Top 7 Artificial Intelligence-Based Android Apps in 2023

In this month’s list, we’re focusing on some new AI apps that are finding new ways to use your phone more effectively and improve your health and well-being. All in all, we are sure to introduce you to many more exciting ways to use your Android phone.

Hundreds of apps are uploaded to the Play Store every week, but the featured ones are the most popular. So, finding some good apps is a difficult task.

Artificial Intelligence 2023 free Android app

That’s precisely why we will write this list of the best free Android apps every month to keep you up to date with the latest Android apps. Moreover, all these programs are free to use. Check out our list of the best free Android apps for this month.

1. PIXEL SEARCH: Use the PIXEL search bar on any phone

One of the most significant advantages of using a Pixel phone is a few exclusive features unavailable on any other Android device. Since Google develops these features, these features are praised on the internet, and one such feature is the universal search bar on Pixel phones. Thanks to an app called Pixel Search, you can bring this feature to any Android device.


When you open the app for the first time, you’re greeted with Material You’s beautiful interface, while asking you to grant the necessary permissions. After providing consent for contacts and files, you can continue.

You can search for anything on your phone, including an app, a file, a contact, and more. Additionally, you can type in a search term and find results directly from apps like YouTube, Spotify, Netflix, Maps, and many more. This, in our opinion, will change the way we all use Android phones. You can also insert a search widget to access the app directly from your home screen.

In addition, the app is highly customizable, ad-free, and completely free to use. Therefore, it deserves a place in this month’s list of the best free Android apps.

Price: Free

2. FLIP DND: A new way to use Do Not Disturb mode

One of the things that will make you feel guilty in 2023 is the screen time statistics; we’re sure these numbers are too high for everyone. It’s okay; we don’t mean to make you feel bad. Instead, we want to show you an app that will help you reduce your screen time, and yes, you can thank us later!


DND, or Do Not Disturb, is a feature that helps us disconnect from the digital world and stops our phones from sending notifications that can turn into an hour-long browsing session. Flip DND is a great way to use this feature. This app activates DND every time you turn the phone back on. When you turn it around, DND will be turned off, and you will be available for notifications.

When you turn your phone over, you’ll get vibration feedback after two seconds confirming that DND is enabled. This application is entirely free to use and does not provide any advertisements.

Price: Free

3. Position: A well-designed geographic information program

Whenever we use the Compass app on iPhone, we love its beautiful interface and design. Of course, this function is also helpful. But we’ve always wondered why there isn’t something similar on Android. However, we found an app called Position that performs a similar function.



The position is a versatile geographic information application. It shows your current location and all the information about it – coordinates, exact address, time zone, etc. In addition, there is a compass and a level tool that helps you understand the orientation and direction of objects. It also has a well-designed movement clock that shows all thinformationed to the ise, sunset, sun usefulotoolsition and other related information.

This app has a lot of useful tools that can ,urn your phone into a Swiss Army digital tool. The app is also ad-free and all features are completely free to use.


Today, if you look to your left and right, you will see an artificial intelligence program. This seems to be the scenario in 2023. Every new app released is backed by “artificial intelligence”. Don’t get us wrong, we are not complaining. However, OpenAI and GPT have the potential to add value to our digital lives. Here is a program that is very attractive. It’s called ImageChat AI, and here’s everything you need to know.


It’s a computer vision program that detects the content and details of an image you take or upload from your gallery. This app uses a model called ImageChat-2 developed by a company called Cooch. When you upload an image, the app describes it in detail in a chatbot interface. Once he has revealed all the details, you can continue the conversation on the same topic.

For example, the app recognized a bowl of pasta from an image we uploaded. Additionally, we asked the app to give us instructions for cooking the same dish, and it did. In another case, you could see that the app was describing a landscape image, and the description was quite accurate.

This app is free to use and has no ads, but you need to register to access all features.

Price: Free

5. AERODOCS: An efficient document manager

Most of our documents are on our phones. However, our phones are just as messy.

If you relate to the situation we mentioned, we have a plan for you. Aerodocs is an application that allows you to easily organize and organize all your digital documents. You can organize all the documents related to your medical program, education, work or travel with related titles and folders.



You have several predefined folders that you can add documents to. In addition, you can also create new custom folders based on your needs. You can also add tags to organize these folders and add important notes if you have them in the app. You can also sign in with Google to sync your documents and use the app on other devices. In addition, you can also add 2FA to secure them.

The app is free to use, but has a few ads that interfere with the user experience. To get rid of the ads, you can purchase the premium version, which also gives you an upgrade to 500MB of free cloud storage space for storing documents.

Price: Free

Pro version: $7.49 and up

6. ONE DEEP BREATH: A Mindfulness Program

In all the hustle, bustle, and joy of our daily lives, all seven billion of us are collectively unconsciously doing one thing, and that’s breathing. The impact of a deep breath is often underestimated. It’s a proven technique for quick relaxation in stressful situations, and this app will surely help you do just that.



This app has a great collection of breathing exercises that will help you in many ways. Some exercises will help you relax in stressful situations, while others will help you prepare for sleep. The good part about the app is that it contains detailed information about all the breathing exercises and how and why they can help you.

In this app you get a lot of free exercises, but if you want to unlock them all, you have to buy the plus version. However, this app doesn’t have any ads, but we wish that the user interface was slightly optimized for smoothness. Overall, we all love this program and know that breathing is a very important activity.

Price: Free; Plus version: $4 and up

7. NUTRITION TRACKER: Improve your eating habits

While exercise is important, so is diet. Good eating habits along with a balanced and nutritious diet play an important role in your fitness. Considering we use our phones for everything these days, why not use them to track how and what we eat?



You can track everything you eat and also add your physical activity details in the app. After doing this, the app calculates a score that helps you visualize your habits. You can also see what you need to increase or decrease consumption based on your score. This app also has extensive tracking metrics and thus, deserves a place in this list of the best free Android apps.

There’s also an ‘Ask Dietitian’ feature that helps you refine your score and find out how you can do better, as well as recommending what you can eat. This app requires mandatory login, but has no ads and all features are free to use.



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