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Vmware Brings Windows 11 To Macs Equipped With Apple Chips

Vmware Brings Windows 11 To Macs Equipped With Apple Chips

The Technical Preview Version Of Vmware Fusion Allows Windows 11 To Run On Macs Equipped With Apple’s Proprietary Chips.

VMware announced this week that the latest update to VMware Fusion brings Windows 11 support to Macs powered by Intel and Apple chips. Version 2H22 Fusion, available as a free technical preview, allows Mac users with Apple’s proprietary chips to download and run Windows on their system using virtualization.

According to MacRumors, features of the update include support for Windows 11 with 2D graphics and networking, installation of VMtools for Windows on devices equipped with Apple’s system-on-chips (SoC), and improved support for Linux on machines fitted with Apple’s SoC and more.

VMware says that while the functionality of the new version of VMware Fusion is designed with Windows 11 in mind, these tools can also use on other virtual machines.

Currently, Fusion in Apple devices that use the company’s proprietary chips is still in progress, and there are limitations that we will mention below:

VMware says it plans to receive user feedback to fix potential issues with its new virtualizer in its final version. The trial period of using VMware Fusion will be free, and you can download it from the official website of this company.


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