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What Is a Data Center and Its Features?

Data Center

A data center is a set of equipment, systems, and hardware used to store and process data, manage the network, and provide Internet and other services. Virtual or physical data centers can be widely used in many industries, such as information technology, finance, manufacturing, transportation, health, etc.

Data is typically stored on servers and storage systems in these centers, including hard drives, SSDs, and storage area network (SAN) equipment. This data is then sent to process and provide customer services through Internet networks and network communications.

Data centers usually comprise buildings, systems, and network equipment, including servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and cooling systems.

Hard disks

Hard disks (Hard Disk Drive or HDD) are one of the main equipment of data centers that are used to store various data. Each hard disk contains one or more platters on which data is stored. Each rotating disk contains a read-write head to read and write data on hard disks.

The number of hard disks and the capacity of each disk varies depending on the type of disk, manufacturer, and model. High-capacity and high-speed hard disks in the data center store large and high-traffic data. Also, hard disks are used to support the operating system and applications.

The data center configures hard disks as RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) to increase data stability and security. In this case, data is stored on multiple hard disks, and in case of failure of one of the disks, data is recovered from the other disks, and data loss is avoided. This method increases the stability and reliability of the data. Also, in some data centers, SSD (Solid State Drive) hard disks are also used to store data, which have a higher speed than conventional hard disks.


SSD (Solid State Drive) is one of the new data storage methods used in the data center. In contrast to hard disks (HDD) that use mechanical parts to store data, SSDs use cache memory (Flash Memory) to store data.

SSDs consist of several caches (Flash Memory) connected in parallel. Due to the absence of mechanical parts in SSDs, the speed of reading and writing data in them is very high, and it is possible to access data much faster. Also, due to the absence of mechanical parts, SSDs are associated with lower energy consumption than HDDs and, as a result, generate less heat and noise.

In data centers, SSDs store data that requires fast access. For example, SSDs store operating systems, applications, databases, and files that require quick access. Also, due to the absence of mechanical parts, SSDs are more resistant to shocks and vibrations than HDDs. As a result, they are suitable for applications that require data stability and security. Also, to increase data stability and reliability, SSDs can also be configured as RAID.

Storage Area Network (SAN) Equipment

Storage area network or SAN (Storage Area Network) is a dedicated data storage network used in data centers. As a separate network, SAN differs from traditional networks such as LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) and is designed to transfer data between storage devices and servers that use the data.

A SAN includes equipment such as switches, routers, cables, storage devices, and servers connected to the SAN. Storage devices in a SAN are managed and controlled independently of the servers and applications that use the data. In fact, SAN, as centralized storage, allows data sharing between multiple servers and applications. This capability can increase the efficiency and stability of systems that need data.

SANs are usually used to transfer large and high-traffic data. Also, SANs are used to increase data stability and security. In SANs, RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is usually used to increase data stability and reliability. Also, SANs provide the possibility of data backup.

SANs are used for various applications, including databases, file stores, content management systems, websites, and cloud applications. SANs also produce video, audio, images, and other digital content.

The difference between SAN and LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK) and WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORK)

The main difference between SAN (Storage Area Network), LAN (Local Area Network), and WAN (Wide Area Network) is in the type of use and the scope of the network.

A LAN is a network that is usually installed in a specific physical location such as a building, an office, or a small company and can connect a small number of devices to

connect each other LAN transfers data between different devices in the same location, and communication between devices is usually established using Ethernet cables.

A WAN is a network that typically connects two or more physical locations and is typically used to communicate between companies, different branches, or individuals in different locations. A WAN uses telephone lines or dedicated lines to transmit data over the Internet.

As a special type of network, SAN transfers data stored on storage devices to servers and other devices on the network. Network storage equipment is usually used in data centers and for storing large and high-traffic data and is specifically designed for use in business environments. SANs typically use protocols such as Fiber Channel and iSCSI to communicate with storage devices and allow data stored on storage devices to be shared between multiple servers. SANs are also typically best suited for use in large business environments and data centers due to their specific nature and the need for specific equipment.

Mandatory Features of a Data Center

Data centers must have some specific features. Thus, it can function optimally and respond to the needs of its users. Some of the important features that should be present in a data center are:

1- Security

One of the important features of data centers is their security. Data centers should have security systems such as CCTV, access control, and fire alarm systems. Also, physical access to the data center should be limited and controlled. In the following, we explain this very important feature in full.

Security in the data center, as one of the most important features, must be managed seriously. Security in the data center includes a set of processes, policies, equipment, and methods that are implemented to protect data, equipment, and systems in the data center. Below are some of the security features in the data center:

Limited physical access

The data center must be designed to allow access only to authorized persons with physical access permits. This is usually done through secure doors, access control systems, and CCTV cameras.

Logical access control

Access to the systems, equipment, and data in the data center should be done only for authorized people and using accepted authentication methods. This is usually done using authentication, encryption, and access control systems.

Post-crisis support and recovery system

The data center must have a post-crisis support and recovery system so that in the event of an accident such as an earthquake, fire, theft, or any other type of damage, the data and systems in the data center can be quickly recovered and continue to work.

Data encryption

The data in the data center must be protected using encryption methods to protect sensitive and important information in case of unauthorized access to the data.

24-hour monitoring and surveillance

The data center must be monitored 24 hours a day to react quickly in the event of any security threat and to ensure the protection of the data and systems in the data center. For this purpose, network monitoring systems, firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention and prediction systems (IPS) are commonly used.

Training and awareness of employees

The employees in the data center must have sufficient knowledge in the field of security and must be given training and awareness courses so that in the event of any security threat, they can react quickly and make the best use of the protection of data and systems in the data center.

Security test

To ensure that the systems and equipment in the data center are compatible with the desired security principles and do not have any security vulnerabilities, regular security tests are performed on them.

Data access management

Access to the data in the data center should be done only by authorized users and only to the data that they should have access to. For this purpose, access control systems and authentication systems are usually used.

Equipment protection

The equipment in the data center must be protected to prevent damage in case of intrusion or unauthorized access. For this purpose, physical access control systems, temperature and humidity control systems, equipment protection systems such as anti-theft systems, fire extinguishers, and UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems are usually used.

Compliance with rules and regulations

The data center must fully comply with the relevant security laws and regulations. This includes laws related to privacy, protection of sensitive and important data, protection of systems and equipment against digital attacks, etc.

2- Sustainability

Datacenters must have support equipment and stable systems to prevent errors and sudden outages. Also, data center security systems must support network systems and other equipment.

3- Bandwidth

Datacenters must have enough bandwidth to process and transfer data. The bandwidth should be large enough to carry the data traffic optimally and minimize the data transmission delay.

4- Support services

Datacenters should have support services such as monitoring, support

technical and maintenance to provide better services to their users and fix any errors and problems.

5- Flexibility

Datacenters must have high flexibility to respond to the different needs of their users. This includes increasing bandwidth, adding new equipment, and changing network settings and servers.

6- Energy efficiency

Data centers must have energy management systems such as cooling systems, power supply systems and energy consumption monitoring systems to optimize energy consumption and reduce energy costs for their users.

7- Location

Datacenters should be located in a safe and stable place. For example, they should be placed in a place that is not exposed to natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, and typhoons and protected in terms of security. Also, they should be placed where it is easy and fast to access and easy for users to access servers and data.

8- Ability to upgrade

Data centers must have upgradable equipment and systems so that they can be upgraded with the development of technologies and the needs of their users. For example, they should be able to upgrade servers, bandwidth, and other equipment. Also, their software and hardware systems should be updated and compatible with new technologies.

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