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What is a Server room? What Features does the Standard Server Room have?

The server room is a safe and secure place to keep network equipment, where all kinds of servers, storage, and firewalls are kept along with other peripheral equipment. Setting up a standard server room reduces maintenance and network security costs and creates a better environment for network management. In this article, we will see what the server room is? And what features should a standard server room have?

What is a server room?

The server room is where network equipment is kept out of the reach of non-specialists. This space is prepared to keep all equipment safe and secure.

Standard server room specifications

Because protecting information within a network is of great importance, it should be kept in a safe and secure place. The server room is an answer to this need. People’s access is limited by creating a special room for the server and other important network equipment, and network monitoring is managed much better. For many companies and organizations, having a server space can be one of the most important network factors.

Perhaps the use of the word “room” may lead to a misunderstanding of the concept of the server room. The server room does not mean a limited and small space as the size of the room, but sometimes it can take up an entire floor or even a large environment. Various issues arise in the development of server rooms, which make its setup a special specialty.

To set up a standard server room, standards such as ISMS or similar standards in this field must be followed.

Also, the specialized points of the network and layout and other network issues have their place and should not be forgotten.

To build a standard kind of it, information security management must be followed. Information security management includes a set of standards, principles, and measures beyond this article’s scope. But observing them is also a point that should not be forgotten.

Here we will review the general principles that can help us set up a standard server room.

Points to follow in a standard server room

The point that should be considered in the field of server space is that this room should be designed specifically for data center equipment. Unlike residential or office rooms, the space dedicated to servers or other data center equipment has special conditions that we will discuss further.

Server temperature warning systems are among the parts that should not be forgotten. If the server room temperature exceeds the normal limit, the temperature warning systems should be able to report this sudden increase in temperature to us.

In the server space, anti-current, heat-resistant, and anti-static paints and coatings should be used. Fireproof equipment should also be used for important parts of the data center, such as doors, windows, or important parts such as racks.

The use of fire extinguishing equipment is also a point that should not be forgotten. Because server space fires are of electrical origin. The use of dry powder capsules, air seals, etc., should be used to extinguish these fires.

Next, the lighting system must be connected to a timing system or an automatic shut-off system that will automatically turn off the lighting if the room is unused or if no one is in the server room.

Using it, other network data center equipment can perform a safe shutdown. Also, this tool prevents data loss.

The server space is very important as the heart of our organizational network. Mentioning these ten points can prevent disruption of the workflow in the network and provide an acceptable speed to our work.

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