What are the Core Web Vitals (CWV)?

Commonly referred to as Core Web Vitals, these metrics measure perceived page speed rather than actual page speed. Regarding what is meant by understanding the page and what process is checked to load the page completely, you should stay with us to get into the details.

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For a long time, Google itself had trouble measuring page speed. The first question is, what are the correct criteria for speed analysis? Are these metrics used in the data of this process? Do you set the timing for the whole page or just the top of the page that is visible on login? There are dozens of other metrics involved in loading a page or website, and it goes a long way to see which ones matter to the user.

What are Core Web Vitals?

In the end, Google settled on a set of three metrics that are now considered the most important for page speed:

Commonly referred to as Core Web Vitals, these metrics measure perceived page speed rather than actual page speed.

Probably not understood? What does a perceived page mean? That is, you should not consider the first moment to fully load the page as a process and say that it took 6 seconds to load. From an expert point of view, many important things happen in between.

For example, after 4 seconds, the user saw the entire content of the page at once, and the page was loaded, or after 68 milliseconds, the background color of the page changed, and this signal was given to the user that something was being done.

That the user sees a large image after 12 seconds and may not even notice the loading of such a picture and leave the page before it is loaded, and it is more beautiful than a light gray frame or box placed in the space where this image is supposed to be loaded. Can it be displayed in the first few milliseconds and flash very softly to make the user wait and see what will appear in the box?

Of course, these were expressed in an evident and non-technical way for better understanding, and each of them has a technical and specialized term that is measured by Google and tries its best and asks us to convey a better experience to the user.

Rating factors


Google is constantly changing its algorithms to help the user reach more accurate and effective results, and it pays special attention to the ranking factors that affect the quality of your website or web pages in the search engine results pages. With these constant changes, they have introduced Core Web Vitals as a crucial factor for improving SEO and core rankings.

Ranking higher in search engines is an ongoing effort to ensure that your website has the best possible chance of attracting the most relevant traffic and visitors looking for you.

Recently, Google announced that it wants to remove FID from consideration in this test and replace it with another more critical criterion INP. Regarding INP, sufficient explanations will be provided to you later.

Why are critical web elements essential?

Google has stated that it prioritizes the user experience to evaluate the rank of each specific web page and the overall score of that page. User experience means the same UX you are probably familiar with; they refer to the new ranking approach as a signal of page experience.

Screen experience signals include two subsets of signals:

While Search Signals focuses on a website’s mobile usability, security, safe browsing, and non-intrusive UX components, Core Web Vitals is a set of metrics that measure the real-world user experience of a page’s loading performance, interactivity, and visual consistency. he does

Page experience is a set of signals that measure how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page.

As mentioned, the metrics in Core Web Vitals are:

How do you rank higher with basic web animations?

A higher search engine ranking means you should optimize your website based on the Core Web Vital metrics performance reports mentioned above. Let’s unpack some of them further:

High Content Color (LCP)

According to the best practices introduced by Google, your website should load the essential content on the web page for each user in the first 2.5 seconds.

Preceding LCP as a benchmark was First Contentful Paint (FCP), which measures how long a website takes to load the first feature on any web page visible in the user’s view.

However, after careful analysis of actual user behavior, Google has found that the user doesn’t care about the “first” web page attribute, which is most likely the website logo. Instead, the focus shifted to LCP because Google decided that the most relevant feature for the user is also the most significant element on any web page.

Google will introduce More web page elements into the mix as they try to update and improve their LCP measurement process.

LCP performance scores for each web page are updated based on the user’s browsing activity. The most significant content on any web page may only be visible after scrolling and scrolling.

First Input Delay (FID)



This item measures the response of your website when it loads.

FID only focuses on input events from discrete actions such as clicks, taps, and keystrokes. Scrolling and zooming are not counted in measuring your webpage’s FID score.

FID only measures the “delay” in event processing.

Why is the “first” input specifically delayed? Because this is a website visitor’s first impression of your website, and the biggest interaction problems we see today occur during page load.

According to Google, the ideal delay would be no more than 100 milliseconds.

Website visitors are usually impatient for a page to fully load and start clicking on various features on your website before the download is complete.

Change or Move Cumulative Plan (CLS)

Is the layout of your website static, or does it change as the web page loads?

If the view seen at the beginning, after loading, has a jump and the frame of the picture moves, in other words, if it shakes and moves other parts, this is the identical CLS that will cause a bad experience for the user.

CLS measures the sum of layout displacement scores for each unexpected change that occurs during the lifetime of a page.

A layout change occurs whenever a visual element, such as an image or a call button, changes position from one rendered frame to the next.

Why is CLS important?

Regular visitors will be the standard when navigating and interacting with your website. If elements on web pages move during page load, it’s a lousy experience, leading to frustration and possibly unintended consequences.

When the page is fully loaded, users don’t have to re-familiarize themselves with the placement of links, images, and fields. Or click something by mistake.

Imagine you were about to click on a link next to the “checkout” button on a shopping site, and you accidentally made a purchase because the button suddenly moved to another section.

According to Google’s criteria for CLS scoring, your website’s overall CLS score should not exceed 0.1.

Web and SEO basics with new standards

When ranking and indexing the best possible search results, Google prioritizes the end user’s needs, such as Core Web Vitals and Page Experience.

This forces web advertising agencies and website design companies to rethink project delivery and make their website owners the focus of users’ attention.

Even though hundreds of ranking factors are considered by Google when ranking each site. The Core Web Vital signals mentioned above will help your website rank 45% higher as of May 2021.

To avoid getting penalized for poor user experience factors, you should start improving your website’s core web fundamentals early.


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