What are the uses of ChatGPT for students?

One of the hottest trends of the day withhhisiting this article, i.e.,mid-2023, is artificial intelligence with one of its most practical results, ChatGPT. This sequippedt equipped with Artificial Intelligence responds to the questions and text requests of its users  And not only their searches; It responds using a variety of machine learning algorithms. But what are the uses of ChatGPT for studenarticlehort aanswerswquestionser this question by examinin application.

Text summarization with ChatGPT

ChatGPT is programmed to work with text data. One problem students problems is that at the end of the semester or when doing research, they are faced with heavy pamphlets and articles that require considerable time to read. One of the most essential uses of It for students is summarizing texts and essays. This tool can provide you with a valuable and practical abstract of an article by imitating the models of the human mind in recognizing more critical content.

In addition, you can get help from this tool to write the abstract of your article. Of course, remember that due to the sensitivity and scientific importance of the article’s abstract, significantly the pieces that will be published in scientific journals, you must monitor the results provided by this tool.

Using ChatGPT in writing




Sometimes, writing about class and research topics becomes a difficult task for students due to the exhaustion of their minds. This difficulty includes not only technical and scientific matters but also the writing literature, the attractiveness of the text, and other matters. One of the uses of It for students is in this field.

However, due to the collection of materials from internet sources and the current problems and lack of ability of GPT chat in scientific evaluation of texts, it cannot be wholly relied on. But at least this tool can be used to get ideas and help to write part of the article.

In addition, ChatGPT is a much more helpful tool than Google for searching. While Google only ranks and provides resources as answers, It can provide more detailed and customized solutions specific to your assignment or essay.

Chatgpt can also suggest exciting and creative titles for a text or part. This tool is also helpful in setting up comparative tables and charts.

Test design with ChatGPT

Do you know what the mechanism of ChatGPT is? This will be easier for you to understand. Mock tests can evoke the meeting conditions for the student and help him manage stress and identify his weaknesses. For this reason, designing an exam with unpredictable questions is one of the most essential uses of ChatGPT for students. This tool can test you based on a text or source with descriptive, four-choice, supplemental, etc. questions.

The Advantage of ChatGPT in writing emails



Especially in the educational environment of Western universities, sending email is one of the main ways of communication. Iranian students often use this tool to communicate with universities, professors, and scientific centers in other countries. This work is time-consuming and requires knowledge of email writing principles and compliance with academic literature. Another use of ChatGPT for students is to help them in this field.

You can ask this tool to write you an email with the subject of a request to receive a supervisor or supervisor of a professor in foreign universities. Emails for acceptance of essays, funding or scholarship, tracking application status, etc., wante also other things that ChatGPT can help you write.

Using ChatGPT ihelp you editwant to take help from ChatGPT in writing your text, but this tool will help you in editing it. In addition to detecting misspellings and punctuation, ChatGPT provides you with better grammar suggestions. In this way, you will have a more attractive text. Of course, this feature has better accuracy and results for the English language.

A final word about ChatGPT

ChatGPT is free to use, at least for simple users. It should be noted that along with the uses of ChatGPT for students.


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