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The Positive Effects Of Corporate Website Design On Business

Corporate Website Design On Business

With The Advancement Of Technology, Especially In The Field Of The Internet And Its Ubiquity, Most People Go To The Internet As The First Step When They Want To Research A Company Or Its Services And Products; Therefore, It Is Clear To What Extent Corporate Website Design Can Be Effective In Introducing A Company And All Its Features.

Maybe you have a series of questions about website design for your company, such as: How much does a website design cost? What is the creation of a corporate website with WordPress? What are the features of the corporate site?

And… face it, to get answers to each of these questions, we suggest you stay with us until the end of the article.

Company website design with WordPress

WordPress is one of the most well-known CMS(content management systems) used to design different websites. Due to the wide range of plugins and templates designed for WordPress, you can create a site with the features you need according to your needs.

Designing a corporate website with WordPress has many advantages; One of its main advantages is that due to the high statistical community involved in WordPress, almost every facility you need for your company site is available as a plugin. In some instances, a plugin is available for your needs. It is not pre-built; many proficient WordPress plugin writing programmers are ready to meet your customer’s demands. Another advantage of designing a corporate website with WordPress is paying less than a custom design.

Advantages of corporate website design

In the previous section, we mentioned some advantages of designing a company website with WordPress. Still, in this section, we want to examine the advantages of creating a company website more thoroughly and, in the end, conclude why creating a website is helpful for your company. Some of these benefits are:

By designing your corporate website, you can directly introduce your company to the customer without wasting time and mentioning all the points related to your company. On a corporate website, it is possible to raise the company’s members, its services, products, etc., on different website pages and submit them.

As we mentioned at the beginning, in today’s world, the interaction of users with virtual space and the Internet is more than ever before. Now, if a company has a brand on the web, it will positively affect the mentality of the target users of that company. A good and professional website will present the company as an up-to-date collection.

An efficient and up-to-date company website will help you attract many customers without high advertising costs.


Corporate site features

A corporate site must-have features to be at its best. But what are the features of the corporate site?

Considering the importance of this case, we intend to examine it specifically in this section. We have prepared the following list for you to familiarize yourself with the features of the corporate website. These features include:

A good company site should be designed so the user can easily access the site menu and reach different parts of the area.

SEO, one of the most critical parameters for attracting users, should be considered, so a company site should be designed based on SEO principles.

Today, most people use their mobile phones to search the Internet, so the design of a company’s website should be such that it can be displayed well on mobile phones that have small image dimensions.

Indeed, the site’s appearance in the first stage significantly impacts attracting the user’s attention, so the basic UI principles should be followed and observed during the site design stages.

Introducing and placing company pages on virtual platforms other than the site can be a valuable feature for a company site.

The contact us page is one of the essential company site features. Using this page, users will have access to all the ways of communication with your company and will contact you through it.

The About Us page is another feature of the corporate website. You can put any information you need about your company on this page.

One of the pages that should be designed for any company site is the page related to the introduction of services and products. This page introduces the features or applications of the company’s services and the effects in question.

One of the things that need to be paid attention to during the design of a professional corporate website is that most of the users, by completing the forms on the site, comment on the company or ask for advice, so the arrangements should be designed in such a way that users can communicate with it well and share their needs with you.

An excellent corporate website should be accessible to the user at a suitable speed. If the site loading speed is low, it will cause the user to stop viewing the site. This case will create a big problem in attracting users to know the company and its features and may lead to losing customers.

Blog pages are one of the parts of the site that can attract many users. Therefore, the presence of such a page can be necessary for a company site, and the company can use its potential to review the most up-to-date news in its field, the company’s capabilities, examine the advantages and disadvantages of the company’s services or products, publish company news, and so on.

While designing a corporate website, you should research the features of the corporate website to benefit from all the features required for such a website in the best possible way—the more features and facilities your site has. Naturally, you will attract users through your site, which can impact your company’s income and reputation.

Professional corporate website design

So far, we have learned the importance of a corporate website as well as the features and facilities it should have. Professional corporate website design will help you to complete your company website in the best condition and get the best results for your company through it. Still, you need to know that for professional corporate website design, you must entrust the project to an experienced group. Give enough in this regard. Mehrgan Digital Marketing Agency, with more than ten years of experience and brilliant portfolios related to website design for companies, is one of the options we offer you.

The cost of designing a corporate website

The cost of corporate website design is another thing that should be considered. The price of designing a corporate website is determined based on various parameters that you can see in the list below:

Mehrgan Digital Marketing Agency designs corporate websites with the best tariffs and quality. You can go to Mehregan’s website in this collection to order website design and benefit from its services. You can also ask for advice from the group to understand your needs in the best way and make the best choices related to them.

Regarding the cost of designing a corporate website, you need to know that paying heavy fees is not always a sign of high quality. Still, by researching and searching, you can find the best rates for designing a corporate website and benefit from the best services.

Website design order in Tehran

Many businesses are located in the Tehran metropolis. Based on the surveys that have been done, the companies located in Tehran, due to their centrality and also the various customers they have from all over the country, have started to build a website to better communicate with their customers. Employers can desire different types of sites from other users. It is better to contract with well-known collections with numerous portfolios to order website design in Tehran. Such companies, such as Mehrgan Digital Marketing Agency, due to their experience in this work, can design and prepare your desired site in the best condition and a suitable period.

Buying a corporate site

Buying a company site or building a company site are different ways that are available to you to have such a site. You can request to design the website you want from a collection and buy a corporate website or start building a corporate website yourself. Both of these methods have advantages. To choose better in this field, we have prepared the following list of the benefits of buying a company website.

Corporate website design

In the above sections, we have mentioned the features of the company website, which can make it easier for you to design a company website. In designing a corporate website, you need to provide the designer with a list of your expectations from your website. This will make you satisfied with your site at the end of the project, and the designed website will cover all your needs well.

One of the essential points you should consider as an employer during website design is what facilities you need for your site.


The positive effects of corporate website design on business were the topic we examined in this article. Indeed, if any company intends to attract customers for its collection through the Internet platform, it is necessary to design a corporate website at the first stage. As we mentioned in this article, to get the best results from creating a corporate website, the website must have a series of features and facilities, which we have provided you with information about.

Designing a website for a company is possible in different ways; for example, the site can be designed exclusively or using a platform such as WordPress to design and build the site. To make a better decision regarding this issue, we recommend you get the necessary advice from experts in this field.

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