users to participate in many activities. These include racing cars, fighting dragons, and becoming a landlord or businessman. Users make significant profits from each of these activities. This makes Desslandland much more than a multiplayer role-playing game.

The Decentraland team

The Decentraland project was developed by two developers, Ari Meilich and Esteban Ordino. Both have previously participated in other successful Chinese blockchain projects such as Streamium and Bitcore.

Streamium is a decentralized video streaming platform that supports payment channels Bitcoin Uses. Bitcoin is also a full-stack for bitcoin and blockchain-based applications.

Ari Milish’s other previous experiences include founding the Benchrise. Benchmarking is a customer relationship management tool that aims to find and interact with top talent based on their latest projects, interests and interactions.

He has also worked as a market research analyst at CRV, a private equity firm. Mellish is a graduate of Neuroscience and Neuroscience from New York University.

Founders of Decentraland

Esteban was previously the founder of Zeppelin Solutions. Zeppelin Solutions provides tools to upgrade and protect key global open economy infrastructures that use China’s blockchain technology. Before that, he was a software engineer at Google and Bitpay.

From April 2020, the two founders resumed their work as project consultants in Duskland. In doing so, they allowed DAO and the Decentraland Foundation to take over the management and development of the platform.

The Decentraland Foundation generally works for the benefit of the Decentraland community. This is the DCL Client Intellectual Property Foundation, Software Development Kit Version 5.0 (SDK 5.0), Marketplace, Construction, Blog, Agora, Forum, Land Management, Events, Command Line Interface, and more. Provides developer hub.

The Decentraland Foundation provides all the tools MetaRes need. Photo from

The foundation makes the tools and sites available to the public for free. Their goal is to increase interactions with the Decentraland platform. Of course, do not forget that this foundation does not own Decentraland; Because the ownership of this platform is decentralised among the members of its community.

Token Mana

Downstream in progress Initial supply of coins(ICO) managed to raise $ 24,000,000 in just 35 seconds. This ICO was held on August 8, 2017 (August 17, 1996) and was one of the most successful ICOs. Nearly 10,000 investors tried to participate in this ICO; However, due to a large number of participants, approximately 7,000 of them failed to purchase, and 3,000 of the participants became holders of the first mana tokens.

At the ICO, each mana token sold for $ 24. At that time, every 1,000 mana tokens could be used to buy land; But that has changed a lot in the last four years since the ICO.

When the Mana token was introduced and traded at exchange offices, it was priced at just $ 0.02. This number increased rapidly and reached its ceiling at $ 0.26 by January 2018. It then traded in the $ 0.07 to $ 0.11 range.

Mana token price growth trend from the beginning until now. Picture of CoinMarketCap.

Mana prices began to retreat slowly, falling below $ 0.04 by mid-2020. The value of mana doubled by the end of 2020 and remained at the level of 0.08 to 0.09 dollars. As we approach the year 2021, the value of this token increased along with the entire digital currency market and reached its highest level at $ 1.19 on March 14, 2021 (March 24, 1999).

Descentral Wallet (Mana)

Mana as an ERC-20 token can store in any Atrium compatible wallet. Usually use a Metamask wallet Recommended for connection to the Decentraland platform.

The best wallets to store mana

The Atrium wallets used to store Atrium tokens, such as Mana, are Matamsk wallets and Trust Wallets. They have the largest number of users.

Don’t forget that mana is an atrium-based token, so if you save this token in your personal wallet, you will also need some ether to transfer it so that you can pay the network fee.

To use personal wallets, be sure to back up your wallet so that you can recover your assets in case of any problems with the software or device.

Buy Mana tokens in Iran.

The best way to buy MANA is to visit a digital currency exchange site. Users living in Iran usually use one of the following two methods to purchase this token from an online exchange:

With a simple search on Google, you can find Iranian websites that sell for Rials, and after registering in them, you can buy this token directly with your bank card. However, since most Iranian sites do not have Mana in their currency list or the cost of the purchase is high, most investors use the latter method; Buy Bitcoin Or tether from domestic sites and then convert it into mana in foreign digital currency exchanges such as Cocoon.

List of international exchanges that support Cardano This link Is visible. Note that international exchanges do not allow users living in Iran to operate due to sanctions, and there is a risk of account blocking. However, most Iranian users now use cocaine by changing their IP. in the content “Cocaine Exchange training, and you can learn how to convert digital currencies in this exchange.

Getting started with Decentraland

To create an account and work in Desentrand, all you have to do is enter through your computer browser.

There are many items in Decentraland that you can buy using the Mana Token, But you do not need a single token to enter the world of Decentraland and start the game. This is a web-based platform that you can access with a single click in your browser.

Decentraland first asks you to attach your wallet. If you have already used a Fortmatic wallet, you can connect it to Central land. You can also start working without a wallet; But know that everything you do in this mode is only stored on your device.

Also, note that Decentraland does not yet support mobile devices; However, this possibility will definitely add to this game in the future.

The Metamsk wallet is recommended for connecting to Central land—picture fromDecentraland Docs.

So, if on the site Play Decentraland Once you’ve connected your wallet, it’s time to click the “Play” button and enter this virtual and fascinating world. If this is your first time entering the game, the first thing you need to do is create your own avatar.

Creating an avatar is a quick and easy process, and there are many customization options for the game. After doing so, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of Desslandland and then transferred to Gemini Plaza.

There is a small flying robot named Alice at this stage. This robot explains the basics of travelling in Dessentland. If you have ever played an online and group role-playing game or even a solo shooting game, you must be familiar with the W, A, S, D keys to move. The mouse is also used to control the camera angles, and the space is used to jump. In addition, you can switch between first-person and third-person views by pressing the “V” key. There are a few other basic control keys that you will master yourself as you start the game.

A view of the Decentraland game.

Exploring the atmosphere of this game is exciting and allows you to encounter some fun structures; But to make a real profit from the Desslandland space, you have to get some mana. One of the downsides of this game right now is its relatively high price. Another issue is that because Dosentland runs on the Atrium network, there is a cost gas. There are also a lot of transactions.


This article describes Descentland in simple language and teaches you how to buy and maintain Mana tokens, Descentland’s domestic digital currency.

There is no denying that Decentraland is a fascinating and unique project in the Chinese block space. Undoubtedly, the progress of this project will be decisive for any virtual, three-dimensional or real-life simulation game that will create in the future.

In some ways, Decentraland reminds us of the Entropia Universe online game; The only difference is that there is no shooting in Decentraland. Of course, the main difference between Decentraland and Entropy Universe and many similar games, which makes Decentraland superior, is its decentralization. Its users manage this game, and they can use its space to create anything they like.

At the same time, there are criticisms of the Decentraland platform, the most important of which is the very high cost of the game. Shopping for wearables is a fun way to customize your avatar; But not when you have to pay a $ 60 fee.

Of course, in addition to the commission, the price of wearable items is also very high and should be closer to reality. There are no pants, shirts, shoes, or other wearable items worth up to several thousand dollars in the real world.

Also, if more interactive activities are added to Decentraland, it will be more attractive. At present, the atmosphere of Centralland is very similar to the place where tourists visit and return; Because the activities that they can do in it are limited. Decentraland users, on the other hand, may feel lonely in this space; Because you can spend hours exploring Desslandland and not see any other avatars.

With all that said, it’s generally enjoyable to visit Descentland, and there’s probably enough fun to keep everyone in the game for a while. As a final point, we remind you again that this whole platform operates on the Atrium network.

What do you think about this platform? Is it possible to imagine a future for Decentraland, or is it just a fleeting illusion?

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