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What is the API design?


What is an API?

API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and means an application programming interface that acts as a bridge between two software programs and allows programmers to use the capabilities of a system or program by using certain functions and commands. For example, connect to the data of a web service or the services of a cloud platform with one of the types of API. In fact, instead of coding a service yourself, you can connect to a service or server using API and get its information.

What is an API? API is the key to unlocking the iron doors of programming and discovering the secret ways of communicating with different services.

A closer look at the concept of API

Now that we know what API stands for let’s take a more exciting look at the concept of API. As of 2018, more than 110,000 APIs had been introduced. The estimate that exists until 2024 has increased this figure to 500 thousand APIs. This statistic shows the significant growth of API popularity among companies and organizations. APIs are technology that has been able to improve software development and communication between services as quickly as possible.

In response to what API is, it can be said in simple language that API acts like a translator between two people with different languages.

What are five examples of the most essential API applications?

API has various uses. In this section, we will review the most common API applications and provide a clear, simple example of each application.

1. Google Maps API

You’ve probably looked at Google Maps on your phone once to distinguish the right way from the wrong way. Snap service or any site that requires permission to access your location to determine your exact address uses Google Maps. In other words, the Google Map API has been included in its site.

2. Use of social platforms

In some websites for purchase advice and support, there is an icon of Telegram, WhatsApp or chat, by clicking on it, you will be transferred to the support account page in the desired social network. If we want to check what is a popular and practical example of API, the ability to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, or other social network sites can be an example. This feature enables websites to select one of the popular social networks through API, making accessing and communicating with users easier.

3. Benefiting from the Internet of Things (IOT)

What is the connection between the Internet of Things and API? Smart devices provide their advanced functionality through APIs. For example, let’s say that years from now, smart refrigerators will be introduced to the market, connected to a cooking program, and the recipe will also be texted to your mobile phone. In other words, the refrigerator will be connected to the cooking program and SMS service through API.

Another obvious example is CCTV cameras. The camera is connected to the phone application through the API, and wherever you are, you can easily check the environment with the CCTV camera.

4. Preparing travel and hotel tickets

Did you notice that all travel sites show the same empty seats for buying a travel ticket on the date you want? Ticketing sites respond to your request through API and collect recent flight information. That is, through the API of the flight information database, you will have access to the latest status of the tickets through the web browser or the passenger companies’ application.

5. Routing programs

Do you know how an app like Nishan, Beled, or the popular Waze shows us the route better than any guide? Even speed control cameras, and police show the way. This possibility is provided through API connection to various services such as traffic warning, traffic police, and positioning.

What are the types of API protocols?

API protocols or contracts are a kind of standardization agreement between different services. They create a seamless connection between different systems and operating systems. If you want to know what API standard is, you need to familiarize yourself with the most common API protocols.

1. Service Object Access Protocol (SOAP

The SOAP protocol is a protocol for transferring information between different systems based on HTTP or HTTPS.

The SOAP protocol follows strict rules for sending requests and responses to web applications. Each message in this protocol consists of two parts: header and body. The content of the body section is in XML text format. You can often use this protocol to connect to web-based software. Payment gateway APIs and customer relationship management are examples of the SOAP protocol.

Consider a mailbox. The postman will drop a letter in this box to deliver it to your destination. Your letter will be packaged in paper and sent by post. If we consider paper packaging to be the same as XML text messages, sending them by mail is the SOAP protocol.

2. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol RPCC

What is meant by RPCC in API protocol? This protocol is often used in remote calls. Unlike a telephone, which connects you with someone behind the phone line, in the RPC protocol, the application is requested from a server located on another system in the network.

3.REST (Representational State Transfer) protocol

If you remember, we explained Web API in the above section. This API is often referred to as a RESTful API. Unlike SOAP, which only supports XML, RESTful systems also support various formats such as plain text, XML, YAML, HTML, and JSON. APIs use HTTP requests such as GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, PATCH, CONNECT TRACE, OPTIONS, and DELETE to perform operations.

To better understand this protocol, suppose you have a web service that provides resources such as a library, text, user list, and more. By sending a GET request on your behalf, the server creates a new resource and a unique ID and sends you the response to your request.

In the REST protocol, resources are identified by URLs, and information for each resource is sent in the form of HTTP messages and structures such as JASON or XML.

4.GraphQL protocol: The language of server queries

What is meant by GraphQL in API protocol? GraphQL is a server-based query language that allows developers to send precise requests to retrieve data from a server. Unlike the REST protocol, which sends a separate request for each resource, in the GraphQL protocol, you can only send a single request so the server responds with the information you need.

In other words, you can structure your desired requests in a query and specify specific fields to return the response to your request. Finally, the GraphQL server collects the desired data by checking the structure of the request and the architecture of the data you gave it and delivers it to you as a final answer.

Big companies like Shopify, Yelp, GitHub, Coursera, and The New York Times use the GraphQL protocol to build APIs. As a final answer to the question of what is the API standard, we must say that the API standard is determined based on its protocol.

What Are the benefits of API?

In addition to simplifying resource access, management, and application integration, the API is secure and controllable. These two features have made it a valuable technology.

Also, having a layer of abstraction (Layer of Abstraction) has made it easy for programmers. A layer of Abstraction helps developers provide a better application experience with API without getting involved in technical complexities and coding hassles.

The concept of Layer of Abstraction can be compared to driving skills. For driving skills, you don’t need to know how the engine, brake system, and gearbox work, and you can control the car by using simple tools such as the steering wheel, handles, and pedals. Layer of Abstraction also makes programming work easier for programmers to design a simpler and more practical program without needing to know the details. In response to what the most popular API benefits are:

Ability to connect and interact with external services

APIs also add an extra layer to user privacy. You’ve probably experienced that when you visit a website or app for the first time, the website or app asks you to give permission to access your location and address through an API. Accordingly, you can reject or approve this request.


What is an API? API is like a smooth road, it establishes a way for programmers to connect with different applications and services. In this article, we answered this question completely. We reviewed the types of API and related protocols. We gave an example of the important uses of API and finally took a look at the benefits of API. Thank you for staying with us until the end of this article. If you need help creating an API on the server, you can use the advice of Parspack experts right now through a ticket or a phone call. We hope this article has helped you understand the concept of API and its unique uses.

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