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What is Agile Marketing?

Agile Marketing

Agile marketing is a new management method that, to save time, money, energy and ultimately increase speed, breaks down large projects into several small and transparent parts to increase the speed and efficiency of work.

With increasing audience expectations, marketing technology has made great strides, and fortunately, agile marketing, in turn, has been able to capture the key to these advances.

What is Agile Management?

Agile Marketing is a copy of Agile Management. In 2001, several software developers who shared a common problem worked together to create a new management style called Agile Management. Their main problem was lack of time and low efficiency of their work. No matter how hard they tried, they could not finish the project on time.

After repeated meetings and discussions about possible solutions to this problem, these developers created a new way to manage the programming process, which today is agile management. In this method, instead of doing a large project completely and without interruption, they break it down into smaller sections called sprints and divide it among group members.

Therefore, with this method, work is with higher speed, focus, and quality, and ultimately, work efficiency is increasing. At first, only programmers used this project management method, and later, marketers joined the ranks of those interested in this management method.

What is Agile Marketing?

Now that you are familiar with the concept of agile management, we will move on to the introduction of agile marketing. In agile marketing, large and heavy projects are into several smaller sections, and each section is for a member of the group. It will ultimately increase the speed, quality, and ultimately efficiency of marketing campaigns.

What are the benefits of agile marketing?

1- This marketing method helps the team focus on customers and consequently produce more value for them.

2- Considering that agile marketing follows agile thinking and its rules and principles, the whole team is always progressing and can easily adapt to the latest marketing and management methods.

3- With the help of Agile marketing, time is saved, and more progress can be made in a shorter period.

4- By choosing the right priorities, different parts of the sales department in the organization can be on the right track. Through this, more sales can be created.

5 – Because in agile marketing, like agile management, daily meetings are held. Team members are regularly informed about the project’s current state, the work done, and remaining and get a clearer view of the project.

6- The possibility of quick conclusions is another advantage of agile marketing because this marketing method allows you to divide the goals into different and independent and at the same time-related parts and each part daily. Or test weekly and check the result.

7- In traditional methods, only the organization manager is in contact with the marketing manager. But in agile marketing, all members of the marketing team are in contact with the organization’s management.

8- The main focus of agile marketing is on the customer. Therefore it can influence the customer’s opinions and use them.

9- In agile marketing, the Scrum method allows you to work on all parts of the project simultaneously. However, in traditional methods, one step can not be taken until one stage of the work has been completed.

Steps of implementing an agile marketing plan

Agile marketing strategies and techniques contribute to the greater success of marketing in businesses. Here are the steps you need to consider when implementing Agile marketing strategies in your organization:

1- Prepare your team.

Form your team of talented people. In addition to speeding up the teamwork process, it can also perform well in critical situations. Before implementing agile marketing, make sure everyone is present. Most importantly, make sure each team member understands the agile marketing goals.

In agile marketing, team members must use their initiative and creativity to help improve the user story and achieve the desired goals. Also, team members prepare themselves emotionally and mentally for the difficult months of collaboration.

It is very important that the organization’s managers fully support the process of changing Agile marketing strategies. In advance, your team must have the right marketing tools, such as data analytics tools and infrastructure. These tools help you obtain data and document any reactions to trends and changes.

2- Plan your sprints.

Agile uses so-called sprint campaigns instead of long-term marketing programs. The results are calculated every two weeks or every six weeks, depending on the specific objectives. In short, you need to define your sprints carefully and set specific periods for each.

In scrum meetings, the team must reach a collective agreement on sprints so that roles and responsibilities are properly among members. Reassure each team member that they can be completely free to be creative and take the initiative to perform the tasks they choose.

In Jim Oil’s “Agile Marketing Basics,” a great plan for defining a sprint includes the following:

3- Start the sprint.

Sprint is the period during which team members perform their chosen tasks. They can use their creativity and initiative in performing tasks and have enough independence to do so.

In sprints, using Kanban boards, you will know about the process of doing things. As you can see in the picture below, the Kanban board consists of 5 columns. A task enters the board from the left and progresses to the Done column.

Some teams are eager to use the whiteboard and entering information into it. But tools like Asana, Trello, and Jira use Kanban boards that make teamwork much easier. Team members can easily communicate remotely and stay informed of project progress and sprints with these tools.

4. Start Scrum.

Scrum is a daily project management process for sprints designed to increase team coordination and improve intra-organizational communication. During a scrum session, the team reports on their progress, their stage of progress, or what obstacles they have encountered during the work. Scrum Master is responsible for holding meetings in Scrum.

Instead of overseeing an overview, daily scrubs divide the sprints into smaller sections for easier control and examination. It helps the team be aware of the work process, which improves speed.

Scrum sessions should be very short and face-to-face, lasting approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Scrum meetings are a way to identify team members and overcome their challenges.

5- Look at the past and review the sprint

The retrospective and sprint review sessions are two separate sessions in the method. During the sprint review, the same people who carefully planned the sprint came together to see positive and negative results.

The retrospective session should be supervised by sprint planners and team members working on the sprint. In this session, instead of discussing each member’s sprint, the overall process of performing tasks is discussed to identify issues that need to be corrected and improved. Finally, the results of both sessions are for performing the next sprints as best as possible.

6- Experiment, analysis, and repetition

The five steps mentioned above will make it easier to design an agile marketing strategy. This method allows your team to adapt to environmental changes quickly. Sprints help organizations evaluate processes and strategies to analyze processes and strategies on a smaller scale instead of unattainable goals.

To ensure future success, evaluate and analyze your results from smaller experiments. Make decisions based on data and documentation. It is the most important advantage of agile marketing, which helps you get rid of costly and low-yield campaigns.

Towards agile marketing

The world of business and marketing is changing. New technologies have led companies to analyze more data than ever before to better respond to customer demands. Those for whom speed and accuracy are important will undoubtedly enjoy the benefits of agile marketing. Rely on agile marketing With this type of marketing. You can enjoy the blessing of having a fully flexible team that loves competition.

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