What is a mention on Twitter?

On Twitter, Different Terms Such As Mention And Reply Are Used. What Is A Mention On Twitter, And How Is It Different From A Reply?

Twitter, a text-based social network led by Elon Musk, significantly differs from most other social networks. Twitter is not so focused on multimedia content; its algorithms make it easier to see on this social network than on platforms like Instagram.

After opening a Twitter account, you will come across new terms on this platform, which sometimes has different meanings than other social networks’ terms. Twitter has various sections, including tweets, mentions, and replies.

Tracking mentions on Twitter is one of the most effective ways to satisfy customers. A study by Evolve24 shows that 83% of customers who raised a complaint about a brand on Twitter welcomed an official response from the brand’s Twitter account. The same study found that only 29% of companies respond to customer complaints on Twitter.

Twitter icon next to Facebook with notification

What does a Twitter mention mean?

On its terminology page, Twitter says that a mention is “a tweet containing the username of another account preceded by the @ sign.” For example, if you write a tweet and use the phrase @TheZoomit, you have mentioned it on Twitter.

Mentions appear on the profile page of the person who sent them. The mentioned account will receive the tweet’s details through the notification section. All Twitter users who followed the sender of the mention will see his tweet in the timeline.

Another type of mention is done without using the @ symbol. Imagine someone using the word Zoomit in a tweet. Usually, when users want to tweet a link to your site’s article, they are not interested in mentioning your Twitter account directly. Twitter treats an address that does not include @ as standard text and will not send you a notification. Of course, this social network has a unique feature that enables you to receive notifications when tweets containing a specific phrase are posted.

Users can mention brands in a way by using hashtags. Sometimes people use different hashtags that include your brand name, making it harder to track mentions. In this case, the notification does not go to the Twitter account of that brand.

What is the difference between a mention and a reply on Twitter?

As we mentioned, a tweet is where you put the @ sign after an account username. A reply on Twitter is your response to another person’s tweet. Words are more like a public conversation; the user can write in any part of that user’s account ID. However, replies usually are only seen by the sender, receiver, and people who have followed both sides.

To mention, go to the main page of Twitter and click on the send new tweet section. Write the tweet and place the @ symbol behind the desired account ID. Do not forget that you cannot see the mentions of other users in their profiles. To access the comments, you need to search for their username on Twitter.

Common Questions

What is a mention on Twitter?

You mention that account when you write something like @TheZoomit in a tweet.

What is the difference between Twitter mentions and replies?

A reply is your reply to a tweet. Mention is more public and will be displayed to more people.

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